CHAPTER SIX: Love You More Than Peanut Butter

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"Hey mom! I think I'm going to go to the movies tonight!" She yells. "Ok sweetie! Be back by ten!" Her mom commands. She runs outside to her bike and rides quickly to meet her friends at the movie theatre. When she arrived, she looked around and stood there for ten minutes. Then she realized, that her friends didn't come, she was lied to. Then she looked around even more and noticed a sign that said "CLOSED".

She hopped back on her bike, and did not want to go to home because her parents would make a big deal out of it. So she started riding to a new little cafe that opened recently. She started feeling better when she got there, because she worked up an appetite while riding.

When she walked in to sit down, she had a sad look on her face still. "Hey! Over there!" She looks to her side and sees a boy saying something to her from the distance. "Hey, do you want to sit with me? You look like you just jumped into a pool of syrup." She didn't know what to do, so she just got up and said nothing, and walked over to his table still thinking what "just jumped into a pool of syrup" means.

When she sat down, she heard him tell the register, "hey! I can pay for her meal!" "You really don't have to do that" she said in a confused tone. "Yeah I do, I have to if it's the prettiest girl I see in my eyes." The boy said. She started blushing, and didn't know what to say. "Do you have any time after we eat?" He asked. "Yeah I actually do" she replied.

When they were done eating, he said "come on let's go, just follow me." "Where are we going?" She asked in a confused tone. "We can go to the park, that's what I had in mind." He answered. "Ok yeah we can go to the park" she replied.

When they arrives at the park, there was two kids sitting on the steps. "Hey Cash! Who's that?" The boy who took her to the park said. "Oh this is just a kid from school, you wouldn't know him." "Ok, well I found someone at the cafe earlier." The boy said.

"Well, that's nice, only your lucky enough to find a girlfriend" cash said in a mean tone. "Well, maybe you should just try harder" the boy said. Cash got up and rolled up his sleeves. "Ok, you better stop running your mouth." Cash said. "Do you really get mad that easy?" She asked with a smirk on her face.

Cash looked angry at her and aimed his fist at her. "Hey you can't beat up a girl dude." The boy said. "I don't care anymore" cash said as he charged at the girl. "Dude stop!" The boy yelled as he blocked the punch to her face. The boy pushed cash down to the ground. He got up, and started swinging his fists at the boy, "punch!" The boy got jabbed in the jaw by cash.

The boy ran up and punched cash in the abs and then the nose twice. Cash fell to the ground like he had just been shot in the knees. The boy said "Cmon let's go, you should go home now, I'll go home too." "Ok, and thanks for defending me" she said. "Don't mention it" the boy said.

When she arrived home, she ran into her room and jumped on her bed, and she didn't think it was too early to think it, but she truly loved him more than peanut butter.

And that's how Kneel's parents met.

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