2. Egg Dish for Nakiri Erina

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[ Photo by Peden + Munk, recipe from Epicurious ùwú! Garlic Soup with potatoes and Poached Egg ]


" So who's she and why is everyone running away right now? " Soma asked, fairly shocked as everyone tried to leap out of the door as soon as they see her.

" Mhmm...the nicest and shortest way I can put it, is she was raised to be able to recognize any kind of food by just tasting them and she's really picky, that's why they call her the God Tongue, she's important because with her tastes, she can enhance a dish better than anyone. " I shrugged making him amazed and laughed as everyone left.

" Ah? WOAH! You must be really cool then! Hey I'm Yukihira Soma and I'm taking this exam nice to meet you! " He says, suddenly placing his arm on Nakiri's shoulder making me chuckle.

Look at their chemistry, now I get to see it live up close.

" Hey stay away from Erina-sama! Don't you know who she is?! How ignorant! " Hisako says, then began her Montague of praising Erina's well being leaving an empty look on Soma.

" Yeah sure? She sound pretty amazing! Vance just told me about you! " He says pointing at me, leaving me with no option that to just wave.

" Well then? We're going to use Eggs right? Is there any rules or anything like that? " Yukihira says, making me shrug as I look around the kitchen to browse over their ingredients.

Erina, paid him no mind at all right now but she still have him a condescending look, ouch.

" Hmph, as long as you use Eggs you can do whatever you want, but are you sure about this? You should withdraw-" but before even Erina can finish her sentence Soma released a deep breath.

" Woah! Really? I was worried! I thought I was not going to be able to cool at all! " Yukihira says, moving in closer this time making me chuckle as I look all over the cabinets.

Woah they even have some different kind of chocolate here...hmmm...

" Back off! " Hisako yells at Yukihira, practically scolding him. " This is Nakiri Erina the-"

" Yeah! Yeah I get it already you must be pretty important or cool or something! Vance already told me about you! Let's skip all that stuff and actually make something! I just gotta make her say good right? " He whined and pointed at me, taking off the bandana off his wrist, and smiled softly, tying it on his forehead.

" Oh it's starting? " I groaned, preparing the stove as I patiently wait at the bench where I'm supposed to cook. " Y-you two! " Hisako says, with Erina looking at us with a distrustful face.

For a student, she actually looks pretty serious and demanding, but hey it's anime.

" I'll be happy to serve you! Examiner Nakiri! " Yukihira Declares making me smile.

" Well looks like you have to taste our dishes, Nakiri-san. " I said, also starting to prepare my dish.


AFTER SOMA threw his jacket across the room, I managed to catch it while watching him cook with a smile, Stashing the thrown jacket, Looking over the ingredients I managed to finally think of what I'll be cooking off! Some simple Garlic Soup Potatoes and Poached Eggs!

As usual as a starter, a small piece of butter melted on my pan producing a wonderful smell, followed soon by garlic, white and pale green parts of leek, and thyme, after a couple of minutes I removed them from the heat and now working on my broth before I use my potatoes. After a few minutes I tossed the potatoes inside the broth after removing the used chicken.

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