⚠️ seven minutes.

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No one's POV:
Lance took a sip of his drink and sighed.
"So are they not gonna come back or...?" he said and looked at the time, it had been 8 minutes since they walked away.
He has at his friend Shiro's party and they were playing spin the bottle. Someone in the ring had spinned the bottle and it landed on a girl with long blonde hair, he dared her to play '7 minutes in heaven' with him. But now it had been a loy more than 7 minutes.
"I'm guessing they're doing what you're not supposed to do" Keith says and chuckles.
"Obviously" Shiro says.
Suddenly the two are standing in the doorway into the living room, both with messy hair. They quietly sat back down like they were before.
"Okay, let's continue... shall we?" the girl says and looks at Keith, who's turn it is to spin.
"Um... yeah sure" Keith says.
He grabs the bottle on the floor and spins it around, we all closely looks at it until it finally stops. It points at Lanceand so does everyones stares.
"Wow..." he whisper and look at Keith.
"Well then... I would dare you to kiss me but that's boring so please come into he closet with me" he stands up and walks away, Lance jogs after him.
Keith opens the door to the closet and let's Lance in before walking after im, closing and locking it.
"Gosh this is gonna be fun..." he says and pins Lance to the wall.
You see; Keith and Lance had been dating for almost 3 months now but they hadn't told anyone yet, they were both openly gay but didn't really have the courage to tell people they were together. So no one knew that they were gonna do anything in there, they probably tought they were just gonna sit an stare at their phones for 7 minutes.

Lance's POV:
I feel Keith lick my top lip and I open my mouth to let his tongue in. He pulls my tucked in shirt up and slides his hand under it, tracung his fingers on my stomacha and chest. My breath hitches as he strokes over my nipple.
"Oh?" Keith whispers.
He slides hus hand back and circle my nipple with his finger.
"I never knew you liked that... why haven't you told me?" he says.
"I- I didn't know I liked it..." I stutter.
I remove my hands from his shoulders and put them on his back, I slightly tug on his jeans.
"Do- do you want t- to?" Keith whispers close to my ear.
With out answering I unbuckle his belt and pulls his pants down. As Keith does the same with my pants I slide my hand down to his crotch and squeeze lightly.
"Ah~" Keith moans "I'm taking that as a yes".
I let go and pull my pants down, laying them down in the cold closet floor.
"Take that of too" Keith points at my shirt and boxers. "And those of course". 
I feel my cheeks heat up as I unbutton my shirt and pull me boxers down, laying them down on my pants on the floor. I slowly get down on my knees in front of Keith, I look up at him with big eyes as I takes of his boxers.
"5 minutes left... be quick" Keith says as I take his tip into my mouth and slowly bop my head, taking more of him in every time.
"We can be in here for more than 7 minutes, they'll just have to wait"  I mumble.
I grab the shaft of his member and take all of him into my mouth, swirling my tongue around. Keith breathes heavily and intertwines his fingers with my hair.
"C- can you get back h- here please?" Keith says and pulls on my hair.
I get back up on my feet and place a quick kiss on Keith's lips. Keith puts his big hands on my thighs and picks me up, I wrap my legs around his waist and he backs me up against the wall again.
"No prep today... this has to be quick" I say.
"Are you sure?" Keith replies and I nod.
He lines himself up with my hole and slowly pushes his tip in, I arch my back and take a deep breath.

Keith's POV:
"Does it hurt? I ask and place a kiss on Lance's cheek.
"A little" he puts one hand in my hand and keep the other one around my neck "But it's okay... I'll manage"
I slowly nod and continue pushing inside him.
"Just fucking do it!" Lance softly says and nibbles at my ear.
"Fuck me~" he whispers.
I do like he wants and quickly thrust all the way in, we let out a synced moan and Lance rests his head on my shoulder. I continue thrusting, faster and harder each other. Lance's grip around my hair becomes tighter.
"Lance- my h- hair"
"Oh- I'm sorry" he lets go of it and wraps both arms around my neck.
I fastened my grip around Lance's legs and thrust, our moans fill the small closet and the music from outside fades away from us.
"Faster please.." Lance says between his heavy breaths.
"I- I can't go any f- faster" I say "I'm not that s- strong"
"Then-  lay me d- down" he whispers.
I back away from the wall and turn around, I bend down and lay him on the small carpetnon the floor. I push away some clothes laying on the floor and tower over him. I place myself up with him and thrust fast.
"Ah! Fuck~"
"Shh... we're not home now, remember?"
"I'm s- sorry, baby"
I put my hands in his hair and he puts his on my back, digging his nails into my shoulders. I feel his sharp nails scratching my back.
"Please~ faster... we don't have much time, I don't want them to think we did anything"
I make my movement faster, bucking my hips back and fourth. Lance arches his back and moans softly.
"Oh~ right there..." Lance says.
I continue thrusting on his prostate .

"Keith... I'm c- close" Lance huffs.
"Mm.. me too, just- wait a l- little bit more"
In the corner of my eye I see my phone light up and the alarm goes of, 7 minutes had passed.
"Hurry-" Lance says right before cumming.
I thrust one last time and cum inside him.
"Fuck... I didn't know we could be that fast" I wipe the sweat of Lance's forehead and pull out.
I stand up and turn the alarm off before getting my clothes back on. Lance takes a few deep breaths before getting up too.
"We can c- continue at home, you know" Lance says shyly.
"Mhm... what did you mean not wanting them to think we did anything?" I ask.
"Well, the other were in there for too long and we thought they... you know" Lance says "And I don't want them to think that about us"
"Why do you wanna keep it hidden so bad? Are you ashamed of me?" I scratch the back of my head.
"What? No! No, ofcourse not Keith! I just- we'll tell them soon..."
"You've said that for three months now"
"I just don't want everyone to know and be invested, and then something happening.
"Yeah, I guess you're right" I sigh and walk towards the closet door.
Lance runs up after me and kisses my neck as I unlock and open the door. We walk back to the livingroom were everyone is still sitting.
"We're back!" Lance cheers and the gang slowly claps.
"Is that a hickey?" Pidge points at my neck.
I put my hand over it and widen my eyes, glancing at Lance.
"Um... n-"
"Yes! It is, and we're gonna get going now! Bye guys" Lance quickly says and grabs my hand.
"Bye..." they say unsure and look around at eachother.
We make it to the hallways and get our jackets on.

"Now they're gonna know..." I say.
"I know, it's fine" Lance turn the keys and the car starts "I love you..."
"I- I love you too..." I put my hand on Lance's thigh and smile.

/word count: 1378\

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