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⚠️ mention of abuse.
⚠️ insults.


Lance puts his backpack in the backseat of Keith's car and slams the door shut.
"Ready?" he asks Keith, who's leaning against the car and looking through his phone.
"Mm, yeah! Let's go, you wanna drive?" Keith says, Lance is already on his way to the drivers side of the care.
The both get in the car and Lance backs the car out of the driveway. When they're our on the highway Lance quickly puts his hand on Keiths inner thigh, slightly gripping onto it. Keith tales his hand and gives it a small kiss before putting it back on his thigh.
"Did you bring any jackets? I think it's gonna get colder tonight" Lance breaks the silence after a while.
"Um yeah I brought one each" Keith answers.
"Good" Lance says and rubs his hand on Keiths leg.
"If you get too cold I can warm you up" he smiles and Lance let's a small chuckle.
"Thank you baby"

After driving for around 45 minutes they get to their location; a small lake in the middle of a deep forest, with a discreet path all around the lake. This is where they had their third date and became a couple, exactly 2 months ago on this day. They had their first kiss right in the middle of the lake, Keith was cradling Lance in his arms with Lance's long legs wrapped around his waist. Lance could still remember how the sun shined on them and the wind slightly blowing on them.
Both boys got out of the car and got their bags from the backseats, closing the doors in a rush. They walked around the car and took eachothers hands, intertwining their fingers
"So do you wanna go the same way as last time? Or the other way?" Keith asks and points to both ends of the path.
"The other way" Lance says and starts walking, pulling Keith after him.
They walked hand in hand around the water, chitchatting about when they first met. Soon they get to a little outing with a small cliff pointing right out over the water. Keith pushes some trees away and let Lance walk first, he goes right after him. They sit down on the cliff and open up their backpacks, taking out some food and drinks. Keith pulls out a blue blanket to sit on.
"You cold?" Lance asks as he sees Keith slightly chatter his theeth.
"A little..." he replys. Lance gives him his jacket snd puts his own on too.
When they both have their jackets on Lance pulls the smaller boy closer to him and kisses his hair.
"That's where we had our first kiss right? By those rocks?" Lance points out at the water, theres a small uprising or big stones in the middle.
"Mhm... that was actually my first ever kiss-" Keith says quietly.
"Really? Noo, I don't believe you! For real?" Lance sits straight up and looks at Keith.
"It's true! I mean maybe I had some weird peck when i was little but that was my first actual kiss..." he looks down in the ground shyly. Lance puts a finger under his chin and tilts his head up, he places a kiss on his lips.
"So- you've never kissed anyone else other than me?"
"Nope... or yeah, when we played truth or dared and Pidge dared me to kiss her but that doesn't count" Keith chuckles and Lance does the same.
"You're cute" Lance places another kiss on Keith, now on his nose.
Lance lays down, putting his hands behind his head and closing his eyes. Keith lays down on Lance's stomach. The sun shines on them and winds as still as a statue.
"Keith" Lance breaks the silance once again.
"I- I love you"
Silence fills the air again, only the water and distant laughs is heard. None of them had said that before, even if they both knew they loved eachother; a lot. Keith sat up and Lance saw that his eyes were full of tears.
"Oh- I'm sorry, maybe that's too soon-" Lance sits up too with a worried look on his face.
"No no no! It's not" Keith wipes a tear thats falling down his cheek and rubs his eyes "I love you too Lance".
"Fuck, thank god" Lance pulls Keith close to him and wraps his arms around his neck. "I'd jump down and drown myself if you didn't say it back"
"Then I'd jump and drown with you" Keith laughs, puts his arms around Lance too and kisses his shoulder.

After just laying in the sun the boys get down to water and strip down to their swimming trunks.
"Is it cold?" Lance asks and goes to dip his toes in the water.
"I don't know, you tell me!" Keith goes up behind him and gently pushes him in the water.
"What the fu-" he was cut of as his head reached under the water.
It got still, quiet and Keith got a little worried.
"Lance? Hello?!" he shouts wnd shits down to see the water better.
"Babe-" Keith ket out a scream and jumps back as Lance shoots out the water.
"Gosh you fucking scared me-" he says and breaths deeply.
"Get in here with me bitch!" Lance says with a big smile on his face.
Keith hops forward and slides down in the slightly cold water, he shakes a little adjusting to the cold before swimming out to Lance. The tan boy puts his hands on his shoulders and kisses him before pushing him down in the water and getting him up ss fast as possible.
"I- I deserved that" Keith says and runs his hand through his wet hair.
"Gosh you're hot" Lance presses their lips together again, wrapping his arms around Keith's neck and fingers through his hair.
"Hey, come here..." Keith breaks the kiss and grabs Lance's hand.
He swims towards the middle of the lake, dragging Lance with him. They soon get to the big rocks, Keith stops and pulls Lance close to him. He tucks a hair behind his and kisses him passionately. Lance wraps his legs around Keith, intertwining their legs. He licks Keith's lips, as in asking for permission and Keith opens his mouth and lets Lance's tounge in. Keith gently bites Lance lip and a small moan escapes his lips. Still floating in the water, Keith slowly traces his hand down Lance's body and when he comes to his swimming trunks he gently pulls on them.
"Not here baby, not now" Lance says and puts Keith hand back in his hair.
"Wh- when we get home..?" Keith replys softly, Lance nods.

The boys sit on the rocks, taking the suns heat in proudly.
"Hun be careful so you don't get a sunburn, you're very pale" Lance moves closer to Keith who's sitting in the most light up spot on the rocks.
"Don't worry, I put on sunscreen before and I have a pretty thick skin" Keith turns his head to Lance "Don't get burned easily" he smiles.
"Mkay... just making sure"
Keith turns his head back, looking at where they jumped in the water, there's a big group of teenagets sunbathing and swimming around in the water. Suddenly he gasps fast.
"Fuck- no... that's not- oh god it is" he studders.
"What? What are you bladding about?" Lance looks to the group of people.
"That- that's Ryan"
"Rya- your ex? That motherfucker!" Lance tightens his muscles.
"Mhm... Lance come here please, he definitely looked right at us!" Keith says sharply "um- make out with me or something".
Keith searched for Lance with his hand, Lance thinks fast before getting in Keith's lap. He smashes their lips together and forces his tongue in Keith's mouth. He accepts it and shoves his fingers through Lance's hair, slightly pulling on it. A deep voice echos against the cliffs towards the couple.
"Slut!" it's pretty obviously Ryan's voice.
Keith still recognizes the voice from his very absuive ex boyfriend and Lance knew it from the late night calls he made to harass Keith when he and Lance started dating. They continue roughtly kissing, Keith let go of Lance's hair with his left and points his middle finger at Ryan's way. They soon break their kiss.
"We put out stuff back in the car right? We can go the other way so we don't have to meet him" Lance asks.
"Yeah we did... good idea" a tear trails down Keith's cheek.
Lance grabs him and slowly get down in the water, still holding his arm.


They get to the other side of the beach and got out of the water. They're quiet as Lance pulls Keith towards the car. He opens the back door and takes out a towel, he wraps it around Keith and help him dry of.
"Thank you..." Keith takes the towel in his own hands and starts drying himself.
Lance grabs the other towel and drying his wet body and hair. When they're dry they get into the car and Lance quickly startes the car and drives away.
"Is you're day ruined?" Lance quietly asks.
"No, no! It's was great, it always is when I'm with you" Keith smiles at his boyfriend and puts his hand on his thigh "I won't let him ruin anything".
"Good... I love you"
"I love you too Lancey"
holy fuck this is long
/word count: 1577\

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