⚠️ drunk.

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Keith's POV:
I looked at the time for maybe the 700th time in an hour, it was 2am. Lance was still at that night club with Shiro, Allura, Pidge & Hunk. They really wanted me to come but with my social anxiety I knew I would either just end up having a panic attack in the bathroom or get absolutely shitfaced and pass out. I decide to see if Lance had answered any of my texts.

"im lonely :( i miss u" I texted 1 hour ‪ago
"i homr son babw"
"in cab noe driber cutw" Lance drunkenly texts back as soon as i pick the phone up.
"the drivers cute???? what about me 🥺" I write back.
No answer.

I put the phone down again and go back to watching the TV, I had just put on Friends on Netflix and let it play. I slowly felt my eyes close before the door bust open, I sit up fast.
"Keef!!! I'm home" Lance closes the door behind him and stumbles to the livingroom.
"Hi honey, did you have fun tonight?" I stand up and hug him, he falls into my arms.
"Yeahhh very fun, very drunk I am" he slurs on his words.
"Haha, yeah I can hear that, come in to the kitchen and drink some water" I drag him to the kitchen and sit him down on the table.
I take a glass from the cabinet and fill it up with water, I hand him the glass and he gulps it down faster than I could blink.
"Thank... you" Lance took a second to breathe. "Still drunk though" he laughs and let's his head fall down on my cheast.
"I know, let's get you to bed" I say and pet his hair.
"Noo! I wanna stay up!" he frowns and gives me his puppy eyes.
Lance wraps his legs around me and pulls me towards him. He kisses me sloppily and licks my lips, I open my mouth and he pushes his tongue into my mouth. I kiss him back equally as sloppy, Lance slides his hands up my shirt and runs them over my chest.
"Can we? Please~" he says and starts pulling my shirt of.
"Here? Lance..."
"Yes here! Please Keith!"
I help him with my shirt and throw it on the chair, I cup his face in my hands and kiss him again.
"Hehe, you have abs" he mumbles into the kiss and trials his finger down my stomach, smiling.
As he melts into the kiss I lift him up and carry him to the bedroom.
"Lance you're drunk, if you really wanna do it I wanna do it here so you don't get hurt" I say as I lay him down.
"Mkay, you're so caring" he says as he kisses my neck "C- can I top to- today?" Lance asks.
"Baby, you're really drunk... I don't even think we should do it right now" I say, but Lance grabs me and flips me over so he's hovering over me "You can barely stand up by yourself Lance"
Lance sits up and takes his shirt of, he starts untying my sweatpants and pulling them of. As he's still sitting up I help him of with his jeans, unbuttoning them and throwing them on the floor. Lance starts trailing kisses down my chest and making small bruises. He gets down to my boxers and makes eyecontact with me as he pulls them down.
"Nngh~ L-lance" I moan as he puts my tip in his mouth, swirling his tongue around it.
I grab the sheets and throw my head back, biting my lip to muffle my moans. He quickly puts my whole length in his mouth and I arch my back, as he bobs his head up and down he runs his hands over my stomach and chest. He lightly rubs on my nipples making me breathe sharply.
"Lance- get up here, please~" I say and put my hands in his hair.
He pulls my length out with a loud pop. He pulls of my boxers fully and lays them on the floor before doing the same with his own. He gets back up so we're face to face.
"I luh you" he says drunkenly and smiles.
"Okay no you're not topping today" I say and flip him over "I love you too Lance"
"You're mean" he says and the smile disappears again.
"No, I'm not, you know that you're gonna enjoy it a lot more. Especially now when you're drunk" I answer.
I lean over and open the night stand, taking out the lube and a condom.
"Turn around baby" I gesture him to turn on lay on his stomach and Lance does as I say so that i get a full view of his plump ass.
I put lube on my fingers and start smearing it on his rim.
"Nooo, I don't need any p- prep" Lance whines "Just fuck m- me already"
"Are you sure? I don't wanna hurt you" I ask worryingly.
"Yes~ put your b- big cock in my ass Keith" he answers and lightly wiggles his bottom.
I think about it for a while before giving in and start rolling the condom over my member, then smear it in even more lube.
"Okay tell me if it hurts, I'll take it out immediately" I reasure Lance and he nods.
I put my tip to his hole and slowly pushes it in, Lance presses his teeth together and grabs the sheets hard.
"Oh- fuck~" he moans into the pillow.
"You- you're very loose... did you already prep for me?
"Maybe... I- I got bored at the c-club"
"Wow- you're so naughty..."
"Shh~" Lance puts a finger over my mouth "Ah~ yo- you can move now~" he continues.
I start thrusting slowly, making sure to not go too hard on him now when he's drunk. Lance quickly turns into a moaning mess, throwing out curses and moaning my name.
"Harder please~ Keith-" he says.
I pull myself and Lance up so I'm on my knees and his ass is up in the air, still with his face in the pillow. This way it's easier to thrust harder, I grab Lance's hips and start moving my hips faster.
"God~ you feel so good Lance"
"Fuck- so d- do you"
Lance reaches his arms towards mine, searching for my hand. I grab his hand and place it over mine on his waist.

Lance's POV:
"Keith- I'm gonna c-"
"Me too baby, together? Okay"
I nod, Keith thrust into me one last time before releasing and soon after I do the same. He pulls out of me and I turn around and collapse on the bed, Keith lays down on top of me and kisses my chest.
"Te amo" I whisper and kiss his hair.
"사랑해" Keith whispers back "But I don't think we're done yet"
"Wha-" Is the only thing I can say before Keith gets up and lines him up with my entrence again.
He swings my legs over his shoulders and smirks.
"Oh my god-" I intertwine my fingers with his hair.
Keith pushes himself in again, I arch my back and throw my head back in pleasure.
"Ahh~ fuck Keith-" I loudly moan and pull his hair harder.
Keith continue moving his hips, harder and faster with every thrust. I grind my hips to match his pace.
"Nngh~ gosh!"
"Wh- what are you s- so loud for?" Keith asks.
"I- it feels go- good" I answer "And I'm sti- still very drunk"
"Aren't you the one- who usually wants me to be- be quiet?" Keith teases.
"Shut the f- fuck up and just fuck me, please~"

We cum at together once again and collapse on the bed again.
"Let me clean up" Keith gets up and walks to the bathroom.
He comes back with a towel, he cleans up both up and changes the bedsheets. We crawl down in the bed again and get under the covers, Keith puts his arms around me tightly and kiss the nape of my neck.
"Feeling more sober?" he asks me.
"A little, shut up now and let me sleep it away" I say and close my eyes "I'm gonna be so hungover tomorrow"
Keith giggles and closes his eyes too and we dose of to sleep.

heads up; in this everyones obviously legal so yes they can all go to the club and get drunk asf
/word count:1414\

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