4. Taste Testing!

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I knew I was going to be in trouble, But I never thought that it would be this great of a hassle. Well, granted it's too late for me now...this is Me Vance Cavalier, on the brink of my expulsion as my classmates join together just to bring me down.

BEFORE the trouble came in, me and Yukihira just finished eating before going to class, wearing my black chef uniform, while he wore his proud Yukihira's.

" So you're a chef from a restaurant too? That must be why your food tasted so good! " Yukihira says while holding his well-kept knife case.

" Mhmm, we're not together for the first class but we are for the rest of the day. Wait for me near the school board after the first class okay? " I said and he gave a quick nod.

" What do you think about this school Vance? I'm just floating by here and I can't really ask anyone else. " He says, crossing his arms while thinking.

" Well...I'm not questioning it, but we'll probably find some strong cooks here. It's an international school after all. We're just kids Yukihira, we'll meet a lot of people. " I said and chuckled, but then we reached the end of the hall, taking a quick glance at the room number and confirmed that it's my room.

" Hey Yukihira, bye see you later^^ do your best! "

" Yeah! You too! "

With that the two of us separated, I thought that's it going to be a breeze passing through this class.

But boy am I wrong.


AS soon as I entered the room, everyone was already wary of me, a new transfer student. I wasn't as hated as Yukihira but I sure got some good glares, but the most peculiar thing about this class is, Kurokiba's slumped on his shoulders beside me, and Hayama in front of me sniffing a cinnamon thing like always.

Man did I get on a weird mix of class.

Despite two powerhouses being present here. That wasn't the part that's been harshly bothering me, it was the rumors flying through ear to ear behind me. Each stare sinks on the back of my skull as if they're trying to kill me just glares.

Finally, someone spoke.

" Hey. Vance Cavalier. Aren't you the crybaby that failed to enter Totsuki at the start of Junior High because of your sucky cooking? " He smiled, looking at me, followed by smirks all around the room.

" Yeah. That's definitely him. His father even begged for him, I heard. But no matter what, his cooking just sucked. No matter how his father begged, he just couldn't get in!" It was followed by a harsher saying from the other end of the room.

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