⚠️ i miss you.

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. edging
. overstimulation


Lance's POV:
I walk up the apartment stairs and stand outside Keith's door. I try to calm down before hesitantly knocking and I hear a dog barking. Soon the door opens and Keith peeks his head out.
"Lance.." Keith whispers surprisingly.
"Hi... I thought I should pick some of my stuff up" I say.
"Oh- of course, come in..." he opens the door more and steps aside.
I pet Cosmo's fluffy head before walking to Keith's bedroom, where I find my clothes already in a pile on the floor.
"Ah- I'm sorry... I just-"
"Do you have like a plastic bag or something?" I ask, brushing away what Keith was going to say.
"Yeah sure, one second" he runs of to the kitchen and I hear him looking for something in there.
I glance over the room and see that he has torn down the pictures of us on the wall and thrown them in the trashcan, a tear rolls down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away before Keith comes back.
"Here" he says as he hands me a roll of black trashbags.
I pull out a bag and start putting my clothes in it, it made me realize how much more of my life I spent in Keith's apartment than in my own. Keith walks out of the room again and quietly disappears.
When I'm done with the clothes I walk out in the living room, where Keith is sitting in the couch.
"Do I have anything else other than clothes?" I ask.
"Uh.. I don't think so" Keith replys, still looking down at his phone.
"Okay then, I guess I'll go then..."
"Wait- Lance?" Keith stands up and run up to me.
"I- uhh... no, nevermind"
"What? Tell me" I put my hands on his arms.
"No it's nothing, you go home" Keith sniffles and tilts his head down.
"Keith... please" I see his eyes tear up and I pull him close to me.
Keith huffs and I feel how his tears roll down on my shoulder.

Keith's POV:
"I- I miss you... I- I'm so s- sorry Lance" I hold Lance's small waist tight.
"I- I never actually wanted to break up... I was just- mad, I guess" I pull away from the hug and wipe my tears "What happend to us?"

"What do you mean?" Keith shouts.
"That we're barely dating anymore! We don't text or call or even meet as much as we used to!" Lance says.
"Yeah, because I'm busy, I have a job!"
"You have plenty of time outside of that but you spent that with your friends instead!"
"Yes? So I can't spend time with my friends now?"
"Keith, that's not what I meant! I mean that you would rather spend all your free time with them then with me; your fucking boyfriend!"
Tears run down Lance's red cheeks.
"Well then if you can't respect what I do with my free time, maybe we should just break up" Keith says, wiping his tears.
"W- what?" Lance's voice quiets down.
"You heard me! This is over, go! Please.." Keith cries.
Lance quickly turns around and puts his shoes on, walk out the door and shutting it with a loud thud. Keith presses his lips together and slowly sits down on the floor, putting his hesd against his knees.

"I don't know..." Lance says "Maybe we should've just taken a break or something? To figure ourselves out... and we've done that now, right?"
"Mhm... And I figured out that I- I love you too much" I whisper.
"I love you too, I'm sorry I yelled at you" Lance apologizes and hugs me again.
"I'll tell my friends I can't hang out anymore, that I'll be with you-" I say.
"What? No! D- don't! Just- just take me with you, we can all hang out together" Lance looks me in my eyes.
Lance puts his hands on the nape of my neck connects our lips, I return the kiss and quickly press my tongue into his mouth.
I lead him back into the bedroom and sit down on the bed, Lance climbs on top of me and sits in my lap. Our tongues travels around in eachothers mouth as my hands travels over Lance's legs and hips. I tug on his shirt and put my hands under it, running them over his soft back.
"K- Keith..." Lance sighs as I start trailing kisses down his neck.
"Lance" I say and look at him and smirk.
I go back to kissing his neck and softly sucking on his skin. He lets out soft moans and intertwines his long fingers in my hair.
I remove both of our shirts and pants, still kissing in between.
"Mm~" I moan as Lance palms my crotch.
He slowly slides his hand down my boxers and I moan loudly as he starts jerking his hand on my member.
"Sensative baby..." Lance smiles.
"Fuck off" I say and buck my hips into his touch.
Lance slowly pulls down my boxers and sits down on his knees in front of me, he licks my tip before putting his plump lips around it.  I put my hands behind me on the bed and throw my head back, letting moans slip out of my open mouth. He bops his head up and down, stroking his tongue on the underside of my cock.

"Lance... I- I'm gonna-" I start put I get interrupted by Lance letting go of my dick with a slight pop "Wha- no no, keep g- going"
Lance smirks and opens my deskdrawer, taking out lube and a condom.
"Please baby~" I whine.
"No Keith, you're gonna have to wait..." he says and gets on the bed.
He opens the condom and rolls it on my twitching member.
"B- but I'll cum too fast" I say.
"That doesn't bother me" Lance answers and start covering me in lube, I curl my toes to the feeling.
He lines me up with himself and looks at me, as in asking for permission. I buck my hips and nod. Lance slowly sits down and breathes out heavily, soon he starts to grind his hips and puts his hands back in my hair.
"Mhm~ I m- missed this" he whispers.
"You missed this more than me?" I say and sit up, putting my arms around his waist.
"Y- you know what I mean d- dumbass" Lance answer and rolls his eyes.
"D- did you just roll your fucking eyes at me?" I grab his hips and flips him over.
"I- I'm sorry.." he says and looks up at me innocently.
"You know what I've said about that Lance" I whisper close to his ear.
I quickly start thrusting in and out of him, making him throw his head back and moan.
"K- Keith~" he whines.
"No, what's my name?" I ask.
"S- sir, I'm sorry"
"Good" I kiss his forehead and continue thrusting even faster.
I bit my lip trying to hold back a moan as I cum without any warning and I slow down.
"N- no, keep going S- Sir!" Lance begs, pushing himself down on me.
I do as he asks and speed up my pace, I grab his hands and pin them on both his sides.

"I- I'm cumming... fuck~" Lance moans.
"Me too, just a- a little more" I thrust faster.
"I- I can't wait, please sir~" Lance cries, I nod my head and he moans load as he releases.
I thrust a couple more times before finishing too and roll down beside him.
"Holy fuck..." I sigh.
Lance grabs a tissue from the nightstand and clean us up before cuddling up to me and kissing my chest.
"Baby... I love you, let's not ever do that again please" he says.
"Of course, I love you too" I reply and kiss his hair.

i like this a lot 🙈

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