⚠️ needy.

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No one's POV:
Lance walks out of the bedroom to see Keith sitting in the couch with his computer in his lap. He sits down close beside him and kisses his cheek.
"Hi baby" he whispers.
"Lance, I'm busy" Keith says.
"I know, I just wanna be near you" Lance snuggles his face against the curve of Keith's neck.
Keith payes no attention to him and continues working on his papper.
They sit like that for a couple minutes, Lance peppering kisses on Keith's face and neck.

"Lance" one of them finally breaks the silence.
"Yeah?" he lifts his head up "Am I being too annoying?"
"No it's fine, but I notice that you're- hard..." Keith glances down at the bulge in his boyfriends sweatpants.
"Oh- I'm sorry ... I'll go fix that, you can continue on that" Lance stands up but Keith grabs his wrist and pulls him down on the sofa again.
"You think that you can get away with that? Touching yourself without me?" Keith chuckles.
"N- no... but you're busy and I'm needy so-" Lance begins.
"Strip" Keith says.
"I said; strip!" Keith repeats in a direct tone.
Lance does as he says and throws his clothes on the floor. He sits back down beside Keith, fidgeting his fingers nervously. Keith slides his finger on Lance's sharp jaw, down his neck and chest. He reaches his nipple and rubs it with his thumb, Lance breaths in sharply from the touch. He reaches for Keith's thigh and squeezes it.
"Did I say you could touch me?" Keith says and pushes Lance's hand away.
"I- I'm sorry..." Lance whispers.
Keith slowly moves his hand down and starts circling his thumb on Lance's tip. He squirms his body slightly and Keith smirks.
"You're so addicted to me, am I the only one who can make my puppy feel good? Huh?"* Keith asks.
"I- Yes, only M- Master can make me feel s- so good" Lance praises his boyfriend.
Keith's hands makes a soft grip around Lance's member, he starts moving it up and down.
"Mm~ so g- good" Lance moans.
Keith continues writing on his computar with his one free hand and starts jerking Lance's twitching cock. Lance holds his hands on the couch, gripping it as much as he could. He lays his head back on the couch, smiling and moaning to Keith's firm touch.
"K- Master... faster, please~" he whines and Keith speeds his pace up.
Precum spills out and makes Keith's movement a lot smoother. Lance arches his back needingly as he feels his orgasm bubble inside him.
"You're doing so well, puppy" Keith says.
"T- thank you... I think I'm gonna c- cum Master" he breathes heavily.
"Do you think you deserve that?"
"Y- yes... pretty please~" Lance begs.
"Okay, only since you beg so nicely" Keith replies.
Hearing that Lance releases into Keith's hand, he slowly looks at Lance and licks the cum of his fingers. He finishes a sentence on his computar and sets it down on the table. In one fast motion he removes his shirt and sweatpants.
"Come here, beautiful" he says as he gently picks Lance up and plops him down in his lap.
He presses their lips together, licking Lance's lip and sliding his tongue inside his mouth. Lance pulls on his boxers and Keith helps him slide them off.
"‪Pup‬? Do you need any prep?" he asks.
"Uh- no, It's okay..." Lance answers.

Lance's POV:
I grab Keith's erection and line myself up with it, slowly sitting down and moaning softly. Keith wraps his big hands around my hips, following my grinding movements.
"You feel so good babe~" he says.
"S- so do y- you" I stutter.
Keith's light thrusting quickly becomes more and more aggressive, and faster.
"Mh-" I sigh at the feeling of Keith deep inside me.
I entertwine my fingers in his long hair and he moves my hips faster. 
"So, so pretty" he smiles and connect our lips.
I kiss him back, pressing my chest against his.

"Please- slow down..." I pull away from the kiss  and ask gently.
Keith doesn't even acknowledge me and continues moving us both roughly.
"K- Keith please-" I struggle to get the words out of my mouth "Y- yell- yellow!"
Keith immediately slows down and stops.
"Oh- What happend?" Keith worryingly asks and cups my face.
"T- too fast... and rough..." I say quietly.
"I'm so sorry, do you want to stop?"
"No no! Just- be gentle"
"Ofcourse! You know what?" Keith strokes my cheek "I'll just not hold you and you do the work, how fast or slow you want... okay?"
"Okay... sounds good" I smile.
I move my hands down Keith's body and put them around his sweaty back, he keeps his hand on my face. I gently start grinding my hips again. We both let synced moans slip out of our connected lips.

*pharse by tihibabie 😼
btw yes its supposed to end there lol i have no ideas left 😋

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