best friend pt. 3

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⚠️mention of self harm


Keith's POV:
"You're too nice... I really don't know if I can acc-"
"Lance! Please, can you not worry about it now? It's absolutely fine, and if you wanna pay me back with anything that's fine too! But please just accept this now" I grab Lance's arm and lead him into the elevator.
"Okay... but I will pay you back somehow!" Lance says.
I push the button for the 5th floor and the door slowly closes, Lance grabs my hand tight and stands close to me.
"You okay?" I ask.
"I- I don't like elevators..." he shyly whispers, his cheeks turn red.
I put my free around him and kiss his forehead, Lance smiles and leans his forehead against mine until the elevator stops and the big, metal doors open. We walk out and find our room, I put the key in and turn it around.
We throw our backpacks on a big chair in the corner and look around the room. To the right of the entrence is a small but charming bathroom, in the middle of the left wall a big bed stands, cleanly made and welcoming. The natrual light comes through the big wall of windows, pointing out at the big city.
"This is amazing, your grandparents owns this? Lance asks.
"Yeah, it's been in our family for a couple generations... Haven't i told you about it before?" I say.
"You probably have, I don't know... It's beautiful though, do you take all your dates here?" Lance chuckles.
"Hah... no, I don't- I haven't had that much dates... You should know that" I almost whisper and I feel my cheeks heat up.
"Oh really? Yeah, I'm your first b- boyfriend?" Lance teases and pokes me.
"What?? I- that- are we..." I stutter.
"Maybe... I mean we both like eachother a lot and-"
I grab Lance's narrow shoulders and pull him close to me, putting my hands on his head and playing with his hair. He puts his arms around me and hold my shoulder.
"Ofcourse we're boyfriends baby" I tell him, Lance lightly gasps.
"C- can you say that again?" he says.
"What? Baby?" I answer.
"Mhm" Lance snuggles his face into my shoulder.
"Baby baby baby!" I hug him tight and swing around, whisper in his ear.

Lance's POV:
"Hey, I'm gonna go change out of this, do you have like an extra shirt?" I pull away from him.
"Oh yeah I do!" Keith says and walks over to our bags "I figured that you wouldn't have anything with you so I took a couple extra things"
He pulls out an oversized black shirt and hands it to me, I thank him and walk into the bathroom. As soon as I close and lock the door I put the shirt up to my nose and smell it. It really smelled just like Keith always does, a soft mix of lavender and coffee. I pull of my jeans and shirt, folding them together neatly. I put on the shirt, it goes over half my arms and fully covers my boxers.
I walk back our to Keith, who's also changed into an oversized black shirt.
"Hi beautiful, it fits you" Keith walks up to me and kisses my forehead.
"Heh, thank you" I shyly laugh.
Keith connects our lips, the kiss quickly becomes rougher and he pushes me down on the bed. I lick Keith's lips, he opens his mouth and I slide my tongue into his mouth. I put my hands in Keith's hair, just slightly pulling on it. He starts kissing my jawline and neck, I bite my lip to keep in my moans.
"D- do you want to?" Keith gets up and faces me again.
"I- I think so"
"That's not answer, yes or no Lance? If you don't wanna it's totally fine"
"I do, I want to!" I say and kiss him again.
"You're 100% sure?" Keith asks and I nod, stroking his chin.
"I've n- never done it before..." I whisper.
"M- me neither, we'll take it slow! Okay?" Keith smiles.
He sits up and pulls of his shirt, I run my hands over his chest and abs. Keith makes an attempt to remove my shirt but I quickly stop him, pushing his hands away.
"C- can I keep it on?" I request.
"Um- yeah, but won't it get hot?" Keith says.
I shake my head and mouth 'please', Keith nods and goes back to kissing my neck. He moves down to my collarbone, sucking small hickeys on it. A light moan slips out of my mouth and Keith smirks. His hand travels down my chest and stomach, he stops at my crotch and gently squeezes it. He slides his hand down my boxers and my breath hitches.
"Does that feel okay?" he asks as he starts jerking his hand on my member.
"Mm~ yeah... much better than when I do it" I say and smile.
Keith pulls off my boxers and stand up to take his off, I gasp at the sight.
"What?" Keith looks at me confused.
"Y- you're huge..." I whisper.
Keith laughs and towers over me again. He kisses my cheek before going back to jerking me off. I grab his shoulders and bit my lip, still trying to hold in moans.
"Okay I'm gonna start prepping you... tell me if it hurts, okay?" Keith says.
I grab Keith's fingers and covers them in my saliva, he looks at me shocked. He slowly circles ny hole before pushing a finger in, I curve my back at the feeling. Keith pumps his finger in and out a couple times, letting me adjust.

