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Vance POV

" I'm Sorry but I will never hold a knife for any kind of professional cooking again. I am retiring from the industry. "

" WHAT?! " Everyone from the presscon was confused as the young celebrity chef told the whole world about his big decision of finally leaving the industry, Shocked that of all people Vance Cavalier is the one leaving the field of cooking. Owner of a rich and abundant Restaurant chain, participated in a lot of world class competitions, the so called. 

Emperor of leaving the industry?

He was immediately rushed by his Body guards to the car, covering the man's face as fast as they could. When Vance has escaped the countless flash that roared from the cameras after he ran away he relaxed at the seat of his car along with His Butler Hiro. He smiled and looked at the young Butler in front of him. 

" Thank you..." Vance whimpered to his Butler who only gave him a smile as a reply, as they were driving away. He took a look of the restaurant he worked in for 30 years, it's been years...

He hated that place.

" Are you sure about this Sir Vance? " Hiro asks, focusing on driving but the solemn look on his face wasn't fading.

" I wouldn't have announced it every where around the world If I was should know. I'm tired. " Vance says. His eyes trailed off outside the window again.

Have you overworked yourself to the point that your head becomes so numb that you can't even think properly anymore?

Overworked so hard when you get up from your chair, the eyes you trust to see an upcoming wall suddenly fails you?

And overworked yourself to the point that you've managed to do the work, how you wanted but to your eyes since you didn't get to enjoy the process, it looks like trash to you.

Vance has been this way since he started cooking, he was very young when his father discovered his cooking skills, and unknowingly he's been cooking with no love for it at all.

He just wants to impress everyone. It became an obesession to make people say good when they eat his food. He earned both the title of Emperor of Desserts and Conqueror of Flavors. Which are great exaggerations.

But. He earned that title.

Managing a restaurant chain was hard enough, but he's constantly proving to everyone how he grows by joining international competitions.

At this point everyone praised him. But there wasn't a heart to any of it.

He rushed his success before he can even mature as a person to accept such big responsibilities.

And of course Vance has realised it himself and now he gave up everything just to enjoy himself again.

" Hey you know Shokugeki No Soma? " Vance asked his driver who chuckled at the question.

" Of course, your favorite anime Sir Vance. " Hiro smiled softly and nodded.

" I just realized...when I was on highschool I was as hungry as Yukihira when it came to learning...then now that I've grown up I've been like his father Joichiro. Now I'm running away from my problems too. " Hiro heard that sentiment as a desperate way of Vance scolding himself and blaming himself for everything.

" If you could turn back time...would you have taken things more slowly this time Sir  Vance?" Hiro asks.

" Yes...this time around...I would probably take my time to get E ratings from anyone just to see their disgusted face. " That made them both laugh, Vance's sharp red eyes finally relaxed, Unlike when he was working in the kitchen those eyes were filled with happiness now.

' If you let me live young once again...I'll probably work hard like Soma. I want to work like there's no tommorow again. '  He chuckled softly at his silent prayer and closed his eyes.

But suddenly, a flash of bright light has reached his eyes. " Hiro Upcoming Truck! Hiro! "

The driver gasped and tried to reach a faster pace, but before he can even think the car was already hit. Vance was thrown out of the window, not wearing his seat belt.

Everyone in the street gasped in shock to see the chef star, breathing slowly, dying slowly.

Vance's eyes fluttered slowly as he breathed in desperation. '  Please...let me live...on those cheeky anime...those anime where I can cook but I'll be my next life...'

Soon he gave up his life. But instead of a boat carrying him to the after life or something, he opened his eyes to an unfamiliar setting.

" Master? Are you awake? The entrance exam's commencing soon..." Vance heard Hiro's voice and snapped his eyes open.

" H-hiro? You're alive? I thought you died where are we-" Vance asked, checking his own body for wounds but there weren't any. Only a long sleeve shirt that he doesn't own and a Hiro with a deeper voice than him??

But he was older then Hiro??

" Did you have a bad dream master? Don't worry Master, were just going in Totsuki to enter the entrance exam right now. No one has died. " Hiro chuckled.

What the hell!?

Vance shivered once he remembers his own before he died. '  Please...let me live...on those cheeky anime...those anime where I can cook but I'll be my next life...'

Fvck. Vance Cursed his current situation.

Author's Note : Thanks For Reading and as always please leave a vote or comment to support the story^^

Heads up!
The picture isn't mine! I found it on Pinterest, Ctto! I have no idea who owns it but if you know I'll gladly credit the artist.

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