5. Polar Star Dorm!

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[ Today's recipe, Strawberry Mirror Glaze Cake! the recipe came from thecookingfoodie.com! The picture here from Pinterest! Their not mine! ]


" Are you sure your knowledge about cooking's mostly because of eating? " Hayama asks with an amused expression making me sigh and stopping my own tracks just to look right at his eyes, annoyed.

" Yes! Why?! Are you going to tell me it's stupid?? If you do I already know so shut up about it. " I grumbled while we were walking out of the hall.

" For your size and height you sure have a lot of voice and energy Vance. " Ryo comments, drooped down due to his lack of Bandanna.

Look at this two following me around, they didn't really get a long at first at all. But when Ryo removed his Bandanna they ended up following because I was interesting. Sure it's fun being friends with such cool Food War characters but...their both insulting me as if there's no tomorrow.

" Stop bullying me about my size, I'm just not fully grown yet like the two of you..." I groaned crossing my arms as we walk. " Well enough about me, what are you guys about? I specialize in French Cuisine and I've been doing conceptual deserts for a long time now. "

Hayama stops to give me a curious stare and Ryo too who seemed a bit confused by the statement. " Pfft, It's a made-up term I made up for the kind of food I make. Essentially, It's a desert or dish that tells a story, I'll give you a small example for a simple take on it, Hmm Maybe Salmon right? I'll use maybe...Spring Ingredients to compliment that, with the plating I'll create a small concept or a story for the dish, so while you eat you discover different flavors and wonders at the same time! It's a concept I've liked doing! "

" Hmm, for a young age you already have a unique cooking style? That's impressive. " Hayama chuckled, while Ryo took time to think about it. " I'm not sure about mine yet, however when it comes to spices and Aroma, I won't lose to anyone. " He notes making me nod.

" Cooking style huh? I'm still exploring but good for you. I like cooking fish because I grew up near a harbor. " Ryo says as we continue our walk around the school.

" Well honestly,If you still don't have a defined style, you shouldn't rush it. It'll be better if you actually discover you style unexpectedly, don't plan it. One day I was looking up at cook books and researching and one day, once I went back through my notes I found a pattern that I've usually followed and Since then I fell in love with my specialty! " Saying that laughing that received a casual reply from the two of them.

" You have a very big mouth don't you? You talk as if you're a pro. " Hayama chuckles, and suddenly brought his hands to pat my head.

" Psh...just because head pats are comfortable don't get cocky with me Hayama! And hey! Pros aren't the only people with wisdom! " I huffed.

" Guys...I'm leaving. Aren't you going home too Hayama? " Ryo asks Hayama who realized and lets go of my small head with that signature cool prince smile.

" Ah right, see you tomorrow Vance. Where are you staying? " Hayama looked back over his shoulder to confirm but before I can answer a loud booming voice calls me from behind.

" Vance! "


" Where were you? I thought that you already left me! After promising to meet in front of the school board you didn't even show up! "

Great now I'm being scolded. But I could only reply with a small shrug. " I met these two on class and they showed me around, This guy is Hayama and the droopy one's Ryo! "

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