sweater weather.

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Keith's POV:
The music was loud, blasting right in my ears. It was hard to even hear my own thoughts. Maybe because I was sitting in the couch right next to a speaker, but that's besides the point. I don't even know why I came to think party in the first place.

"Yoo, Hunky man!" a familiar voice is heard through the room, oh yeah, that's why I'm here. Because I overheard Lance and his friends talking about it, I didn't even ask any of my own friends to go with me. I'm absolutely fucked. I can't even look his way in the hallways without blushing, did I really think that I would be able to talk to him at a party?
Throughout the whole party I just sat in the couch and watched him. Watched him stumble around on the dancefloor with a drink in his hand, watched him flirt with girls and occasionally kiss one. Even if I knew that he was 100% straight and would never even look my way, it hurt a little.

"Okay, okay! Guys, this party kind of sucks so I have an idea" Lance walks into the room I'm sitting in, with a red cup in his left hand. "Everyone sitting right in this room will participate" he said and sits on the floor in front of me. He looked so pretty, with his hair all wet from sweat.
"What are we gonna do?" a girl sitting in the chair beside me asks.
"Well, we are gonna get to know eachother... we'll go clockwise and ask the person next to us a question and they have to answer" Lance explains "As truthfully as you want of course" he chuckles, his teeth were snow white.
"Okay, I'll start!" the girl next to me says. "Um... what's your name?" she asks a curly haired boy to her left
"My name's Archie" he answers and smiles shyly.

We continue a couple rounds, I don't really listen to the others, I'm too focused on when it's my turn to ask Lance. It's finally my turn again
"Hm... oh! What's our favorite song?" I ask, maybe we a have simular music taste. He thinks about it for a second before answering. "Oh, Sweater Weather by the neighborhood!" he says.
My eyes widen, is he...? No...
"You okay?" he asks me, I close my opened mouth.
"Are you..? You know..?" I bend down closer to him and whisper, he nods. I notice myself smiling.

Lance's POV:
When I nod to his question he smiles shyly, he had an adorable smile. He kept a small smile on lips his throughout the whole game, until everyone had left and it was only us left.
I get up and sit down in the couch next to the boy, I hold out my hand towards him.
"I'm Lance!" I tell him and smile.
"Oh I know- I mean...I'm Keith" he takes my hand and shakes it.
"So i guess we're two bro's sitting in a couch not 5 feet apart because we are ga- no, bi" I say and we both chuckle.
"Well, I'm gay so we're one gay and one bi sitting in a couch" Keith says.
"Ooh yeah okay, so you listen to boy in blue... sorry, that was bad" I say, but he laughs. He had the cutest laugh I had ever heard.
We continue talking about everything and nothing for a couple hours, but it almost felt like years. I caught myself staring at his lips multiple times. I didn't even think about it when I leaned in and pressed my lips against his, he didn't really kiss back. I pull away and his eyes are wide open.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have done that!" I apologize.
"No no no, it's okay... I was just- shocked..." Keith says.
"Can I... do it a- again?" I gently ask, he nods.
I lean back in and kiss him, this time he kisses back softly. I put my hand around his jaw with my thumb near his mouth. We break the kiss to breath and I take it as a chance to sit in his lap, his eyes widen again. He presses his hand down in the couch.
"Um- Is this okay?" I ask.
"Oh... yeah it's fine- I just-" he stops.

Keith's POV:
"Wait- Is this your first kiss?" Lance asks. I feel my face heat up.
"Maybe..." I whisper.
It's true, this was my first kiss, but I didn't mind because it's with Lance; who might be the love of my life.
"It's okay Keith, I'll help you" he says as he puts my hands on his waist.
"You can just follow me, okay?" I nod. He tilts his head and leans back in, placing his soft lips on mine again. This time he moves his lips and I follow him as much as I can. It almost felt like kissing a feather, his lips were so soft and smooth. I moved my hands lower on his hips and I feel him smile through the kiss so I continue down, stopping right over his ass. Suddenly I feel him licking my lips, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do so I slightly open my mouth, letting him in. We explore eachothers mouths and he moves his hands from my neck up to my hair, tangling his fingers in my mullet. I accidently let out a soft moan.
"Fuck- I'm sorry..." I put my hand over my mouth in embarrassed, Lance laughs.
"Don't apologize Keith, it's okay but..." he looks around the house, most of the people have already left but there are still some people left, sitting and talking or making out; like us.
"Do you wanna go somewhere else?" he asks, moving his hands on top of mine.
"Sure, where?" he just stands up and takes my hand, dragging me with him.
"You'll see" he says with a smirk as he shuts the door behind us.

A/N: im kind of really proud of this 🥺
/word count: 1011\

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