12. Drowning Again

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" Enough. " Yukihira's voice boomed from the counter, both Hayama and Ryo looked the same as him. They looked furious for some reason. I took the towel and wiped my forehead and stood silently as the three of them approached my station.

" We can continue tomorrow. " I knew Yukihira had a demanding and cold voice sometimes but I didn't think it would affect me this much.

I could still feel Vincent's glare from the auditorium. This day shouldn't end like this, I shouldn't just stop it here.

" Why are you deciding? Aren't I the one who initiated this in the first place? " As I get angry the lower my voice becomes and even now, being 15 didn't change much of that.

" And we're stopping now as a team. Don't make me scold you here. " Hayama's voice was demanding, his cold gaze tried to make me bend to his will,

As much I want to stop now, I don't want to. Specially right after what that bastard said to me.

" I'm finishing this to-" Yukihira's voice suddenly boomed across the whole stadium as he slammed the kitchen counter loudly.

He was fuming, I could tell. He's probably pissed that I haven't made him cook at all. But why would I stop for such a childish reason?

" We're going. " Ryo also spoke up, making everyone shiver.

Their anger was seeping out towards the whole stadium, but their not the only one. I'm far angrier than them, The brother I thought would be one of the strongest reasons why I would even want to live here any longer,

Has betrayed me.

I know. Not everything in life can be just handed to you, I was given a new life to live...but that doesn't make the situation better.

I can't even hug him...I can't even spend my time happily with him because he's not him!

Am I fated to lose my brother in every damn world possible?!

" S-so! We're over! As the Vance Faction said we'll be packing up today! " The black-haired idol says and everyone gets relieved.

The only thing I could do was sigh and retreat, my eyes fixed on my tools and never looking up. I'm too annoyed to talk to anyone and be angry.

Before I can leave the stadium, Unica and the blonde woman has their eyes on me. Clearly pissed off that I sectioned half of their forces out of the Battle in just the first day.

That made it a little better.

I didn't talk to any of the three as I pack my bags and secure the supplies for the rest of the Battle tomorrow. Though the three of them had been eyeing me for a while now, it's something that I've been used to.

When I was a chef, my staff hasn't dared to talk to me either and I didn't care enough to check on them unless it's needed or would affect our overall productivity.

And I was satisfied.

" What happened? " Hayama starts, making a large wave of silence warp though between us.

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