8. Team Shokugeki.

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" Here he goes again, isn't that the damn Transfer student? "

" Look at how arrogant he is that bastard! "

" He's been trying to flaunt to the teachers in every class! He's such a douchebag! "

" He's not even that talented! "

The rumors and whispers are spreading fast, well probably because of how things aren't going well for them as much as it has for me. Being a professional chef that worked for a kitchen this past years, the classes are somewhat easy.

I'm not saying they're super easy though, some are hard and there are some things that I've already forgotten that's being refreshed by the upcoming lessons. Not only our Madamé was happy by my performance but so was Sir Chapelle once he did teach us in class.

Granted, all we did was copy a recipe but the techniques were hard too.

Ryo and I sat at the bench together, waiting for Hayama. He bought out lunch today because he's in charge. By the way we made a schedule for buying lunch pfft.

" Vance, I know you're super lax and carefree but...aren't you the least bit annoyed by this rumors? " Ryo asks.

For a moment I was taken back, I never knew Ryo would be interested in something so trivial.

" Hmm, I am annoyed but, in this way aren't I famous too? Even though it's bad publicity, people know me...I guess. " A shrug followed that unsure sentence, as I stare back on the sky. " It's not like I can do anything to stop them from talking anyway..."

" I knew leaving you two alone wouldn't end up in a rather interesting topic. Seriously you two should talk more. " Hayama says, bringing two burgers on our hands, earning beaming smile from me.

" Hayama! Thanks for buying us Lunch...gahhh it's such a nice today. " I exhaled as I receive the tasty burger that he bought for us. He sat between me and Ryo, patting my head again for some reason ( Hayama thinks he's a puppy ).

" Yeah, yeah but Kurokiba is right, your reputation sucks. Also including the fact that you're closely related with Yukihira Soma. Are you brothers or something? " Hayama says, also biting on his burger while they gave a curious stare to me.

" Sort of, I kick him when he does something stupid and scolds him. We fight over small things and hit each other with pillows at the dorm. We're not blood related but I can't help to think that it's meant to be. " I said.

" Well that's your charm. For some reason people can just talk to you and somehow we're somewhat friends now. " Hayama's remark made me crackle a big laugh and I nudged his shoulder with a smirk. " Ehh~ so you're finally admitting I'm your friend huh~? "

" S-shut up, I'm trying to make a point. "

" Look at him Kurokiba-kun, he's turning red pfft. "

" You're bad at lying Hayama. "

" Cut it off the two of you! " He huffed.

" Well, whatever the case, people hate me and I think it's natural. They probably think that I've had it easy from the start because of my father. They think because they studied here longer they've gained a higher leverage from me but somehow I'm constantly showing my own skills. Some people are small minded and most of them are. They don't understand how an outsider can learn. " After that small preach Hayama chuckled and nodded. Probably knowing all that already.

Kurokiba just sighed and gone back to eating. " I hope they would just stop bothering us by staring at us Everytime they pass by though " he groaned making me and Hayama laugh.

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