7. Tadokoro Megumi!

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" So you've had a party last night and worked up on the fields this morning? " I asked, dumbfounded, finding out that I've just missed out on 2 major events on this darn anime. A loud sigh escaped my lips and slumped myself on the table.

" I'm sorry guys, I was super exhausted and I love sleeping. I'm the worst when it comes to either staying up late or waking up early. " Soma laughed as he sat beside me and pats my back.

" It's fine Vance-kun! " Megumi smiles softly trying to comfort me. " I'm Tadokoro Megumi, a classmate of Soma-kun, we met earlier than you because we're on the same class and he was awake when the party happened last night! " She says.

" Mhmm, Nice to meet you Tadokoro, was Yukihira a hassle? "

Instead of Megumi, Ryoko who was sitting beside me answered me. " Well, he made us eat something last night. "

" Oh the squid? That's disgusting. Hey some didn't I tell you not to shove those things on people's mouths? "

" Ehh?? But aren't they something that Sparks curiousity? Hehehehehee " I immediately hit him as scolding before he can explain himself out of the grilled squid situation.

" Well, to finish up the Introductions, I'm Yuki Yoshino, This is Sakaki Ryoko! " She points at Sakaki, " Then that shady guy that likes smoking is Ibusaki! Those two guys are Shoko Sayo and Daigo Koji! And that guy wearing glasses is Marui! We always party on his room! "

I nodded and took a quick glance at everyone. It's really peaceful here and now I have this new dormitory friends pfft. " I'm Vance Cavalier, You already know my name though but...let's get along, I like Manga and Singing. Take care of me from now on "

" Pfft You like singing Vance? I never realized that! " I groaned, " You never asked Yukihira. "

Megumi began to look at Soma and me curiously before getting caught with my gaze that she blushed and realized that I knew what she was doing. " Uhmm-"

But, before she can talk a loud voice came beamed inside the room, seemingly Isshiki's. " Vance-kun! Have you finally awakened? "

Isshiki looked defined and carefree as always being the stud that he is, proudly showing off his body while carrying that dangerous thing they use for digging. " Aren't You Isshiki? I've read about the Elite Ten, Nice to meet you Isshiki-senpai! "

" Oh you already knew me? What a surprise! Actually I heard quite a fascinating news from your fellow classmates yesterday Vance, they said that you had an interesting challenge of taste testing, despite the difficulty you managed to get all of the dishes right! " He chuckled, offering me a simple handshake as he walked over to me, which I calmly accepted.

Like the others, I know that their curious about me. Yukihira's quite forward and easy to know. Persons like me however can be very confusing depending on how others perceive us.

" Ehh? What happened at the Taste Testing Vance? That never happened to us before! " Yuki asks curiously.

" Oh. They gave us each blindfolds and we have to guess the dish depending on what it smells and tastes like. It's actually quite easy if you eat a lot. Which I do quite often. "

" Woah! That's Amazing tell us about it Vance! " They chimed in, but before I could utter another word a loud grumble erupts from my aching stomach.

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