⚠️ he's in the rain

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Lance's POV:
I gently pushed myself through the crowd to get as far in front as possible, since Keith said he had a small surprise for me.
"Excuse me" I repeatedly say as I step in front of people.
Soon I have to stop because the crowd gets too compact to walk through. But I don't mind, I'm tall enough to see the stage clearly.
"im waiting for uuu" I send a text to Keith, who's backstage waiting to get on stage.
"1 minute left"
"im nervous :("  Keith texts back.
"dont be, youre gonna do amazing" I comfort Keith.
"thanks, i love u"
"i love you too" I put my phone back in my pocket and wait.

Soon the lights fades down and a spotlight lights up the stage in front of us. A door to the right of the stage opens and the band walks out, Keith in the lead. They positioned themselves on stage and the loud cheering and clapping dies down when Keith takes the mic to his mouth.
"Good evening everyone!" Keith shouts and the crowd starts cheering again.
"Thank you so much for coming today, I doubt everyone came to see us play but I'm still very happy!" Keith scans through the crowd, we make eye contact and he smiles brightly "Today we will be performing two songs, one cover and a new original song!" he says "Well then, my name is Keith! I'm the lead singer and guitarist of Voltron!" I put my hands over my head clap along with the others.
"I'm Shiro, I'm just a singer and pianist of the band" the buff guy beside Keith says, a synced 'ooo' from the crowds girls is heard.
"And I'm Hunk, I'm just in the back playing the drums"
A last round of applause starts and soon fades out.
"Okay, shall we start? This first song lays very near and dear to my heart, it's called 'She's in the rain' by The rose" Keith says "It's in korean,  which is my mother language and I miss Korea a lot so I thought it would be fun to sing this. I would like to dedicate this first song to a special someone in the crowd, who means very much to me..."
Everyone in the crowd starts looking around to find this special someone, I felt butterflies in my stomach as Keith looks at me again.
The lights fade once again, a red and blue light shines on the stage and the song starts. Keith's raspy voice makes my whole body tingle and I feel goosebumps all over my arms.

"He's in the rain
아름다웠던 그려보면" Keith sings, locking eyes with me.
He changed the song, for me? I feel my eyes tear up.

"He's in the rain
You wanna hurt yourself I'll stay with you
You wanna make yourself go through the pain
It's better to be held than holding on
No whoa~"
A single tear slides down my cheek. I quickly wipe it with my jacket arm.

The song ends and the crowd is loud again, claps and cheers echos through the room.
"Thank you" Keith and Shiro says into the mics with big smiles on their faces.
"Did you guys like it?" Shiro asks.
"Yes!" the crowd says in choir.
"Great! Now we would like to perform our own song, which is a new single that isn't even released yet, it'll be the title track on our upcoming album"
The band continue doing their thing and perform their new song, that I had heard at least a million times so I didn't pay much attention too it, I stared at Keith instead. He had his long black hair in a small ponytail, sweat running down his forehead.

Keith's POV:
"Thank you so much!" I say and all three of us bow for the crowd.
The colorful lights fade out and disappear again. Me, Shiro and Hunk walk off the stage and go through the door to the right. We can still hear the muffled cheers and claps outside.

