Chapter 6 - Just a day of errands

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Eloise's POV

"Lucy come on you have to get up or your going to be late for work"

"uuuughhhh I knew those shots were not a good idea"

"hear have this coffee it should wake you up a bit and heres the painkillers for that headache and you better not drive like this you could still have some alcohol in your system, I've asked allie to take you to work and I will get an uber to the car garage"

"Could you whisper please?"

"No because you still have to work and no one will be whispering there. and you might be better off wearing sunglasses on your way to work."

"Wait Allie is dropping me off to work"


"Wouldn't that make her late for work?"

"No she has had yesterday and today off of work because of Marcus. Now hurry up and shower because I need to make sure you get out the door before I order an uber"

"I'm never drinking this much again." I laughed

"You said that last time" She rolled her eyes

After about 20 minutes, Lucy had left with Allie so that she could get to work and I got my uber to the car garage to pick up my car. It had to go in for a service and they do offer courtesy cars but I was too scared. I can be clumsy sometimes and I was worried about hitting the car somewhere.


After picking up my car from the garage, I had to go to the sopping centre to get some clothes. I'm working in a bigger firm than my last place of work and I need to look the part. I feel nervous about this new job. I don't want my past to be brought up. I'm finally moving on and I'm excited. I wen into my favourite shop Zara. Always loved to shop here. The last few months of my life have taught me a lot. I got out of an relationship 6 months ago that came with it's consequences. Quit my job to get away from my ex. Spent those first 2 months depressed, eating ice-cream and not getting out of my apartment. But it as time for a change and I had to pay the rent so I needed a new job. I worked at a small agency that helped find staff for companies. So many different companies as well. I got to witness work in so many different sectors, especially in publishing. I've loved being a PA and I wouldn't change it for the world. I decided to go for a degree in ICT in computing but once I had graduated my boyfriend at the time needed someone to help him at his father's company and be a PA. And since then I have loved the job of being a PA and wouldn't change it. I seem to be good at it as well.

After 3 long hours of shopping and a large bill on my card, I decided it was time to head home. Before I left the shopping centre I rang Lucy to find out what was for dinner and she said we have nothing in. So before I get home I have to do the grocery shopping.

I headed into the store and started the shopping and picked up the things that Lucy liked since she was a fussy eater. I also seem to do all of the cooking. I say cooking, I tend to just use packet spices and jared mix in the food but it's a lot better than Lucy's cooking.

As I was going round the store, I noticed Mandy and went over to say Hi.

"Hey Mandy"

"Oh hi Eloise, how are you?"

"I'm good thank you. what about you?

"I'm good, just tired. It's been a long day at work"

"did you only just finish?"

"Yeah, there was problems with paperwork so I offered to help. It's never been that busy in the office but with the new changes and also the new business, Mr Bieber is determined to make it work so he will stay late. Hope I'm not putting you off the job"

"No of course not. I'm ready to work and I'm excited for the new journey"

"anyway I would love to stay and chat but I have to do some quick shopping and head home.But if you would like to, we could go to a bar on Monday night and celebrate your first day?"

"Yeah that sounds good" Mandy nodded her head and headed off as I went towards the checkout.


I got home and Lucy helped me put the shopping away and make dinner. Her way of helping make dinner is open the wine, pour me and glass and sit on the counter and chat to me.

"So how was work" I asked her.

"Oh it was good but there is a lot of stress at the moment. They have this really big case coming up soon and they needed it to go perfectly because it's a high profile client"

"Sounds interesting, who is it?"

"Would love to tell you but I signed a NDA and the case is being kept out of the media so I can't tell you anything, Sorry". She said sipping her wine.

"No it's okay, did you get a chance to check over my contract." Lucy was a lawyer which came in handy from time to time.

"Yes I did and everything checks out, the contract gets renewed every year but thats just to make changes kind of thing. And I have a court date come through for you and it's in a couple of months"

"Okay email me when and also what will I need to do to prepare?"

"all you have to do is have a deposition to make sure that you're prepared for lines of questioning. That will be done at the lawfirm and I'm not going to lie to you, it could be brutal but that's to prepare you for the worst-case scenario in court."

This all makes me nervous. Going up against my ex in court was the last thing I ever wanted to so but he had to be punished for what he did and I need to make sure that he doesn't do it to anyone else.

After me and Lucy ate dinner, I headed to bed.It was a Friday night and I had to get up early in the morning to look after my brother whilst Allison is at work. she had to be at a clients house for 7 in the morning. Allison is a hair and make-up artist and has a wedding tomorrow and because Marcus was shot in the leg, he struggles to get up and down the stairs and needs a bit go help even if he doesn't want it.

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