sweater weather pt 2

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Lance's Pov:
We exit the house and walk down the stairs.
"Where do you wanna go?" I ask.
"I thought you knew where we're going?" Keith says.
"Oh- well... no, not really" I laugh shyly "By the way, are you drunk? How did you come here?"
"No, I barely drank a cup, I got here on that" Keith points at a black motorbike.
"That's yours?" I say surprised, I had seen it when I came here and thought it looked really cool.
"Yeah, I'm not sure if I have a second helmet though..."
Keith walks up to the bike and grabs the red helmet hanging on the handle.
"Wow... this makes you 10 times hotter" I walk around the bike, taking a better look at it.
"Hah thanks... wait, maybe I have something here" he chuckles a little and opens the seat of the bike.
A blue helmet sits cramped in there. Keith picks it up and hands it to me.
"Here, try it on" he says "If you don't wanna go anywhere specific we can just go to my place, my parents are away for the weekend"
"Sure" I put the helmet over my, I slightly flinch at the sudden weight.
"Feels okay?" Keith asks and I nod.
Keith puts his own helmet on and gets on the bike, he gestures for me to sit behind him. I hop on the bike and put my hands between us on the seat.
"Put them on my waist, it's safer if you hold on to me" Keith says and puts my hands on his waist "Hold on tight too!"
I make my grip sturdy and put my feet up, I see Keith lightly flinch at the hand-waist contact so I move my hands upwards and set them right under his armpits.
"You ready?" he asks and slighly turn his head back.
"Yeah, let's go!" I say and smile, even though it isn't visible.

The ride is pretty chill, there's not a lot of people out at these hours. We drive further into the city and slow down at a stop light, Keith stops and puts a leg down to hold the bike.
"Hey Lance, you can hold on to me more, it's okay" Keith says, he takes my arms and wraps them around him.
"Are you sure?" I ask, he doesn't answer.
The light turns green and we're on our way again. As we drive I lean my head on Keith's back.

Keith's POV:
I pull into the driveway to my house and stop in front of the garage. Lance gets of and takes the helmet, he shakes his head and runs his fingers through his hair. I felt chills go through my whole body; he was so beautiful. I quickly snap my head away and take my helmet of, jumping of the bike and leading it in to the open garage.
"You didn't close it when you drove to the party?" Lance asks.
"Oh- um... no, I guess I forgot that" I laugh a little in embarrassment, the truth was that I was so exited to see Lance at the party and didn't have time to think about closing it.
I put the bike in the corner of the garage before closing the door and walking out. As I come out I feel raindrops hitting my head. Suddenly I get an idea. I take out my phone and open up soundcloud, I search for 'still with you'. Jungkook's soft voice is heard through the pouring rain. Lance looks at me, a little confused.
"Do you know BTS? This is a solo from one of the members!" I say and put my phone in my pocket so you can still hear the song clearly.
"Oh yeah! My sister Veronica loves them" Lance replys.
I stand in front of Lance and cup his face with my hands. I press our lips together and I feel Lance putting his hands on my waist, I try my best to not smack them away. I break the kiss and put our forehead together.
"Can you- like... not have your hands on my waist or hips please? I- it makes me uncomfy..." I whisper.
"Oh- of course! I'm sorry!" Lance says, he moves his hands up and puts them around my shoulders.
"Thank you"
I kiss him again and slide my hands to the nape of his neck. We melt back into the kiss, Lance lightly licks my bottom lip; asking for permission to enter. I let his tongue slip into my mouth and I slid mine over too. He moves his hands over my shoulder and back, trying his best to not come near my waist; which made me feel safe. Without realizing it 4 minutes had passed and the song was over. Lance and I part but still keep our faces near eachother.
"I- I've been dreaming about kissing my crush in the pouring rain since that song came out" I say shyly, I feel my cheeks heat up.
"You- I- oh- am I-" Lance stutters, his cheeks heating up too.
"The crush in question is you, yes" I press my lips together to not smile to big.
"For real? Just from today?" Lance asks.
"Oh no, a couple months- maybe 2 or something" I answer.
"Ohh... you know I've seen you at school a lot, I never had the curage to talk to you tho" Lance says "I always thought you were so cute"
I chuckle a little.
"Let's go inside" I say and grabs Lance's hand.

stream still with you!!!!
/word count: 935\

always with you. [klance oneshots]Where stories live. Discover now