Keith's POV:
"A- are you sure y- you're a virgin? You're so g- good at it..." Lance whines.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure" I chuckle "But you know, I have myself to play with..."
"Oh-" Lance stops as I push in a second finger.
I soon add a third finger and Lance digs his nails into my shoulders.

"K- Keith, can't you just f- fuck me already? Please~" Lance moans and looks up at me with puppy eyes.
"Are you ready?" I ask and Lance nods exitingly.
I slide my fingers out and stand up, I open up my backpack and take out lube.
"Y- you took that with you?" Lance exclaims "Were you planning on this?"
"I- I- well... kind of, but I don't have a condom" I say and feel my cheeks blush.
"That's okay Keith, you're so cute" Lance chuckles.
I place myself over him again and spread his legs, I cover my precum leaking erection in lube and line myself up with Lance's entrence.
"I'm gonna put it in now, okay?" I tell him.
"Mm- okay" Lance puts his arms around me and pulls me close to him.
I slowly push myself in and Lance moans, almost in relief.
"Oh- oh~ that feels... great" Lance says "Move please~"
I rest my hands on Lance's shoulder, holding my arms on his back and start gently thrusting.
"You feel amazing Lance~" I whisper and kiss him.
Lance moans loudly as I thrust harder into him, he squeezes his eyes shut and throw his head back. I place kisses over his nose, cheeks, forehead and neck.
"F- faster" Lance demands.
"Baby, you're sweating so much, please let me take your shirt off"
"I won't do this if you don't take it off" I say.
He looks at me with a worried face before hesitantly agreeing, I grab the ends of his shirt and take it off. Four scars lay across each side of his waist, they're mostly healed but still noticeable. I gently stroke my finger over them but Lance pushes my hand away.
"Please ignore them... I can tell you later" he says "Let's just continue"
"O- okay..."
Lance grabs a hold of my hair and presses our lips together. I continue thrusting with a faster pace and Lance moans into the kiss. I return the kiss and our tongues explore eachothers mouths. I run my hands over his chest, careful to not get near the scars and circle my thumb on his left nipple. Lance bucks his hip and starts rolling them, matching my movements. Our moans fill the room and the mirror hanging over the bed fogs up with our heavy breathing.
"Harder please~ I- I'm gonna cum.." Lance whines.
"Me t- too" I respond.

With a couple more thrusts we cum together and I collapse down onto Lance's chest.
"Holy fuck" I sigh and roll down beside him.
"Yeah... I can't believe we didn't do that earlier" Lance scoots closer to me and cuddles up to my side.
"So... do you wanna talk about it" I say and glance down on his stomach.
"I mean.. not really" Lance answers.
"Why haven't you told me before?"
"I was scared... and worried that you would think I'm dumb..." Lance takes a small break "I started when I changed school and stopped when we became friends"
I look at him with worriedly and stroke his cheek.
"I won't force you to tell me everything but can we talk more tomorrow?"
"Okay..." Lance nods "I- I love you"
"Oh my god!" I gasp and sit up on the bed "That's what you said in the car! I love you too Lance"
I cup his face and peck kisses on his soft lips.

there u have it!! this is the end of this "series", i hope u like it

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