⚠️ beach.

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Keith's POV:
I lay back down on my towel and rest my hands on my stomach.
"Tired?" Lance asks from beside me.
"A little..." I answer.
"Do you wanna go home?" Lance turns towards me and I look at him.
The sun hits his tan skin and he squints his eyes.
"Uh- no, not yet"

"Keith! Keith!" Lance pushes on my shoulder and I remove the book I put over my face.
"What?" I hiss.
"G- girls, on their way here"
"What are you talking-"
"Um hello!" A tall girl with long brown hair stand in front of us and look directly at me, her friends standing just a little behind her.
I quickly sit up and blink a couple times.
"Hi.." I say.
"I uh- I thought you're really c- cute and was wondering if I could get your n- number?" she stutters, nervously fidgeting her fingers.
"Oh- I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend" I glance towards Lance, who's looking at me with wide eyes.
"O- okay, I'm sorry" she apologizes and turns away, grabbing her friends wrist and walking away.
My head falls down in my hands and I chuckle.
"B- boyfriend..?" Lance whispers.
"Oh, well- we've just never officially labelled... us as that" His cheeks slowly turn pink.
"Yeah... I guess we haven't, do you not like it?" I turn towards him.
"No! I mean- Yes.. I mean- I like it" He avoids eyecontact "I wanna be your boyfriend.."
"Good! We're boyfriends then" I smile at him.
Our eyes finally meet and I lean my face closer to him, stopping a few seconds before connecting out lips. He puts his hand on my jaw and scoots closer to me. We gently move our lips in sync and Lance gets up to sit in my lap, soon pushing me down on the towel, not separating from my lips. I wrap my arms around his slim waist. I feel Lance sliding his tongue over my bottom lip, asking for an entrence and I accept it by opening my mouth. He slides his tongue into my open mouth and over my tongue. The wind brushes over us and Lance breaks the kiss.
"Oh- What happend?" I ask.
"Nothing, just tought we could maybe go some where else" Lance says, slowly sliding his hand down by chest and palms my noticeable boner.
"Oh yeah, ofcourse.." I groan and sit up.
We pack up our things and awkwardly walk to the car in silence. Lance sits in the drivers seat and starts the car.

We drive through the city in silence and soon Lance pulls up to an empty parking lot.
"What is this?" I ask as he parks.
"An abandoned parking lot!" Lance smiles.
"O- okay?" I say confused.
"I go here a lot when I just wanna be alone, there is no one here like ever"
I chuckle at him and glance down at my feet. Lance puts his finger under my chin and tilts my head up, he unbuckles both our seatbelts and moves over to my lap. I look up at him surprised and he kisses me gently. I unknowingly smile through the kiss, putting my hands around his small waist. Lance breaks the kiss and smoothly jumps over to the back of the car, he gestures that I should follow. I sit down beside him and he quickly pushes me down on the seats.
"Hmph- What are y-" I stutter.
Lance takes off my shirt and hangs it over the passenger seat, he trails kisses down my stomach and kisses my waistline as he pulls off my shorts. My breath hitches as he slowly takes off my boxers, making my erection hit the humid air. Lance looks up at me with pleading eyes, as in asking for permission and I stroke my hand over his soft hair. He licks my shaft up to the tip, swirling his tongue around it, soon he takes the tip compleatly into his mouth and slowly bobs his head up and down, taking more of me in with every move.

