⚠️ locker rooms.

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Lance's POV:
I had just finished showering after practice. Since I trained a little longer then the others they were already done when I was. I take my bag and walk out of the locker room, brushing my fingers through my wet hair.

"hey hun are you still changing??" I send a text to Keith.
"kind of"
"i accidentally scrolled through tiktok for an hour instead of changing,,, i'll go shower now :)" he texts back.
"wait for me 👉👈" I answer.

The school was pretty much completely empty so why not have some fun. The cheerleaders locker rooms are almost on the other side of the school so while I'm walking there I look around for people, but I hadn't heard or seen anyone as I got to the door. I knock on it and wait a couple seconds until someone unlocks and opens the door. Keith was still wearing his cheerleader uniform, a blue croptop with the school logo, blue and white leggings and white converse. He looked so good in it, I liked watching the teams practices when I didn't have my own practice, I obviously only looked at Keith then.
"Hi baby" Keith said surprised, but with a bright smile on his face.
"Hello..." I say, trying my hardest to not stare at his crotch in the tight leggings.

Keith's POV:
Lance takes a step into the room and closes door behind him. He puts his arms around my waist, pulling me closer and slightly smirking. "You look so hot right now" he whispers and I feel goosebumps rise on my arms.
"Are- are you for real horny? Now? Here?" I ask, biting my lower lip trying not to smile too much. I put my hands on his arms rubbing my thumbs on them.
"Maybe... I'm sorry- I just..." his cheeks blush with a soft pink and he looks down in guilt.
I put my finger under Lance's chin and tilt his head up, I press my lips against his making him calm down and he lets his shoulders down. He makes his grip around my waist tighter and I slide my hands up, putting them around his neck and intertwining my fingertips in his hair. Lance slowly pushes me back to the lockers and sits down on the bench. I break the kiss and remove my shirt, he does the same and I sit back down in his lap. This time he puts his hands in my hair and I put my hands on his chest.
"Please~ make me feel good-" I moan through our kiss.
"What- what if someone walks in?" Lance asks with a worried look on his face.
"Shh~ thats the fun part... now please just fuck me"
"Ofcourse baby" Lance says, already starting to pull my leggings off.
I help him take them off and pull my boxers down too, showing my eraction that had grown fast to Lance's touch. Lance smiles at the sight, slightly biting his upper lip. I help him pull down his black sweatpants and boxers, releasing his own erection that was already leaking precum.
"Do you have a c- condom? And lube?" I ask.
"Um- no... sorry, I can see if-" I interrupt by putting a finger over his mouth.
"It's okay, we're both clean right? And it has been fine without lube before" I tell him while stroking my thumb on his lip.
"You sure?" he asks and I nod.
I kiss him again and quickly we're both exploring eachothers mouths with our tongues. I tease Lance by stroking the head of his member with my finger, gliding the precum around. Lance whimpers softly and slightly arches his back in pleasure. He returns the favour but sliding his hand from my neck down my arm, onto my waist and to my ass. He strokes his fingers around my entrence before slowly stiking one finger in to help stretch me out. He makes a circling motion, causing me to moan. Without hesitation he slips in a second finger and starts a scissoring motion, with that I start tracing my finger down his member.
"Let me fuck you, please~" Lance says while kissing and sucking small hickeys on my neck. "Do whatever you want to me baby..." I whisper close to his ear. He now had three fingers in my hole.
He pushes them in a last time and takes them out, I lift myself a little so he can line himself up with my entrence. I put my forehead against his and sit down, feeling him on my walls made even more goosebumps all over my body. We both let out a synced moan and he digs his nails into my asscheeks.
"Fuck~ oh god-" I say through heavy breaths.
"You feel so good babe..." Lance rolls his hips in sync with me moving up and down.

No one's POV:
Small moans and whines are heard through the room, the sound of skin slapping slightly echoing between the walls. Keith leaves sloppy kisses all over Lances neck and face, sucking softly on his jawline and pulling on his hair.
Lance slides his left hand from Keith's ass onto his waist and up his stomach, traching his finger on Keith's abs. He then slides it down and traces the base of his cock.
"May I?" He asks sweetly.
"Mhm-" Keith nods, only able to let out small sounds as answers.
Lance takes a tighter grip around the smaller boys member, jerking his hand up and down. Keith immediately knew that he wouldn't be able to hold his orgasm in at the double pleasure but tried his hardest, he made his bouncing pace faster and rougher.
"You're such a good boy~" Lance says trough heavy breaths.
"Oh- you can't s- say that, you know how it- it makes me f- feel" Keith whimpers, at this point he's curling his toes to the sensation.
"I- I'm close Lance..."
"It's okay, cum for me babe~" Lance presses his lips on Keiths and makes his jerking motion faster. With a sharp moan Keith orgasms and releases on Lance stomach. Lance continues, riding out his own orgasm and cums shortly after and filling Keith's hole.
"Holy fuck- you're amazing, you know that right?" Lance says and places a kiss on Keith's sweaty forehead.
"I love you Lancey..." Keith whispers
"I love you too cutie"

Soon Keith's done showering and Lance finished with cleaning up a little after them. As Keith ties his second shoelace he hears the door opening, making both him and Lance snap their heads in the doors direction. A small figured blonde girl pokes her head through the door.
"Oh, hi! I think I accidentally left my hairbrush here somewhere" She says when she takes a step inside the room.
"Ah yeah, the red one? I saw it laying on the last bench before" Keith replies and walks behind one of the rows of lockers to look for it.
"Hey, you're Lance right?" Lance quickly turns his head upwords after looking down when seeing the girl.
"Yes... yes I am" he says and takes the girls hand.
"I'm Romelle! I've heard a lot about you..." she almost whispers the last part and winkes at him, Lance slowly nods.
The blonde girl walk back to Keith behind the lockers.
"Here it is!" Keith exclames and hands the red brush to Romelle.
"Thank you so much Keith" she smiles and goes back to the door .
"Bye, I'll see you two at the game tomorrow!" she says and closes the door before any of the boys could say bye back.
Keith goes back to his locker and closes it, turns the key and locks it. He takes his bag and walk up to Lance.
"'I've heard a lot about you?' Do you talk about me a lot?" Lance asks and looks at Keith with curiosity.
"Maybe..." Keith blushes softly and presses his lips together. Lance walks forwards and grabs Keith's small waist, pressing a kiss on his lips.
"That's cute, I tell my team about you too. I think they like you" he says.

/word count: 1369\

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