10. Who are you dealing with?

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3rd Person

" There's a commotion with another RS. He's been popular lately, a patisserie who uses French techniques, isn't he on your dorm Isshiki? " Eizan's deep voice broke the silence of the on going car towards an important event, being the Elite Ten, the title brought them together most of the time even if they didn't really like seeing each other's face.

" He's quite popular everywhere, I heard that he's got the looks but quite small like Kuga. " Nene speaks up, even if she rarely does so, unable to ignore the on going rumors that's even spread on the second years.

" Hey! " Kuga yells, crossing his arms.

" Aha, I didn't know he's that popular however I can guarantee he's quite talented. " Isshiki says, leaving the conclusion towards them, which of course was a bit of wonder. Isshiki rarely recognizes someone too.

Rindo laughs, drinking her fresh soda that Eishi was supposed to drink, abusing the first seat as always. " Is he interesting Isshiki? "

" Well, that...you'll see for yourself. " Isshiki says, glint hiding behind his eyes as well as excitement.

Specially, the team shokugeki is happening in 5 days.

The winner could make and break Totsuki.



As much as I thought that I'll be panicking for the rest of the week, it's quite the contrary, Kurokiba and Hayama being one of the best students of this generation are really talented. Not to mention Yukihira who's bugging me every night, Every time he needs information instead of actually reading by himself.

I'm just calmly eating my cheesecake under a tree here in Totsuki on the way back to polar star. Spending your time eating by yourself is one of the best remedy to stress I can recommend, just calm down and eat by yourself as you breath by the tree. Works Every time for me pfft.

But of course, Just as I thought that I'd find my peace laying on my back watching the clouds, I heard audible footsteps from behind.

Darn anime for making this scene so dramatic.

" Are you Vance Cavalier? " Right after I opened my eyes, 5 people stood before me, all of them looked like their years, mature comparable to my current weak and short self. Which makes me think I should really need to stop avoiding leg day. 

" Yes? At your service senpais. " I groaned taking a bite of the cheesecake I was peacefully eating a while ago.

" Oh? You already know? " A laugh erupted from them, of course the air of their condescending asses are already annoying my keep away radar. I swear just leave me alone.

" Are you that arrogant dear Kouhai-kun? " Two golden eyes met mine one of them kneeled in front of me, a girl to reach my eye level. Her eyes flickered excited at the thought at possibly thrashing my ass.

" Name. " Catching up to the heating tension in the air, I asked not wanting to feel even more left out with the little information I had. " Unica Olivares. " She smiled.

" Yes, then why have you esteemed and wonderful senpais have graced such a useless and repulsive underclassman as myself with your presence? What have I done to deserve your utmost precious time? " A little giggle of sarcasm left me.

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