⚠️ not funny.

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Keith's POV:
Lance grabbes my hand and kisses it.
"Slowly, okay?" he says, his raspy voice sounded like music to my ears, it calmed me in some way.
I squeezed his hand tight and sit down on his length.
"Oh- oh~" I moan, throwing my head back.
"D- does is feel good? Does it hurt?" Lance asks.
"Oh no it- it's good~" I moan and throw my head back.
I start grinding my hips back and fourth, Lance puts his hands around my waist. He slowly slides them over my hips and down to my ass. He smiles at me and I leaned down to kiss him, he returns the kiss and lightly bites my bottom lip. I open my mouth and he quickly slips his tongue in.
"Mm~ you're cute" I whisper into the kiss before pulling away and sitting straight up again.
I put one hand on Lance's thigh and the other on his chest. Suddenly Lance's phone lights up, someones calling.
"Who the fuck c- calls now?" I say.
Lance reaches over and picks the phone up.
"Pidge, apparently" he says, looking back at me with a smirk on his face.
"Wha- don't you fucking dare" I glare back at him, slowing down my grinding pace.
"Pidge! Hello!" Lance answers the call "I- well, do you want me to be 100% honest?"
"Uhh- yeah?" I hear Pidge's high pitched voice through the phone.
"Okay then... Keith is- riding me right now..." Lance chuckles.
"Lance, please hang up" I whisper.
"Lance- why the fuck did you even answer?" Pidge yells "Okay- I'll keep it short, we need about one more page for the presentation"
"Jesus christ Lance, I'm leaving" I feel a tear slide down my cheek and get of Lance.
"Keith? Wait-"
I grab my phone and walk out of the room, tears rushing down my face.

Lance's POV:
The door closes with a loud thud.
"Fuck-" I sigh.
"You're a piece of shit Lance, why would you answer the phone while fucking?" Pidge says, I've never heard her this angry.
"I- I thought it would be funny..."
"For who? Me, who has too hear your fucking moans? Or, Keith who has your dick in his ass?"
"No... This- this was also Keith's first time bottoming... I am a piece of shit" I feel my eyes begin to tear up "I- I'm sorry, I have to go" I say and hang up.
I really didn't know why I actually answered, I guess was caught up in the moment and didn't think straight. I put my underwear back on and walk out of the room, to the living room. Keith is sitting curled up in a blanket on the couch, eyes red from crying.
"Hey baby..." I slowly walk up to him and sit down on the floor in front of him.
"I hate you" Keith whispers.
"I hate me too, I'm so sorry... I thought it was gonna be funny but it definitely wasn't..." I reach up and wipe his tears.
"You're a sick man" Keith tilts his head up and looks at me "Was I that bad? Or boring?"
"What? No! No, you were amazing Keith! I- I'm sorry" I get up and sit beside him on the couch, I put my hand around his face and turn his face towards me.
"What can I do? I'll do anything" I stare deep into his tearfilled eyes.
Keith wipes his tears and smiles gently.
"Suck me off and then fuck me, properly this time" he says with a determined voice.
"Of course" I say and get down on the floor again "M- master"
I see Keith lightly flinch as I say that, I rip the blanket of him to see that he's already hard. I look up at him and smile before taking his dick in my hand and kissing the tip. I start swirling my tongue around it, teasing him. Keith grabs a hold of my hair presses my head down, I take that as a sign to take all of him in my mouth. I continue swirling my tongue as I bop my head up and down. I glance up at Keith to see him with his head tilted back and a smile on his face.
"Ah~ gosh Lance..." he moans, beathing heavily.
I put my hands around his hips and bop my even deeper, my eyes start tearing up as I feel his length hit the back of my throat.
"Lance~ I'm cumming-" Keith's grip around my hair gets tighter and he presses me down, keeping me there as he releases.
"Swallow" he demands and I do so.
I get up and sit down beside him, gesturing him to sit in my lap. Keith moves to my lap and kisses me.
"Hah, you really tought!" Keith laughs.
He stands up and walks to the bed room.
"What?! Keith! Babe-" I hear the door close.
Guess he's still mad. I stand up and walk after him into the bedroom, he's laying in bed, completely tucked in.
"Still mad?" I say as I lay down and put my arm around him.
"Not really, but it's fun messing with you" he chuckles "We'll continue tomorrow baby, I love you"
"I- I love you too..."


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