11. My Dearest Older Brother [[Edited]]

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(The art above is NOT mine. That's also how Vincent looks like in this story )


" Are you trying to act like a gifted and genius cook like Erina? " Vincent's words almost shook me up by context, we made eye contact and there was no remorse or even a single hesitation. That sentence almost made my heart well up. Though my eyes he looked straight on my soul.

I knew it's very hard to confront your own family, but I was never this afraid of Vincent. Never have I felt afraid at all when he's talking to me. His voice sends a cold shiver down my spine, as if he commands over me.

Since when did he have such a menacing aura?

And never did he have such resentful eyes. " If you're trying to prove yourself like her then you better just keep that sudden burst of confidence to yourself. You know father will never look at you or me. If you want to have people consider you as a threat then stop acting out on childish out bursts. "

A sudden pang of pain hits my chest as he nonchalantly passes by me. " I expected something more from you. Thinking that you actually changed just wasted my time. The next I hear from you causing trouble deal with father's anger instead. "

" Win that Shokugeki so his name won't be tarnished any further. Mine as well. "

His words, there was no emotion, there was nothing.

I was left standing there, completely forgetting that I am in a different world.

And have made a fool out of myself.


Few hours BEFORE


" You see, I like using the Italian Meringue more than French Meringue more in the elevated humble pie that I made, It has more of a marshmallow feel and sparks up the dish. " I said as I piped the meringue on top of the humble pie making the three of them spark as always while their watching me cook.

For some reason I find it adorable. 

Anyways, I'm just glad most students in the class stopped messing with me after all that ruckus on the telly and I've lived a pretty peaceful life so far. 

Except the fact maybe that I've attracted a strange amount of girls who liked me because of my mysteriousness and confidence. Seriously 16 year old girls needs to pick better kinds of men.

Well there's been stress from the fact that I'm literally going up against 30 Kids. I'll probably tired by then, But considering that I have 3 other monsters in front of me I guess I'm fine.

Today me and the three are using the classroom kitchen to get our work done, well honestly all we've done for 5 days is helping them understand new terms and helping them learn new french techniques that they might want to use. And whilst cooking my food Yukihira hogs them all to himself most of the time.

" I can't believe we're just lounging around right now instead of proper training. I was ready to contact a professional to coach us but you disagreed anyway. " Hayama had his arms crossed, making me sigh as I took of the apron whilst their eating the grapefruit tart.

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