9. Preparing for the Team Shokugeki!

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" So you're Hayama? And You are...Kurokiba. Nice to meet you! I'm Yukihira Soma! " I groaned softly, laying on Soma's arms wasn't that comfortable after I fell asleep now my back's killing me. Groggy, I leaned on the couch still sighing, trying to recover my energy.

" Likewise, Nice to meet you. I've heard all about you from this guy as well. " Hayama says as he sat over me while Kurokiba quietly just sat at the other couch.

" Hehehe, Really? You tell stories about me Vance? "

" I don't, you're just involved with me most of the time Yukihira. Gahh my heard hurts..." I groaned, shaking my head to clear my own thoughts.

" Well then, let's start preparing Vance and also...stop groaning like an old man, it's disturbing. " Hayama grunts while crossing his arms together.

" Wow, so bossy Hayama. Tch. Sorry you need to hear me cracking my own spine and groaning. Anyways, I haven't read this thing yet but, as a starting point. It will be random and Aki was kind enough to give us a list of what we're dealing with. " I immediately showed them the file and the strongest ones were highlighted, along with their strongest cuisines.

Most of them does have a relation to sweets though, desserts are there but some had other strengths too such as fish, meat and some traditional ones such as Chinese.

" I'm worked with Chinese before, if there's a chance for us to pick who fights, I'll right him. " I said pointing at the random senior that was highlighted.

" Hey, mind easing us in first before you take on your targets? I've never even heard of a team shokugeki before..." Ryo says, looking at the three of us.

" Uhh me too actually! I've never heard of it before but I thought there's just teams and stuff. " Yukihira shrugged.

" Can you explain Hayama-kun? " The white haired man nodded and took a look at the file and pointed at the pictures showing the positions.

" In team Shokugekis, you can fight with your team and help them with your team mates, ask them for ingredients, ask for combinations and many more. It's totally fine to be a smaller group because even if one of us gets beaten, the other ones can take revenge and take down the others, basically you can only lose once but you can fight countless times, there's nothing more special. It has the same rules as the normal shokugeki, there's different rounds and judges, the stakes are the same. " Hayama explains.

" Oh, that's a pretty cool challenge. Well what's your plan Vance? Pretty sure you're gonna make one cause you don't like being unprepared. " Soma says the last part with his provoking voice again that makes me sigh, seriously. This kid.

" Well let's just look at their files for now, I don't wanna form such a big strategy, I want to enjoy the fight too. " As usual, I groaned after answering so lazily.

" Ohh, you're a risk taker Vance, I like it. " He smirked, annoying me again.

" Shut up Yukihira. "



" Oh? You're Hayama-kun and Kurokiba-kun? I've also heard about the two of you! You two are close friends of our Vance! He's such a nice kid I'm glad he's found good friends like you! " Isshiki senpai says while shaking hands with both Hayama and Ryo.

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