best friend.

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No one's POV:
Lance walks through the hallway up to his class and carefully opens it, he sticks his head in to see if there's anyone inside. He sees Keith sitting in the teachers chair, staring at his phone.
"Hey man, what are you playing? Oh it's those anime girls again" Lance stands behind Keith, looking down at his phone.
"Hi..." Keith says, compleatly unbothered.
"What's it called? I wanna try it" Lance asks.
"Oh- Honkai Impact" Keith answers and smiles.
Lance sits down by one of the desk and opens tiktok on his phone. He scrolls through it for a few minutes before seeing a video that caught his attention, a girl doing the 'kiss your best friend who also happends to be your crush' trend. Lance think about it for a moment before starting up a video and pressing record. He walks over to Keith and stands in front of him, leaning forward so their faces are only a couple inches apart.
"What are you doing?" Keith says, still looking down at his phone.
"Nothing" Lance shrugs his shoulders.
"I can smell your breath from here" Keith looks up at Lance and his eyes widen.
They're so close now. Suddenly Keith leans forward and presses their lips together. Lance takes a deep breath in shock before kissing back. Keith puts his phone down on the table and puts his hand on Lance hair. Lance grabs the chair and holds it in place before breaking the kiss to breathe.
"Shit... that- I'm sorry" Keith whispers.
"No no! I was- I was gonna do the same..." Lance points a his phone, that just stopped recording "You know that trend? Where you kiss your best friend... that you maybe also have a crush on..."
Keith's eyes widen again, a smile breaks free on his lips. Lance let's go of the chair and goes to turn his phone off, he watched through the video that's automatically playing with smile on his face too. Keith walks up behind him and puts his arms around his waist, he kisses the nape of Lance's neck. Lance gasps as he kisses a place on the curve of his neck.
"Oh? You like that, huh?" Keith says and repeatedly places kiss on his neck and shoulder.
"Mm- Keith, stop" Lance pushes his face away as he feels his cheeks heat up.
He turns around to face Keith, who lifts up and sits him on the desk and reconnects their lips. The waterbottle Lance put his phone up against falls and rolls down on the floor, splashing water drops on it. Keith's hands slowly run across Lance's legs and up his shirt, stroking his back. His tongue brushes against the tan boys plump lips and he quickly opens his mouth, letting Keith's tongue slip his.

"Okay okay... gotta breathe a little" Lance breaks the kiss and rest his forehead against Keith's.
"You do know that you have to breathe through your nose, right?" Keith chuckles.
"Yeah, I know... but I wanna talk too- I actually really, really like you Keith and I have for a long time now" Lance says "I didn't even know you were gay, and now your hand is literally on my dick"
"Okay not on your dick! Just-" Keith looks down to see that his hand is in fact on Lance's boner. "Well- Lance, I like you too a lot... did you really think we would be making out if I didn't?"
"I guess not... but, I just need assurance" Lance sighs.
"You're cute" Keith says.
He strokes Lance's cheek and starts planting kiss on his neck again, Lance puts his hands in Keith's long hair. Suddenly the door open and Hunk stands in the doorway. Lance pulls on Keith's hair to get him to stop kissing his bruise filled neck.
"Hah, kinky~" Keith whispers.
"No Keith, stop!" Lance pushes his head away.
Hunk's still standing in the same place, mouth wide open.
Keith snaps his head away and glance the way Lance is staring. He gasps as he sees Hunk, putting his hand over his mouth.
"I- I'm- I'm so sorry! I'll- um... I'll leave" Hunk stutters and stumbles out the door.
"Fuck..." Lance drops his head into Keith's chest.
"Hey,  it's okay.. he won't tell anyone" Keith says "I know he's better than that"
"Yeah I know, I just don't want anyone to know... yet" Lance bites his nail.
"Of course, whenever you're ready" Keith says and kisses Lance cheek.
As Lance jumps of the desk and picks up his waterbottle the door opens again and the whole class walks in. They all sit down like normal and the teacher starts the day.

Lance's POV:
"Pst, Lance"
"Hm?" I lift my head up from my book.
"Is that... hickey?" Pidge points at my neck.
"What- oh... I- I'll explain later" I say and glance across the room at Keith, who's already looking at me.
"No... oh my god-" Pidge gasps.
"Ms. Holt and Mr. McClain, please be quiet" the teacher says.
"Sorry!" they say in sync.
"Damn- you're a little whore Lance" Pidge whispers.
"Hm, maybe"  

lol this sucks and its so short im sorry

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