best friend pt 2.

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Keith's POV:
I walk out of the classroom and get to my locker, stuffing my books and pens inside before shutting it. I see Lance still standing by his locker and walk over to him.
"Hey Lance..." I say and lean my head against the locker next to his.
"Hi Keith" Lance puts his math book in and closes the locker with a faint thud.
"I was wondering if you wanted to go the carnival tonight?" I ask.
"Ah- sure! It's the last day right?" Lance says.
"Yeah, I can pick you up if you want to" I feel my cheeks heat up.
"Okay!" Lance says and lowers his voice "Is this like a hangout, like friend? Or a date?"
"I was hoping it could be a date..." I whisper.
Lance looks around the empty corridor before kissing my cheek.
"Sounds good, come get me around 5?" He says and I nod.
Lance takes his backpack and walk out of the school. I turn around and bend down to pick up my bag, in the corner of my eye I see a person. I grab my bag and quickly stand up, Pidge is standing at the end of the row of lockers.
"Y- you didn't see that!" I whisper-shout.
"Yeah, I did..." she says "But it's okay, I figured it out this morning already"
"How?" I ask.
"I pointed out Lance's hickeys and then he looked at you, who was already looking at him" she chuckles softly.
"Oh- please don't tell anyone, Hunk a- already knows but L- Lance doesn't want anyone to know y- yet" I stutter.
"I won't, I promise" she reaches out her pinky towards me.
I hesitantly hook it with mine and thank her before walking out of the school and towards my car.
When I get home I quickly run up to my room and throw my bag on the bed. I rummage around in my closet for a while before pulling out a white collered shirt and a black hoodie with some print on it. I think about the pants for a while before going out to the kitchen.
"Hey mom... can I borrow something for your closet?" I shyly ask.
"Like what?" she says and put down the ladle she was holding.
"Uh- nothing important... please" I say and scratch the back of my head.
"Okay honey" she goes back to stirring in the pot on the stove.
I walk up the stairs again and into her room, I search around in the closet and find a black skirt. I grab it and walk back to my room, throwing it on top of the rest of my close.

As I step out of the shower I get a text from Lance.
"im nervous" he writes.
"why??" I send back.
"oh okay🧍🏻"
I chuckle and put my phone back down and start drying my hair. I hang the towel on my chair and put my clothes on. I take a couple pictures of myself in the mirror, smiling at myself.


"Keith, do you want food?" my mom asks as I come down the stairs with my backpack over my shoulder.
"Um... no, I'm eating somewhere else-" I say.
"Where are you going?"
"To the carnival, on a date.."
"Oh my god, really? With who?" she shouts.
"L- Lance..."
Shiro jumps down the stairs behind me and pats my shoulders. He pulls me in for a hug and I force myself to hug back.
"Okay okay, I have to go now"
I break from Shiro's embrace and walk to the door.
"Have fun son! You look good!" I hear from the kitchen.

I put my shoes on and walk out the door without answering. I sit in the car and back out from the driveway. Soon I park outside of Lance's house and text, asking if he's ready. The front door opens and he walks out as he texts me a 'yes'. I step out of the car and open the door to the passenger seat for him.
"Keith Kogane! Are you wearing a skirt? For our date?" Lance stops and asks surprised.
"I- I am... it looks dumb, doesn't it?" I say and look down on myself.
"What? No! No, it doesn't! You look amazing!" Lance runs up to be cups my face "You're beautiful"
He places a soft on my lips and hugs me.
"Thank you..." I sniffle, holfing his small waist "And ‪you're wearing a crop top.."
"Yeah, you like?" he breaks the hug and spins around.
"I love it" I say and kiss him.
"Okay, let's go now!" Lance says and gets in the car.
I close the door, walk around the car and get inside.


I park the car and Lance exitingly jumps out, I grab my phone and wallet and follow him. Without noticing I seek for Lance's hand and intertwine our fingers. He doesn't say anything and we walk towards the ticket booth, buying one set of tickets each.
"So, what do you wanna do first?" Lance asks.
"Um... the ferris wheel!" I gasp.
"Okay, last one there is a hetero!" Lance says and runs up to wheel.
"What the fuck-" I run after him.
We get to it and give the man st the entrence a ticket for us both, he let's us in to the seats
"Have a safe ride!" he says and smiles.
We sit down and get the safety bar on, soon the wheel starts spinning and we slowly go up. Lance quickly grabs my hand when it stops.
"Why did it stop? What's happening?"
"It's so other people can get on and off Lamce, we're fine" I say and squeeze his hand harder.
I scoot closer too him and put my arm around him as I remember how afraid of height he is.
"You could've just said no, I know that you don't like heights..." I turn his face towards me.
"I know.. but you seemed so exited..." he says.
I stroke my thumb over Lance's cheek and kiss him. His breath hitches before grabbing my waist and returning the kiss, our lips slowly moving in sync.

Time almost stops and soon we're back at the bottom, a man helps us pull up the safety rail and we walk out.
"So what do we do now?" I ask Lance.
"You hungry?" he says.
"Not really, but thirsty"
We walk towards the place they sell food and such, Lance pulls me towards the cotten candy.
"Oh my god! I want!" he squeals exitingly.
"Sure" I say and chuckly.
"Hi! One cotten candy and a coke please" I tell the woman, Lance slightly tugs on my shirt "Uh- two cokes, sorry" Lance smiles.
"Okay, that'll be $10" she says.
She hands us two cups and straws, I swipe my card.
"You can take soda there and the cotten candy just around the corner!"
"Thank you!"
We take the cups and fill them and go to wait for Lance's cotten candy, the woman smiles as she hands it do him. We sit down on a bench. Lance takes a bite of his cotten candy and then offers it to me.
"Uh- no, thank you.." I shake my head.
"Take some! I know you want it..." he teases.
"Lance no, I don't like it" I say.
Lance pouts and take another bite of it.

We sit there and talk for what felt like days, about everything and nothing.
"You- you fought Shiro? Shiro?!"
"Lance stop screaming... yeah I did, he was being mean" I pout.


"Oh shit, they close soon.." I look at the time on my phone.
"Wha- oh, should we go?" Lance asks.
"Yeah, come on" I stand up and take our empty cups, throwing them in the trashcan next to us.
We walk to the car, still hand in hand and get inside.
"So where do we go? I don't really wanna go home" Lance looks at me and frowns.
"Good, because we're not, I have a surprise for you" I say and start the car.
I drive out of the parking lot and Lance turns the radio on. He sighs realizing the good music has stopped playing so he connects his phone and shuffles a playlist.
"I made this for tonight..." he says shyly.
"You're so cute" I say and ruffle Lance's fluffy hair.

Lance's POV:
We drive for a couple minutes and get to our destination, a hotel.
"So... I thought it could be fun if I booked a hotel for us to spend the night, all alone" Keith stops the car and faces me.
"You- you booked an hotel? Oh god, it looks expensive! You really didn't have to, I-"
"No no, it's okay! It's my grandparents hotel so I got a huge discount!" Keith says.
"Wow... that- gosh I love you so much" I say and immediately cover my mouth.
"What? What did you say?" Keith almost shouts.
"Uh- nothing! L- let's go.." I get out of the car and grab my backpack in the backseat.
Keith follows after me.
"Lance! What did you say?? Please.." Keith grabs my arm.
"I didn't say anything, forget it Keith"
I feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment and I bite my lip.

part 3 coming soon!!
also did yall see the love, simon reference?????

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