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. praise & degradation kink
. daddy kink


Keith's POV:
"Okay... '4x = 12', what's x?"
Lance doesn't answer, but he's looking at me. I wave my hand in front of his face.
"Hello? Earth to Lance! You there?" I say. He flinched a little.
"Oh- sorry" he says. He looks down in his mathbook again. "Which one was it?"
"Um, that one, number 7" I point at the math equation I asked about.
"4x... um, 3?" Lance asks, I can hear that he's mostly just guessing.
"Correct!" I say and we both write it down in out notebooks.

I've been tutoring Lance in math for almost 6 months now, 2 times a week. His mom had asked our math teacher about it and he asked me if I wanted to tutor him since I'm best in class and Lance's best (maybe only) friend. His mom pays me $20 for both days, every week, which is pretty good for my part.
I won't say Lance is bad at math, he's just... easily distracted. But I will admit that he's really cute when he's thinking about the answer, he always puts his pen between his teeth when he thinks hard.
Besides being best friends and teacher/student, we're also what you could call fuck buddies or ... friends with benefits. We have sex almost everytime I'm tutoring him, which I don't have anything against at all. I like Lance, obviously, but not just as a friend; I wanna call him my boyfriend, hold his hand while walking around in public and everything else that couples do. But everytime i think about confessing to him I back out the last second 'What if he doesn't feel the same?' 'Maybe he only likes me as a friends... with benefits?' 'He's gonna stop being my friend'.

Lance's POV:
Keith was so pleasing to look at. His eyes were so pretty, his lips always looked so kissable and oh god... his hair, his long mullet that I loved wraping my fingers around and pull.
"Lance! Again? What are you thinking about?" Keith shouts, waving his hand infront of my face again.
"Sorry... can we take a break now?" I ask, still staring at his lips.
"Sure, were you even listening?" He asks and closes his book.
"Not really"
"What were you thinking about? The exam?"
"No... you" I say teasingly.
I get up from my laying position and close my book too. Then I walked over to Keith on all four.
"Oh-" he says with a flirty tone.
I crawled over him and nuzzled my nose into the crook of his neck, kissing and sucking on it.
"I- is it okay if I mark y- you?" I ask, knowing that he always tries to hide his hickeys, he nods.
Keith grabs my face and press our lips together, I close my eyes and melt into the kiss. I take a hold of his shoulders and lay him down on the floor, towering over him.
"You're really beautiful, you know that right?" I tell him, running my fingers through his hair and pushing it behind his ear.
"Thank you... but I think you're even more beautiful~" he answers.
He puts his hands behind my head and presses my head down, connecting our lips once again. Soon I'm kissing him all over his neck and chest, pulling on his shirt.
"Can we take this to the bed? My back hurt so much after last time" Keith asks and I without hesitation get up, he follows after.
I lay down, Keith takes of his shirt and I do the same before he crawls on top of me. We continue kissing, letting our tongues feel eachothers mouths. I trace my hands on Keith's chest and abs, making my way down to his pants and unbuttoning them. Keith does the same, untying my sweatpants and pulling them down. I didn't put any underwear on today, knowing how these days usually end.
As he pulls them down my erect member springs out and hits my stomach.
"I- um, I can expla-"
"I don't mind, I understand.." Keith says.
I finally get the buttons open on his pants and pull them of with his boxers, he gets up and take them of fully. I sit up and pull mine off too. As I'm sitting there with them off and Keith is standing up his dick was right in my face and basically demanded to get sucked, and thats what I did, as he stands up after throwing his pants half across the room I wrap my hand around his shaft and put the tip in my mouth. I swirl my tongue around the tip and start bopping my head.
"Oh~ oh fuck~" Keith moans and puts his fingers in my head, following my headmotions.
"Y- you're really good at t- that" he says, breathing heavily.
"I know..." I mumble.
Keith pulls himself out of my mouth and pushes me down on the bed, he crawls over me again and reaches to the nightstand, taking out a condom and lube. He takes the condom to my mouth, signaling me to open it with my teeth. I grab it between my teeth and pull it open. Keith throws the packaging on the floor and rolls the condom on his length.
"You gonna fuck me good? Fuck me hard?" I tease as he smears lube over his pointer and middle finger.
"Mhm... you're gonna beg me to never stop" he says, bitting his bottom lip slightly.
Keith starts tracing his fingers around my entrance before pushing both fingers in.
"Ah~ god-" I pull my fingers through his hair and push my nails into his scarp.
"Ouch!" Keith pulls my hands away and holds the back of his head.
"Fuck, I'm sorry! That-" I apologize.

