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"Scott!" I yell as I make my was towards my brothers room, I come to a stop at the door and get his attention by snapping my fingers at him as I enter the room he stops doing pull ups on the bar attached to the bathroom door and looks at me a look telling me he's extremely annoyed I interrupted his nightly routine. I roll my eyes and start picking up clothes and putting them into the hamper next to his dresser. "Where's my phone charger you ass". I let out a chuckle at how caught off guard he looks.

"In my bag" he huffs out. I make my way through his mess of a room, I swear this boy is a pig, he had to be switched at birth there's no way were twins. I keep my room nice and tidy while his looks like a tornado just came through. As I finally navigate through his mess of a room and get my charger out of his book bag, I hear a noise from outside and jump letting out a squeak, I look over to my brother he's mirroring the look I have on my face.

We make our way downstairs me staying behind Scott as he picks up my mom's wooden baseball bat opening the door tiptoeing out onto the porch. Its dark outside and the neighborhood is eerily quiet, the porch looks like the setting of a horror movie with dead vines growing up the side of one of the banisters due to the chilly fall weather. Scott moves closer to the railing of the porch and I stay right on his heels. As if he's sensing my uneasiness, he wraps one of his arms around his back pulling me closer, keeping the bat tightly gripped in the other. Right as I peak around Scotts shoulders Stiles pops his head over the roof of the porch hanging upside down. Scott and I scream at the sight of him and Stiles screams and nearly falls off the roof. Why the hell is he on our roof?! He's wearing his normal attire from what I can see at this angle, a white T-shirt, light colored flannel and a thin grey jacket.

"Jesus Stiles! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" I yell at him.

Stiles has been my brother's best friend since we were kids, they're practically inseparable and seeing as Scott and I are twins and in separable ourselves he quickly became my best friend as well. We've all been together since we were about five or six and trust me there's never a dull moment with Stiles around.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Scott says still in shock from Stiles scaring the hell out of us.

"You guys weren't answering your phones! Why do you have a bat?" he asks. I swear this boy can't stay on one topic at a time. One minute you're talking about geometry and the next he's yelling squirrel.  He's always been hyperactive and has severe ADHD and ADD honestly it suits his personality quite well.

"I thought you were a predator" Scott replies waving his arms around. I cover my mouth to try and suppress my laugh at this whole scene in front of me. His face almost as red as his red jacket. Scott reminds me of Hannah in the first season of The Pretty Little Liars, she was clueless and the epitome of Blonde moments throughout the first and part of the second season. My brother definitely should have been a blonde because he certainly acts the part.

"A pre... Look, I know its late, but you've got to hear this, so my dad leaves about twenty minutes ago. Dispatch call, they're bringing in every officer of the Beacon Hills department, even the state police" Stiles says while hanging upside down waving his hands around as he talks, it's one of the cutest things about him when he's trying to explain something he uses his hands to talk and express himself. I'm still trying to figure out if the shortness of breath and redness of his cheeks is from him talking so fast or if the bloods rushing to his head.

"For what?" I ask shocked that something is actually happening in this town. Which is a shocker nothing remotely exciting ever happens in beacon hills, I'm convinced it's a retirement destination or a place for people who have no social life working their lives away.

"Two joggers found a body in the woods" he says sending me one of his signature winks as he reaches up and flips himself off the roof landing on the ground, not gracefully I might add. I roll my eyes at his antics. "You're such a dork" I laugh.

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