Lance's POV:
"Mm~" Keith whines "Fuck Lance- T- that feels so good~"
I start moving my head faster and faster, I run my hands up Keith's stomach and chest. I gently rub his nipples with my thumbs and pointer fingers, he moans softly and grips my hair.
"L- Lance... I'm gonna c- cum~" he say and I feel his legs start to shake.
I smirk and he holds my hair harder, pushing me down on himself and cums in my mouth. I feel his cum drip down my tongue and throat. Keith looks at me with innocent eyes, I get close to him and kiss his plump lips. I sit down on his waist and take of my shirt, Keith helps me unbutton my pants and take them of with my boxers.
"What?" I ask, seeing how Keith looks me up and down.
"Y- you are so pretty..." he whispers.
I chuckle and hide my face in my hands, Keith grabs them and pulls them away again.
"I'm serious, you are so pretty Lance"
"I- I'm gonna cry... can we just do this? I don't want to cry now"
"Of course, you want to?" Keith asks and I nod.
He strokes my cheek and slides two of his fingers into my mouth, I take them in and suck on them. Keith moves his hand down pushes his fingers against my hole, slowly circling my rim and I try my best to not moan.
"Let me hear you babe, don't hold it in~" Keith says as he pushes one finger inside me, I quickly shake my head.
"Please Lancey... for me~" he continues, adding a second finger.
"Ah- mm~" I moan in surprise, Keith smiles proudly.
He thrusts his fingers faster and I tilt my head back, with my mouth open. I put my hand around Keith's arm, gently squeezing it.
"You okay?" Keith asks.
"Mhm- I think I- I'm r- ready" I whisper.
Keith nods and removes his fingers, I squirm my body from the lost touch. Keith grabs my hips and pushes me up, I grab his member and puts the tip against my hole. Keith presses me down again and I close my eyes as I sit down. I lean down to Keith so our faces are closer and kiss him. He kisses me back and gently starts thrusting, I gasp into his mouth and roll my hips. He follows my movements with his firm hands, gently moaning into my ear as I put my head on his shoulder. I feel myself getting dizzy as Keith thrusts, I moan louder and louder, letting Keith use me how he wants to.
"Baby... are you okay?" I hear, almost in the distance.
"Mhm... c- can we change p- position, maybe?" I ask.
"Yeah of course, on your b- back?" Keith smiles and I nod.
Keith puts his arms around me and gently flips us over, he cutely smirks as he hovers over me. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and he softly plays with my hair.
"How's this?" he asks.
"Y- yeah, continue~ fuck me hard please~" I whine, pressing my body up against Keith's.
He smiles as he thrusts back into me and I let my head fall back, moaning loudly. I roll my hips, following Keith's rough thrusting.
"F- faster~" I whine.
Keith kisses my cheek as he makes his pace faster, our skin clap together and our heavy breathing makes the windows of the car fog up. "Mm~ s- so good..." I moan.
"You're so b- beautiful Lance" Keith looks into my tearfilled eyes and smile.
"Don't call me b- beautiful..." I blur out "Call me a slut~"
Keith chuckles, looking at me as in asking 'Really?'  and I nod.
"My beautiful slut~" he whispers close to my ear and I giggle
I dig my nails into his shoulder as he hits just the right spot, screaming out multiple 'yes' and earning yet another smile from him.

No one's POV:
"I- I'm close..." Lance whines, eyes closes and mouth wide open.
"Me too baby~ we'll do it together" Keith says.
Lance bucks his hips one more time and releases over their stomachs, Keith thrusts a few times more and cums. He sits up, letting Lance rest from the weight and watches the tan boy catch his breath.
"I- I think I have paper in there" Lance points to the pouch on the back of the passengers  seat.
Keith opens it up and takes out a small roll of paper, he starts cleaning up both them and the car seats. He reaches for their underwear and they put them on in silence. Keith sees Lance looking at him from the corner of his eye and looks back at him.
"Lay down" he says and Keith lays back down.
Lance lays down on him and rests his head on his stomach. Keith strokes Lances wavy hair.


Lance shakes awake and looks around, he can't see Keith. He sits up and searches through the windows but it has already gone dark. He quickly puts his clothes on and jumps out of the car, where he sees Keith leaning against the back of the car. He's holding a cigarette in one hand and scrolling on his phone with the other.
"Oh hi... I thought you left" says Lance nervously.
"What? Why would I?" Keith drop his cigarette and steps on it "Come here!"
Keith opens up the car door and puts his feet on the seat, he put his hands on top of the car and pulls himself up. He gestures for Lance to follow, grabbing his hand to help him up.
"Lay down, dummy" Keith laughs at how the tan boy nervously sits and fidgets with his long fingers.
Lance lays down beside Keith. They look up at the faith black sky and the small stars filling it.
"What are we doing?" Lance asks.
"Looking at the stars! Do you know any signs?" Keith says, he turns his head towards Lance.
"Hm... no"
"Okay, look there" Keith points up at the sky "That's Orion, he was a hunter from Greek mythology"
"And there's Leo, your star sign, it's often associated with Lions" Keith smiles, pointing to the stars "You like Lions right?"
"Mhm.. yeah.."
"Are you sure you're listening?" Keith turns his head back to look at Lance, who's already looking at him fondly.
"What?" he asks surprised.
"You're not looking at the stars.." Keith whispers.
"No, I'm looking at one star" Lance chuckles.
"Oh shut up!" Keith's face turns read and he hits Lance's shoulder.
"I think you're the beautiful one here.." Lance blushes a matching red to Keith.
He leans closer to Lance and kisses him, holding him in his arms, under the glowing night sky.

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