Chapter Eight

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Emily Radley sat in music class with her beady eyes focused on Thomas. How she loved his icy glare and his silvery blonde hair. The time ticked by slowly as Emily spent thirty minutes staring at the side of Thomas's face. She noticed him glancing towards Yuri several times and her eyes narrowed into a sneer.

'He never even looked at me.' Emily thought angrily, her glint filled with jealousy.

'What's so great about that Yuri girl anyway?'

Emily had always been known as the Princess of Beauty to all her schoolmates and her wealthy background was most admirable. Most boys wanted to have Emily as their girlfriend. And yet, Emily thought glumly, the only boy she loved never even showed the slightest interest towards her. But somehow, Emily Radley was going to get what she wanted, even if her father's money couldn't buy it.

Emily took out her most expensive quill and slid it into Yuri's schoolbag carefully and slowly. The girl glanced around to make sure no one was watching before she burst into a fit of fake tears. All heads turned to her.

"Miss Radley, what's wrong?" the teacher, Ms. Spinner asked.

"My quill! My most expensive and precious quill is gone! It was a gift from my grandma, before she died!" Emily sobbed, pretending to look devastated. Everyone began to look around for her pen.

"Everyone turn your bags inside out." The teacher ordered.

Everyone did so obediently. Emily saw with grim satisfaction that Yuri looked dumbstruck when the quill fell out of her backpack.

"Yuri Kwon, how dare you!" Emily cried, pointing a menacing finger at Yuri.

"You are a thief!"

Everyone threw loathing looks at Yuri and the teacher scolded her.

"Miss Kwon, you must understand that thievery is strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated at this school. I will have to report this. Do you have anything to say?"

Yuri looked at Emily in disbelief but did not say anything. Emily sneered at her.

"No, this is unacceptable, Ms. Spinner. I will take the punishment." Yuri said after a moment.

Thomas stared at Yuri in astonishment. He saw Emily frame Yuri.

'Why hadn't she denied it?' He thought, bewildered.

Long after class was over, Thomas watched Yuri wash the blackboard and scrub the tables. He stood waiting until she was done, then stepped up to her.

"Want to go for a walk?" he asked quietly.

Yuri looked up in surprise.

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