"Good job everyone!" I say and put my guitar in  it's case.
"I think this was our best performance yet" Shiro says and I nod.
"I think I'm about to fall asleep any second" Hunk sits down on the couch beside Shiro, he takes a drink of his water and breathe out slowly.
"I'm gonna see if I can find Lance, see you guys... later, maybe" I say and wave to the others before walking out.
I look around the room, that had gotten pretty empty after we got off stage. I see Lance sitting at the bar with his back facing me.
"Hi baby..." I say and put my hand around his waist.
"Keith! Hi" Lance flinches a little and turns towards me.
"So... how did I do?" I ask.
"Oh my god- you... wow" Lance stutters "Y- you were amazing..."
Lance stands up and cups my face, he connects our lips in a warm kiss.
"Thank you" I wrap both my arms around Lance and put my head in the crock of his neck.
"You know... you looked r- really hot up there, when you sang, a-and your hands..." Lance whispers.
"Oh- I did?"
Lance nods and grabs my hand, he leads me to the backstage door.
"Get Shiro and Hunk out of there please" Lance says.
"What- Why?"
"Just do it, okay?"
Lance opens the door and we walk in, the guys are still sitting in the couch. I point to them and out the door, signaling for them to get out. They immediately get the hint and walk out, Lance closes and locks the door behind them. Lance wraps his arms around my neck and kisses me, I put my hands around his waist and pull him closer towards me. I return the kiss, slightly nibbling on his bottom lip. He quickly opens his mouth and lets my tongue slip in. Lance slowly pushes me back to the couch and I sit down, Lance separates out lips and sits down on his knees in front of me.
"Lance... wha-" I'm interrupted by Lance, he starts unbuckling my belt.
"Please~ this is what you deserve" he says and pulls my pants down "You're so, so hot~"
He looks up at me with puppy eyes, I stroke my hand over his hair and lean down to kiss him. Lance thugs on my boxers and slowly pulls them down.
"Oh- you're already hard... and dripp-"
"Shut the fuck up! This is all your fault, and now you have to fix it" I say and tug on his hair.
Lance licks the tip of my member, circling his tongue around it. I tilt my head back as he wraps his plump lip around it.
"Mm~ just like that..." I whisper, Lance grabs the shaft of my dick and pushes it more in his mouth, when he reaches the middle he starts bopping his head slowly.
"Deeper Lance, don't be a pussy" He looks up at me with the puppy eyes again.
Still looking at me he takes more of my length in his mouth. I put my hand over my mouth to muffle my moans as Lance bops his head.
"No... let me hear them~" Lance says and take my hand away, he puts it in soft hair instead before continuing.
"O- okay- fuck~" I moan.
I follow Lance's movements with my hand, he looked so pretty.
"You- you're so b- beautiful" I tell him.
He looks away and shyly smiles. He puts his hands on my thighs and slowly move them upwards, stopping at my ass and griping it as he bops his head faster.
"Ah~ oh Lance..." I whine "I'm c- close"
Lance looks up at me again, we lock eyes for a second before I throw my head back and release into his mouth. Lance slowly lets go of my length with a small pop.
"Don't swallow yet!" I say.
Lance freezes quickly, he sits his hands down on the floor; sitting almost like a dog.
"Open your mouth and sick your tongue out"
I look for the back pocket in my pants and pull out my phone, I open up the camera app. I move my eyes up a little to look at Lance, kneeling on the floor in front of me with his cum coated tongue out. I quickly snap a picture of him and signal for him to swallow.
"Good boy~" I say and put my finger on his chin.
Lance stands up and wipes his mouth before leaning down and kissing me, I pull up my boxers.
"D- don't you wanna... you know-" I ask and nods at his obvious boner.
"What? Oh.. no, it's fine! W- we can get home first" he nervously answers.
"Okay baby"
I pull my pants up and stands up, I feel my legs slightly shake under me. Lance grabs my guitar laying across the room and then takes a tight grip of my hand.
"You ready? It's starting to hurt a little..." he says and looks down.
"Yeah, let's go" I unlock the door and open it.
We walk past Hunk and Shiro, who's sitting at the bar with a drink each. Lance walks before me, dragging me to the car.
"Are you in such a hurry?" I tease him as we get in the car.
"Yes, it hurts a lot" Lance says and turn the key around, starting the car.
"Do you-" I put my hand on his inner thigh.
"Don't! I'm not gonna be able to hold it" he pushes my hand away.
"Oh.. sorry" I say.
Lance pulls out of the driveway and drive away from the bar.
"Can we listen to the song?" Lance asks "She's in the rain..."
"Ofcourse!" I pull my phone up from my pocket and connect it to the car.
I search up the song and press play.

"Do you hear me"

stream she's in the rain and stan the rose!!

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