⚠️ somebody else.

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Keith's POV:
The very upbeat song slowed down and fades out, transitioning into another song. Just by hearing the first few beats I knew what song it was; my favorite, 'Somebody Else' by The 1975. I move my body to the music, letting it guide me.
Suddenly I feel someone bump into me, I quickly turn around to see if they were okay.
"Oh god I'm sorry!" I say to a tall and tanned boy behind me. He had brown messy hair with a red hairclip on the left, a white blouse with different logos and words on it and tight black jeans.
"Oh no that's was totally my fault-" he says, his voice was soft and mild.
I couldn't stop staring at him, he was so beautiful.
"Do y-you wanna d- dance?" he asks me and i snap out of my trans.
"Um- sure..." I say and he takes my hand, leading me to a less crowded place.
He puts his hands on my hips and sway them in to the beats of the song.
"You're very b- beautiful" I shyly say.
"Thank you... you're gorgeous yourself, I love your hair" the boy say and pulls me a little closer, he runs his fingers through my hair.
"I'm Lance by the way" he leans closer and whispers in my ear.
"I'm Keith"
'No, I don't want your body
But I'm picturing your body with somebody else' the song plays, our faces are extremely close now.
"Are you here alone?" the brown haired boy asks.
"Yeah, my friends left just before i bumped into you" I say and look down at his chest "And you?"
"I came here to meet my b- someone, but they were with somebody else... hah, fitting" he chuckles, his white teeth showing and a small piercing pokes out.
"Mhm... I'm sorry" I look back up at him and he leans in, pressing his lips against mine.
I quickly breathe in, shocked, but I kiss him back. His lips were so soft and it felt really good to kiss him, I feel his tongue brush against my lip and I open my mouth to let him in. His tongue slips over mine and they dance in our mouths, just like our bodies on the dance floor. Lance holds my hips close to his, our crotches almost rubbing against eachother. I slide my hands up his arms and put them around his neck.
"Do- do you wanna get out of here?" I break the kiss to breathe out.
"Sure, where?" Lance says, I grab his hand and we walk to the exit of the club.

The song fades away the longer out we get until we're finally outside. It's quiet there, only some cars and a small group of people talking is heard in the distance.
"You know, I live just around the corner..." the taller boy says, still holding my hand.
"Okay, you wanna go there?" I say, he just smiles and begin walking.
I follow him away from the club and around a pizza restaurant, we walk up some stairs leading into an apartment.
"Oh fuck- I have roommates" Lance stops and turns to me.
"So do I..." I say, he shrugs his shoulders.
We walk into an elevator and Lance pushes the button for the 5th floor. He gets closer to me and puts his hands on my waist again, backing me up against the wall. He starts trailing kisses over my neck, I bit my lip in an attempt to not moan. The elevator plings and stops. Lance grabs my hand once again and walk me to a door, he slowly opens it and we walk in as quiet as possible. We take of our shoes and jackets.
"Hey Lance! Is that you?" a soft voice is heard from inside the apartment.
"Dang it-" he whispers "Um, yeah it's me!"
A small girl with short curly hair and a tall black haired man come into the corridor.
"Oh- hello..." the man says.
"Yeah this is... um-" he stops, I'm guessing he forgot my name.
"Keith! I'm Keith" I say and walk up them, we shake hands.
"I'm Pidge" the small girl says.
"My names Hunk" the guy says, he was quite intimidating.
"Well... me and Hunk we're actually gonna go to the store!" Pidge says.
"We are?" Hunk says in confusion.
"Isn't everything closed now? It's like 4am" I say.
"Bye!" Pidge grabs two pairs of shoes and jackets, Hunk walkes after her and out the door.
"Well then-" Lance walk up behind me and wraps his arms around me, he continues kissing my neck.
A light moan accidentally slips out of my mouth.
"Oh? You like it that much?" Lance whispers in my ear and nibbles on it.
"Mhm, very much..." I say, Lance slides his hand over my legs and grab my crotch.
I turn around and connect our lips, as we kiss Lance backs me into the apartment and into his room.

Lance's POV:
I back Keith into my room with my tongue still swirling around his mouth. I break the kiss to take my shirt of, Keith does the same. He unbuckles my belt and pull my pants down, while I fully take them of he unbutton his own and pull them of.
I push him down on my bed and tower over him, grabbing his wrists and putting them over his head.
"You're not handcuffing me if that's what you're thinking" Keith says.
"What- No, no, no I'm not-" I stutter, I didn't wanna freak him out.
"Shut up, it was a joke" Keith push my head down and press out lips together.
Keith puts his hand on my stomach and slowly slides it down my boxers, I let out a hitched breath as he starts jerking his hand up and down.
"Mm~" I moan and grind down on his hand.
"Where do you have- um..." Keith slows down his pace and blushes.
"H- here" I reach over him and open my nightstand.
I pull out a condom and a bottle of lube, I put them down beside us and take off both our boxers. Keith opens up the condom and rolls it over my length, he helps me put lube over it too.
"Don't you need any prep?" I ask.
"No, it's fine" Keith takes my shoulder and pulls me down "Just fuck me already~" he whispers.
"If you say so, but then you can't whine when I do" I say.
I take a hold of Keith's legs and spread them, he lets a small gasp when I put my tip against his hole and slowly push it in. He puts his fingers in my hair and bite his bottom lip.
"I'll be gentle, okay?" I whisper and Keith nods.
I continue pushing myself in and Keith throws his head back. When I'm fully in I let him adjust a little before he nods and I start thrusting.
"Let me hear you moan, baby~"
"Ah~ fuck Lance..."
"Good boy~" I say and continue thrusting, harder this time.
Keith moans loudly and pulls my hair, arching his back in pleasure. I start leaving light kisses on his face; his lips, cheeks, nose and down to his neck and chest.
"Faster~" Keith whines, he wraps his legs around my waist and push me in even more.
"Oh... nngh~" I moan.
The room fills with the sound of our skin clapping together, moans, heavy breathing and the creaking bed.
I curl my toes as I feel myself coming to my climax.
"Keith I- I'm cumming" I say and feel my cheeks blush "I'm sorry..."
I thrust one more time and cum.
"H- hey it's okay... continue a little more" Keith strokes my hair "I'm close too~"
I continue thrusting and Keith helps me with his legs.
Keith let's out a long moan as he cums too. I pull out and collapse down beside him.
"Why'd you say sorry?" Keith turns to face my and strokes my cheek.
"I just- it was so fast..." I say, embarrassed.
"No, it wasn't Lance! It was perfect" he sits up and looks down at my face "Are you tired?"
"Yeah, do you need a ride home?" I say and get up, I pull the condom off and throw it in the trashcan under my desk.
"Um- can't I s- stay? Just tonight..." Keith says as I hand him some paper towels to clean up with.
"Well- uhh..."
"What? Do you have a boyfriend that's coming here or something?"
"No! No, of course not- sure you can stay, it's no problem" I panic.
"Okay... thank you" Keith lays down beside me.
I lean down and kiss him, he smiles through the kiss.

lance's piercing:

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/word count: 1467\

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