Chapter 8 - First Day

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Eloise's POV

Monday came along a lot faster than I thought. I'm nervous for my first day but also really excited. I woke up extra early to get to the office for 8am. I have to leave at 7:30 though because it might take longer than I thought to get there and I really don't want to be late on my first day.

I made myself overnight oats and sat and ate them whilst looking through social media when I got a text from my brother wishing me good luck. Life has been complicated for years and I was glad that things were starting to look up. Leaving the past in the past was all that I wanted and to move on with life. 

"Good Morning Elle!" Lucy came out her room taking me out of my day dream. 

"Morning" I said smiling

"You all good?"

"Yeah, just nervous. I want everything to go well."

"And it will, just think positively and everything will be okay. Now is there any breakfast for me?"

"Yeah of course there is. In the fridge"

"Thank you and don't you have to be leaving for work soon."

"Yeah I do, thank you for the reminder. Allie should be here to drop me off because I'm going out to a bar tonight." I said whilst grabbing my bag.

"Oooooh with a guy?" she said all excited.

"No, there is no guy. you've already set me up and I'll meet him at the wedding"

"Okay see you later" Lucy said as I waking out the door. 

I walked to Allison's house and she dropped me off at work. Feels weird to say I'm going to work especially after so long. 


I walked into Bieber Enterprise and walked over to the receptionist desk to grab my keycard and lanyard. 

"Good Morning Mandy."

"Hey, Good Morning Eloise. Here is your lanyard and keycard. It works like a fob so just scan it to get onto the elevator to get to your office. Any problems with it just bring it back and I will get it sorted. Also, is 7pm good for drinks?"

"Yeah sounds perfect. Which elevator am I meant to be going on?"

"You can go on the closest one. It's used by Mr Bieber and I believe that he wants you to use it to get onto the floor a lot easier."

"okay, thank you Mandy."

"Before you go, can you take these files to Mr Bieber. They arrived this morning. Don't leave them on his desk, hand it to him."

"Okay, is he in his office?"

"No not yet but he should be here in about 30 minutes but until then, theres some work in your office and your company login details."

"Okay thank you, I'll see you later"

I made my way to the elevator and pressed the button to go up but it didn't work so I scanned my card and then pressed it and the light came on. I made my way into the elevator. The ride was pretty long but had glass windows and had a beautiful view. 

Once the elevator had stopped, I made my way out the elevator and into my office. My office had an amazing view of the city. I put the files on my desk and found the file on my desk to log onto the computer. Once I had logged on, I realised that I had an email and it was from Mr Bieber welcoming me to the company and giving me my list of tasks for the day and that he would like to speak to me once he gets to the office. 

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