3. New Students!

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After that exam me and Soma was just confused about what happened...well I figured that she probably liked them but got annoyed by us so she stormed out like that. ( I didn't tell Soma though and I watched the anime ).

But I thought I wasn't going to get any kind of invitation, however sometimes life does work in wonders. Soma looked at me smilling like a big baby as we ate strawberry donuts that I baked so I can eat something while Senzaemon was doing his speech about the junior high school kids finally going to highschool.

" Are you sure I'll be fine Vance? You're kind rich too right? Even though they kinda hate you? Tell me some tips come on. " He cooed with a big goofy smile making me cough on the donut I was eating.

" Pfft, first of all, Soma. That's very rude to say to someone who just gave you a free donut. Second, Don't Call me rich, I can't cook food it feels weird. " I said, shaking my head earning a frown from him.

" Well sorry, sorry but we're both gonna make a speech you know? You aren't worried at all, what are you gonna say? " He asked leaning back on the foldable chair, thinking, I never really did think about what I wanted to say to anyone.

" Whatever, let's just say whatever comes on our mind, it's not like they have anything against us right? "

He crackled and laughed as he heard and nodded. " Well yeah I guess. " I don't want to give him any tips so he can continue to piss Aldini off.

Soon I heard the girl's voice finally announcing us. " Now we move on to today's main speakers, the two new transfer students who passed the examination held only a few days ago. "

Right? Isn't this the time when Nakiri was thinking off crushing everyone in her generation? A smirk creeps up to my face again as me and Yukihira stand up.

" Are you sure you're going to eat infront of them Vance? "

" Shut up Yukihira, I'm nervous. This is stress eating. " Pfft I'm not nervous I just want to piss off some people too.

And the two of us get on stage.


3rd person

The crowd definitely wasn't prepared for the two new arriving transfer students.

Well the polar star students doesn't know the trouble some Yukihira yet and here another trouble, the reincarnated 34 year old man named Vance Cavalier was also behind Yukihira, silently eating a donut.

At first Yukihira was giving off an ominous vibe as soon as he walked over to the mic to talk. We know Yukihira's a big dork but if you don't know him, his vibes are scary. Vance too, who silently kept behind Yukihira wearing a black jacket while casually waiting a donut.

But beyond that a smile appears on Yukihira's face. " Oh sorry to be talking to ya'll from up here! "

" Just be quick about it please! " The announcer says, earning a small laugh from Yukihira. You know those ' Tehehehe~ ' laughs. " Well I'll keep it short and sweet then! "

" Just a couple of Sentences! " He announced with a big smirk. Someone gasped from backstage, probably Erina who thought that there were two different people who got through the entrance exam.

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