Chapter 62 - Night out

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Eloise's POV 

Last week was my birthday and it was perfect. Tonight me and Lucy were going out. First we were going to a bar and then we were going to a club for a bit. 

I was currently getting ready an Lucy was on her way back from work. We used to go to a bar for a catch up every week but then we moved into together and we started to have drinks in the apartment. But Lucy wanted to go out. I know that she has had a busy time recently and it's been hard at work too. 

"Hey, sorry I'm late. Got caught up in some paperwork"

"It's okay, I'm still getting ready so you're not that late" 

"Im going to take a quick shower and then I will join you" I nodded to acknowledge her 

Lucy didn't take long at all in the shower and she joined me in my room to get ready. It felt like when we were in Uni all over again getting ready fora night out. 

"So I haven't asked but how much did you love your birthday?"

"I loved it. Thank you so much. I also loved the presents you got me."

"It's all good. How was the night though? You didn't come back till the morning and you were rushing" she asked 

"I stayed with Justin" 

"You've stayed over at his quite a few times" 

"Well look who's talking. You didn't even tell me you were seeing someone for a couple of months" 

"Heyy, I told you when I wanted to. I didn't leave it too late" 

"Uh huh"

"Well you didn't answer my question"

"Yes I had a good night" I started to blush thinking about it

"Oh my god did you guys finally do it?"

"oh god." she was like a child "No we didn't" 

"And why not? He must have blue balls" 

"Because I'm not ready for all of that completely and I don't think he does" 

"You know he is very different to the guys in the past and he will respect you" 

"I know I know. He's a great guy. He can be an ass to some people but that's not often. Lucy he makes me feel me gain. I feel happy and he is the one that makes me happy. I didn't realise how much I had closed myself off to everyone until I met him and started opening up again" 

"I'm glad that you noticed that. You haven't been like that since your dad. I'm just glad you found someone to make you happy" 

"Hold on" she looked at me confused "you forced me to apply for that job. You told me 'it's worth a shot to have some interview experience at the very least'. You set me up didn't you" 

"Umm maybe." My eyes went wide. She is   at playing cupid "But it's not exactly what you think. Ryan told me about the job and I just made sure you applied on the day. The rest is you to be honest" 

"Well thank you" 


"Okay so you're telling me that he is meeting you're parents next week and he's not even worried?"

"Yep, Ryan said he's fine but I have a feeling that he is shitting himself"  

"He probably is to be honest. I mean I would be" 

"What do you mean? you've met Justin's parents" 

"Yeah but if I hadn't already then I would be nervous. I mean are you not nervous to meet Ryan's parents?"

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