Chapter 16 - Forbes meeting

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Justin's POV

The last half an hour went by fast. I had spent most of it doing nothing but thinking and scrolling through my social media. I had noticed that Eloise was in my suggested to follow section and I clicked on her account and it was public. I didn't know whether to add her or not. It might seem weird.

I had an email from the PR department to make sure that I was aware that I was expected to post on my personal social media about the charity gala and I had forwarded the email to Eloise to ask her to do so for most of the day. I didn't mind posting pictures of the event, but I had to make sure that she knew so that she could remind me to do it throughout the day. It was supposedly a good way to get a bigger audience and show people that I did care. Change my image a bit, I guess.

The meeting with Forbes magazine should not last too long. It was meant to be quick and just a discussion for the idea behind the shoot and the interview for the article. It seemed strange that the Forbes representative didn't listen to Eloise and wanted a meeting with me.

I headed into the small conference room and Eloise had set the room up and the Forbes representatives were already there. I took my place at the top of the table like always and barked myself for what was to come.

"Thank you, Mr Bieber, for the meeting with us. we have a few ideas that we wanted to discuss with you. We had an idea of a carnival themed cover to give and capture more people especially with the colours and with how different the cover would be to any other cover that we had done before. How do you like the sound of this idea?"

"I'm sure my PA had told you that I wanted the normal cover for the magazine since carnival theme has nothing to do with what the article is about or Bieber Enterprise."

"Yes Mr Bieber. We will stick with the traditional route. We wanted to make sure with you since we didn't know if you PA would still be working at the time of the shoot."

"And why would that be?" I asked in a stern manner. This was coming across as disrespectful to me and to Eloise. It was suggesting that she wouldn't be good at her job

"No reason Mr Bieber just seen a pattern" I nodded my head and acknowledged this rude behaviour. It was purely unprofessional and disrespectful. "and..." She was interrupted by Eloise.

"I suggest that you carry on with the meeting" the representative looked at me.

"She's right"

The two representatives carried on for another 30 minutes about the article and the interview and noted the changes that needed to be made. I have never seen such unprofessionalism from a company as large as Forbes.

The meeting had eventually finished and out of respect me and Eloise shaked their hands.

"Sorry what was your name again?"

"My name is Andrew Potter"

I buttoned up my suit and said, "Well Mr Potter, I hope you won't be at the shoot or the interview especially after your behaviour here today" He looked stunned and Eloise couldn't help but grin.

Eloise held the door open for me and Mandy went inside the conference room to escort them out. I'm sure Eloise must have sent a message some point in that meeting.

"God that was awful." Eloise said.

"without a doubt"

"I mean how can people be that disrespectful to you. I surprised Forbes sent them."

"About that, could you send an email to them on my behalf suggesting that they be replaced for the shoot and interview otherwise I will pull out. They need me more than I need them"

"Yes of course. But I don't think that the PR department would be happy if you don't do the shoot and interview."

"Well they haven't been happy with me for years. They never like anything that I have done, and I certainly did not give them an easy time when I was younger."

"You were younger, I mean what do they expect! Everyone goes through that but unfortunately you had to go through yours in the media." I looked at her with shock. She is one of the first people that has understood that. "Sorry Justin. but it needs to be said." I stayed quiet since I was shocked that she actually understood. No one had before, not even my parents. They saw it as a hassle. "I'm sorry I overstepped" She said and then I stopped her.

"Eloise, don't say sorry because you didn't say anything wrong. I'm just stunned that someone actually understands for once. no one in the PR department ever did and neither did my parents. It gave them a hard time since I wasn't on my best behaviour. To them I was ruining my image but to me I was doing what people my age do."

She smiled at me sweetly and I smile back. She didn't say anything else. Eloise headed to her office and I headed to mine.


Half an hour later I was sent a copy of the email that was being sent to Forbes. I sent back a quick email to okay it and off it went. 

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