⚠️ first time.

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Keith's POV:
I sit down on the couch beside Lance and he puts his arms around me.
"What are you watching?" I ask.
"I don't know, I just put something random on" Replies Lance.
I press my face against his chest and drag in his smell. Lance pats my hair gently. I start peppering soft kisses on him, from the shirt covering his chest to his neck.
"What are you doing?" he says quietly.
"Mm... nothing" I whisper, still kissing his neck and shoulders.
Lance grabs my chin with his thumb and pointer finger, making me look up at him. He presses his lips against mine quickly but I put my hand behind his head and press us closer again. This time the kiss is longer and more passionate, Lance's hand travels down my face to my neck.
"Let's have sex" I suggest proudly.
I shrug my shoulders lean against his chest in embarrassment.
"Forget I said that, I'm sorry!" I say.
"No no, Keith! If you want to w- we'll do it!" Keith grabs my hand and stands up.
He leads me to the bedroom and locks the door behind us.

"Oh? Aren't we home alone?" I ask.
"Yeah, but... just in case" Lance says.
He wraps his hands around the nape of my neck and reconnects our lips. I push him towards the bed and sit down in his lap. Lance unbuttons my shirt and slowly pulls it off me. I do the same with his hoodie and we move from the edge of the bed.
"O- okay how do you wanna do this?" I break away from the kiss.
"Like- top and bottom?" Lance says.
"You're top... I want you to f- fuck me~" Lance breathes out hot breath over my neck and ear, making the hairs on my arms stand up.
I gasp in surprise and excitement, Lance kisses and sucks on my neck. He continues down my chest and stomach, he starts slowly untying my sweatpants and pulling them off. Lance continues kissing down my hips and down on  member, through the fabric of my underwear.
"Oh~ shit..." I moan.
He puts the rim of my boxers between his teeth and drags them down. I stare at him with my mouth wide open, not sure what to say.
"Can I?" Lance asks, and I nod in silence.
He licks from the shaft to the tip of my erect member, I gasp and throw my head back. Lance wraps his lips around it and slowly starts bopping his head. I stoke my hand over his hair and gently grabs it. Lance takes in more and more of me with every move of his head, swirling his tongue around my dick.
"Fuck~ so good..." I whisper and Lance goes faster, I feel my tip hit against the back of his throat.

"I'm- I'm gonna cum L- Lance... mhm~" I say, tilting my head forward to look at Lance.
He bops his head two more times before I release in his mouth, he lets go and sits up between my shaking legs.
I hide my blushing face in my hands from embarrassment
"Good?" Lance asks with a proud smile plastered on his face.
"So, so good... I can't believe you're a virgin, that can't be your first time..." I say in shock.
"Oh no! It wasn't my first time, I've sucked plenty of dick before meeting you..." Lance blushes. "Really? Who?"
"Hm- not now baby" he chuckles and leans down, planting a kiss on my stomach.
Lance takes of my pants and underwear, throwing them on the floor carelessly. He then does the same to his own.
"Um- what position do you wanna do?" Lance asks.
"Wait, one second!" I stand up and goes up to my dresser, I open a box on top of it. I grab a condom and bottle of lube.
"Oh- when d- did you get that?" Lance looks at me surprised.
"Well... like last week maybe? I just thought it would be good- just in case" I look down at the ground and scratch my neck in embarrassment.
"You're so cute, come here" Lance grabs my hand and I sit down on the bed.
"Now, what position do you wanna do?" I say.
Lance blushes cutely before positioning himself on his hands and knees, before hiding his face in the pillow and giggling.
"So cute.." I run my finger over Lance's back slowly as he arched his back.
I plant kisses on his board shoulders and over his back, down to his ass. I grab the lube bottle and pure it over two of my fingers, it feels warm and soft. I place my pointer finger over Lance's rim and he gasps softly.
"Ready?" I ask.
"Mhm" Lance groans.
I slowly press my finger into his entrance, earning a dragged out moan from the tanned boy. I slowly move my finger in and out as Lance moans quietly. Soon I add a second finger and move faster, also making him moan louder.

Lance's POV:
"Keith... p- put in already~ please" I whimper.
"Are you sure?" Keith asks gently and I nod.
Keith swallows nervously before grabbing the lube and pouring some over his erection. I grabs my hips with both of his hands and lines himself up with me.
"Okay, tell me as soon as you want me stop and I will..."
"Mhm.." I mumble, cheek deep buried in the pillow.
Keith puts his member against my rim and slowly pushes it in as he rubs my hips softly.
"Ngnh~" I groan in discomfort.
"Y- you'll adjust soon, okay?" Keith speaks softly and reassuring.
I grab a hold of the sheets as Keith quickly thrusts and stays, letting me adjust to the feeling.
"It h- hurts.." I say.
"Do you want me to stop? I will if-"
"No! I'll manage!" I let go of the white sheets and search for Keith's hand, he grabs mine and holds it tightly "You can t- try to mo- move now"
Keith starts gently pulling out and a satisfied moan slips out from my mouth. He thrusts in again, this time it didn't hurt as much, the pleasure took over.
"Good?" Keith asks.
"Yeah~ keep going!"
With more confidence Keith starts thrusting faster, but not too rough. He held my hand and hip as I turned into a moaning mess under him. He lets out gentle moans time to time and praises me for how good I'm doing and making him feel.
"So, so good~" he leans over my shoulder and whispers in my ear.
"I- I'm close... p- please~" I moan, making the grip around Keith's hand tighter.
"Hm? You're close?" Keith runs his hand over my hip and under my stomach, grabbing my sensitive cock.
He starts slowly pumping it, rubbing his thumb over the tip.
"..fuck" I whisper as I release into Keith's hand.
He slowly down his pace and lets go of my member, probably licking the cum of his fingers since it's gone when he caresses my cheek.
"K- keep going.. you should f- finish too" I say.
It only takes a few quick thrusts for Keith to cum inside me and slowly pulling out, I sigh at the sudden feeling of emptiness.

We clean up and put some clothes on before laying back down in bed, cuddled up against eachother.
"We should've done that earlier" Keith says.
"Yeah.. it was good, thank you..." I reply and blush.
"Hah... don't thank me babe, I love you" Keith kisses my cheek and I close my eyes.
"Love you too.."

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