Chapter 28 - PR disaster

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Justin's POV

We arrived back in London yesterday and the few days in New York was not too bad. There were a few complications, but we managed to sort it for a better deal in the end. It saved us from a disaster.

But there was another disaster occurring in the tabloids and I feel that it could be intentional. My ex, Natalie designers during interview with a magazine and released some information that isn't even true. She suggested that I had cheated on her multiple times during the relationship when its fact it was her who had an affair.

We had an agreement when we broke up which was that I wouldn't release any information regarding the true reasons of our breakup.

I had been seen in a jewellery store a few weeks before our breakup. I was buying an engagement ring. Last year we would have been dating for 4 years and I was ready for the next step and I thought she was too but in reality, she was cheating on me for about a year. I caught her in our house when I came home early to surprise her. I just can't trust anyone again. I trusted Natalie but since then I can't.

I made that agreement but since she went against it, I was going to tell the truth and I wouldn't regret any of it. the public needed to know the truth, and this could harm the business at the end of the day. My lawyer rang me earlier this morning and suggested that I press charges for slander, but I wanted to talk to Natalie beforehand and get an explanation.

We had a meeting today at 11 at the office. It was now half 9 and I know that Eloise was already in the office preparing for the next few weeks.

My father and my mother were joining me for the meeting and Megan with her superior. I didn't want her advice, especially with the way that she acted after the gala. They both wanted to come to make sure that everything was to be sorted.

I headed out of my apartment and into my waiting car to go to the office. Today probably wasn't going to be a good day.


Eloise was waiting for me at the elevator on our floor with a coffee for the coffee shop.

"Good Morning. Everything is ready in the conference room. I have left as set of the copies of the papers and magazines that have printed about this story. Your lawyer has also left a notice for you, so I forwarded the email. Let me know if you need anything else."

"Thank you, Eloise. I actually need for you to be there at the meeting. I need an outsider's perspective of who doesn't know the full history between me and her. And can you also ensure that my lawyer is there in case we need to discuss legal action"

"Yeah of course. I will get onto that right now." She then walked away and walked into her office. I then walked into mine and everything was laid out ready for me to look at.


Time went fast. I didn't realise the time until Eloise knocked on the door to tell me that it was time for the meeting.

I nodded and closed my laptop and made my way to the conference room where everyone was waiting.

"Shall we get started" my father said and well nodded.

"Right so how bad is the situation in the press?" my mother asked.

"It's worse than we initially thought. When the article first came out, we knew it would go big but now it's affecting the charity work you had lined up. We have had a few emails that say to either rectify the situation or consider the work cancelled." Luke said. Luke is Megan's supervisor who normally handles the PR situation regarding me, but he was ill, so he wasn't able to come to the charity gala.

"So, what exactly do we need to do?"

"There are a few options. We can hold a press conference here in this building with a few reporters that will ask you questions regarding the whole situation. The problem with this method is we won't have the questions beforehand. We could also release a documentary interview where you can be followed by cameras for a day and complete an interview and it can be released in as little as a week. We could discuss this in the Forbes interview, but I would recommend going against that since it is meant to be an interview regarding the company and the success of the next CEO. The last thing that we could probably do is hold an interview on a late-night talk show or something like red table talk. This is an option but not one that will give you the best coverage and in the best way since a lot can get twisted. In my opinion we do the documentary interview and release it on YouTube for everyone to access and then hold a press conference the next day to clear anything else up. We will have to have some legal advice so that we are not accused of slander in the end of it and have a lawyer watch it to make sure that it's not going to cause any more problems".

"Isn't an interview in that scene down more with celebrities rather than people in business?" my mother asked

"Yes, but in this sense, there is a lot of people in Mr Bieber's age group that have had a lot to say over social media which could cause a PR disaster."

We were then interrupted by a phone ringing.

"Sorry, it's security." Eloise said.

"Go ahead, take it" I said, and she stepped outside. My lawyer then began to speak.

"If I'm honest the best thing in my opinion is sue for slander and then do a press conference."

Eloise walked back in. "Sorry but Natalie is at reception waiting to speak to you. She's refusing to leave."

"I'm going to speak to her with a lawyer present"

"Before you do that" Eloise looked unsure "I think the idea of a documentary interview might be the best. It could show people the real you and not what they see in the media."

"I like that idea" my father said.

"Thank you, I will take it all on board and let you know of my decision after lunch. Eloise can you escort Natalie up here and make sure that she doesn't wander around. I want to make sure that security is also on this floor and can we find out if there is press outside?"

"I'll get onto it" Eloise left the room with her her phone in her hand.

My mum and dad got out of their seats and rubbed my shoulders before they left, and my mum gave me a hug before she headed out.

Then my PR team were getting ready to leave.

"Good Luck Mr Bieber"

"Thank You Luke" I shook his hand.

I waited in the conference room with my lawyer. I wasn't looking forward to this. I hadn't seen her in a year, and I was not looking forward to it.

About 20 minutes later, Eloise walked in with Natalie and Daniel was waiting outside of the door ready if we needed him.

"aww how amazing is it to see you."

"Hmm, Eloise can you take a seat please" She smiled and sat down.

This was going to be interesting. 

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