1. New life at Totsuki!

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I've never panicked this much my entire life. In fact if I would try to recollect any time when I panicked whatsoever, I've never panicked enough for my whole body to become cold and shake. Only reason for that is while being in this short car ride.

I'm not even in my own world anymore and Hiro's not the one sitting in front of me...well at least he isn't the Hiro I've been with since young. He's older than me here.

In the Food Wars Universe...and now I'm suddenly being thrust into this world without any prior explanation. Just some few hints. Not only that, I look like the person I'm inhabiting right now, we have the same name. But not the same behavior.

How do I know?


" I'm happy that you seem more mature and confident now Vance! Last night you were shaking so much you needed so much milk just to fall asleep! I never knew Milk can make you mature! You're not crying right now! Ah...you've grown up. " Hiro says being overdramatic.

A trait I've never seen before...and hear what he just said? Crying? I sound like a cowardly child with no confidence or experience whatsoever.

 ' What's with this heavy bag with me anyways? '

 I checked the bag hanging on me. Filled with powder, towel, a snack and chocolates!

What am I? A kid going to school?

I'm not sure with other people, but I don't think any 15 year old would need any of this for an entrance exam to a culinary school. I removed the bag and placed it beside me, crossing my legs.

" I'll leave this here, I don't need any of this, where's my knife Hiro? " I asked, Hiro's eyes widened with a smile, surprised at my current actions.

Well. I won't live like a crybaby for sure. I'm sure I've overworked myself a lot and have spent my life being serious but that doesn't mean I'm going to act like a child now...well maybe sometimes. But seriously not as this Vance!

How embarrasing.

" My my, you really have grown up young master. Your father would be very proud. Your knives has been sharpened carefully and it's on the trunk, I'll give them to you later as we arrive. " I could only grunt as an answer.

Seriously life works in wonders...I've never thought I'll be here...I've seen shokugeki no soma, even if I was busy I was obssessed with the show...it's truly spectacular. I'm in Totsuki...and I'll make sure to take my sweet time.

I'll never boast, all of this 30 years of experience with no joy. Surely, I'll start over again with this shaky hands.

Once I opened my phone, Immediately I saw cooking apps and as I check my notes it's filled with schedules and lessons that made me chuckle. Well in this aspect I've never changed. I'm meant to be a perfectionist in every world, as an arrogant adult or as a cowardly child.

As my attention was drawn to my phone, Soon the car stopped and as I looked outside our car's beside any other black luxury cars that made me smile. " Guess I'll be off now Hiro, take care of yourself. " I said, opening the door to finally leave, but a Key was handed to me by him.

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