13. The Hummings

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( Above is the picture of Serina, this is not my art and yes, Vance threw a cake at her face.)


Though I didn't want to be tricked into jumping in this trap, here I am following Madame-sensei on the corridors. Students still kept staring at me, for some reason this is beginning to bug me off.

I thought this was normal bullying, well bullying shouldn't be normal but what can I do? Its humanity's fault.

They were all staring at me and laughing before and after I've defeated 15 cooks in my own they still look dissatisfied. Thinking that I probably cheated?

My father here, is a past elite ten member...damned blood relationship expectancy.

She's branded as a genius everywhere and I probably, got bullied or looked down on a lot.

How convenient. Assholes.

Something must have happened that drew haters eyes to me personally not just my father.

No one bullied me on my own world because...HA.

They wish they could.

But somehow the Vance living in this body before me is the complete opposite of what I was. If it was up to me I'd just kick their as via shokugeki.

" Young Cavalier? " My feet forced myself an awkward stop, thankfully just enough for me to not fall.

I looked around when I realized that we arrived, just like the other corridors this one had many rooms but a telling violet sign hanging on the wall caught my eye.

' Purple Bloomers Cooking time!'

" Purple bloomers?" Sensei laughed when he saw the confusion on my face.

" Yeah. That's the name of their group and I am one of the teachers that guides this club. " He says.

" Then why are you bringing an enemy here? " He laughs again as if to mock me and I just stood there crossing my arms. Why is he so playful?

" Because it would be interesting to see what you'll do. " He lifts his chin with a smirk and locked eye contact with me.

" Like I said your father was an acquaintance of mine. As well as your brother of course. I must say the Cavalier family are full of the most talented pastry chefs out there. People can glorify you with all the cliché nicknames they give the chefs like the Nakiri family."

" However, due to your family's silent nature that has almost never been the case. No matter what nickname they give you guys always goes quiet after a period of time doing your own thing. Heck you don't even participate in interviews " Never expected Madamè to be the type to take note of such things. Woah. He's giving me really important exposition right now though.

" So I'm a test run or something?" I raise my brow and he starts laughing again.

" Yes, no Cavalier I've met has caused so much trouble in Totsuki! and, addition to that...You're the most adorable one. "

I swear if he's talking about my height, I don't care if I punch a teacher.

" Well let's not drag this on any further, let's gain you some advantage over her shall we?"

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