"You think yo- you're prepped enough?" Keith asks and I nod.
He takes the rest of the lube on fingers to his tip and lines himself up with me. He looks at me as in asking for permission, I nod and put my hands on his shoulder.

Keith's POV:
I slowly push myself inside Lance, earning a quiet moan from him.
"Oh yeah~ you feel so good baby" Lance whispers.
I love that, when he praises me, tells me how good I am. Even though I've always been top, he was always the one in charge. I liked it, I always had. I loved getting praised for my sexual performance, but a little degrading from time to time wouldn't hurt, it just turned me on even more.
"Come on, move... hard please" Lance whines.
I start moving, faster and harder with every thrust. Lance moves his hands from my shoulders up to my neck and hair. He holds it with a lighter grip this time to not hurt me.
"Are you gonna be a good boy today? And cum with me?" Lance asks.
"Of course... I'll be good" I say and thrust as hard as I can.
"Oh right there! Mmm~ that feels so good, Daddy"
"Ah~ say that again baby" I kiss his neck, leaving small marks on it.
"D- daddy, you're so hot~" Lance whispers, right in my ear. "You like that, don't you... Daddy"
Lance wraps his legs around me, completely clinging onto me.

"Mhm~ I'm close babe... please" I whimper, trying my best to breathe normally.
"Me too... together, okay?" Lance says.
He bites his lip in an attempt to not moan too loud and cums on our bellys, I do the same inside him and pull out. I lay down on him for a minute to let us both breathe before getting up and throwing the condom away in the trashcan that stands in Lance's bathroom. When I come back Lance is already putting is clothes back on so I do the same.


When we both have our clothes on I lay down on the bed, still a bit tired. Lance cleans up our math stuff and puts it back in our backpacks.
"Come here, cuddle with me please" I say and pat the space next to me on the bed.
"Cuddle? Okay..." Lance hesitates a little before laying down next to me and cradle onto him.
"Yes cuddle, can't we do that? I just fucked you until you called me daddy, for fucks sake"
"You liked that? Finally felt like a real top?" Lance teases.
"Shut up! I am a real top... just also a sub..."
Lance chuckles and puts his arms around me too, he plays with my hair. Should i tell him now? Like for real?

"Hey Lance... can I tell you something?" I ask and look at Lance.
"Yeah of course" he says and scoots closer too me.
"What we do, I really enjoy it... but I want more"
"More? Like what? Do you wanna try new stuff? We can do that!"
"No, no! Not sexually, I mean- I like you Lance. No... I'm in love with you and I wanna be more than just student/teacher and friends with benefits..." I look away from him, not wanting to see his reaction.
Suddenly, he flips me on my back and towers over me. I just lay there in shock, not sure what he's gonna do.
"Oh my god! For real? You- you feel the same?! Oh god, I've been wanting to tell you for so long but I've pussied out every single time!" he gives me a fast kiss before continuing "Gosh I love you so much Keith! Please please say that we'll be boyfriends? I really wanna be your boyfriend" he gives me his adorable puppy eyes and huge smile.
"I- yes Lance, of course I want us to be boyfriends!" I say excitingly, I grab his face and kiss him.
"Okay so... are you doing anything tomorrow?" Lance asks, I think about it before shaking my head. "Good! Then we'll go on a real date, I'll pick you up at- 7? Sounds good?"
"That sounds perfect babe" I answer, he smiles brightly again before laying down on me and putting his head into the crook of my neck.

this where i got the idea from, idk where its from or who made the art but all credit to owners
/word count: 1682\

this where i got the idea from, idk where its from or who made the art but all credit to owners/word count: 1682\

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