⚠️ first time pt 2. (the next morning)

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No one's POV:
Lance stretches his legs and groans. Keith is still peacefully sleeping beside him, his messy long hair frames his sunkissed face. Lance pulls Keith closer to himself and kisses his neck.
"You asleep?" he whispers.
"I was.." Keith sighs.
"I'm sorry, but I can't defend myself!" Lance says confidently.
"Happy anniversary..."
It's quiet for a moment before Keith quickly turning around. He squints his eyes and tilts his head.
"Is that.. today?" he asks.
"Mhm" Lance nods.
"Oh! Happy anniversary, babe" Keith presses their lips together, quickly pulling away. But Lance places his hand behind his boyfriends head and pulls him back into another kiss. He wraps his lips around Keith's, kissing him deeply.
"We have to celebrate somehow..." Lance says as he pulls away.
"With what-" Keith is interrupted when Lance flips him over and sits on top of him.

Keith's POV:
"Lance-" I gasp as he leans down and starts kissing my neck.
"I think this would be a great way to celebrate, right?" Lance says and giggles.
"Well- yeah, maybe"
I put my hands in his hair, holding him close to me as he plants kisses on my neck. He soon starts sucking on it gently.
"Is it okay? Do you want to?" Lance asks nicely, I smile and nod.
Excitingly he leans over to the nightstand and grabs the lube bottle we used the night before. He pulls of both of our underwear in one go. I look at him with wide eyes.
"What?" Lance stops for a moment.
"N- nothing... you're just very exited" I say.
"Mhm" he blushes.

I close my eyes and arch my back as Lance covers my member with lube. He leans down and kisses me before lining himself up with me and slowly sitting down. We let out synced moans and Lance tilts his head back. He looks back at me and starts rolling his hips gently.
"Hh- fuck~" Lance groans, starting to move faster.
"C- calm down babe.." I say, biting my lip.
Lance doesn't listen and starts bouncing needingly, moaning even louder. I place my hands around his hips and holds him tight so he can't move.
"What are you doing? Do you not-"
"Slow down, please..." I request.
"Oh- I'm sorry" Lance nods with blushing cheeks.
As he starts softly moving again I follow his movements with my hands around his ass. I praise how pretty he looks and how good he feels so early in the morning, Lance just smiles and blushes cutely.

"Lance- I'm gonna c- cum" I stutter.
"Mm~ me too.." Lance answers, slowly leaning down to lay his head in the crook of ny neck.
I give in a few more thrust and we both release. Lance kisses my chest before quickly getting up and grabbing some paper towels in the bathroom connected to my room. We help eachother to clean up and put our clothes back on.
"What are you doing?" I ask, seeing Lance searching through my closet.
"I want one of your hoodies" he smiles.
"Don't you have your own clothes?"
Lance grabs a big black hoodie and puts in on, it covers almost half his legs and leaves lots of rooms for his arms.
"Lucky you're cute" I say and kiss his forehead.
We walk out of my bedroom, peacefully, hand in hand, before walking down the stairs. My family watches the stairs, all with a shocked face.
"Fuck..." I whisper and slap my hand over my mouth.
"G- goodmorning" Shiro hesitatingly says.
"Oh my god..." Lance gasps and shoves his face into his hands.
We all just stand in silence for a while, looking down at the floor.
"Well I'm glad it wasn't mom and dad" Akira breaks the silence suddenly "I'm already traumatized"
"What?!" Dad yells.
"Yeah, makes sure we're not home.. please" Shiro adds and I nod.
"I would like to apologize to you all!" Lance says loudly "I'll go home now"
"No you're not! Come here, both of you" my mom gestures to the dinnertable, decorated with all sorts of breakfast.

"I feel like this will be in the wedding speeches..." Lance whispers close to my ear.
"Wedding??" I say shooked.
"I- No- well... forget it" Lance hides his face in embarrassment again.
I hug his curled up body tight, kissing his hair.
"Ofcourse it will, and our kids will never stop hearing about it" I whisper.

i hate the last part bye
/word: count 740\

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