Chapter 34 - Forbes Shoot

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Eloise's POV

Yesterday wasn't so bad, but I did have a headache. Today I'm okay. It was a different kind of day at work. I had to go to a hotel that was owned by the company.

I got into my car and put the address into the Satnav and off I went.


I was waiting in reception for Luke and Megan. And they didn't take too long to arrive.

"When is Mr Bieber going to arrive?" Megan said

"Now" I then headed outside to meet him and escort him in.

"Good Morning Mr Bieber, here is the Itinerary for the day," I handed him the iPad and he grabbed it to have a look. "I have your coffee for you"

"thank you, Eloise."

"Let's head inside and get you ready. We also have a behind the scenes shoot too."

"Okay and how long is this going to last?"

"It will last till after lunch."

"Okay because then we can watch the documentary. Do you want to watch it with me?"

"Yeah that sounds perfect"

We walked inside and took a silent ride in the elevator. I lead him to the room where the shoot would be. It was a large room and it often was used for dinners and events.

Justin went to get ready and I was sat in the corner doing some work. There were quite a few emails to get through including one from Justin's mum asking to go for some coffee next week.

I was a bit confused as to why, but I guess it was to do with my work as a PA. Pattie was a PA as well and that was how she met Jeremy. She did it for the summer and then she went back to her normal job. It was more so a temporary favour.

I was so busy with the work that I didn't even realise that the shoot had started so I put my laptop away and joined Luke on the side-lines. Megan was stood to the side and looking at the pictures.

"Sorry for Megan's behaviour last week. What she said to you was wrong and she will face her consequences."

"Thank you, Luke. but you don't have anything to apologise for. It wasn't you that made her say it."

"But I am her supervisor and if I pulled it together you probably wouldn't have to have dealt with her"

"Luke you can't control her. She is her own person and she makes her own decisions"

"I can see why you lasted this long as a PA. A lot of the other ones didn't last anywhere near as long and they definitely did not work as hard as you. They saw the job as an opportunity to date Justin. Well at least that's what they attempted to do. Justin never even looked at them"

"Well thank you. I like my job and I did come here to work"

He smiled at me and then Justin walked over. Turns out it was now time for a break. I followed him to a hotel room and got him snack.

"thank you, Eloise. When is the interview?"

"You have the interview just before lunch."

"okay thank you."

"do you need anything else?"

"nope I'm all good thank you"

"well just text me if you need anything" he nodded, and I walked out of the room headed back to where the photo shoot was.

This was a long day already and we were nowhere near done. Justin had about seven different suits and outfits to wear and only two had been photographed so far.


The day was finally over and I headed to Justin's house to watch the documentary.

Are Justin was waiting for me in the cinema room.

"perfect you're here, shall we watch it?"

"Yeah let's watch it"

"Would you like a drink?"

"Could I have some water please?"

"Of course,"

He left and he was soon back with two bottles of water in his hand.

"Thank you"

"Your welcome"

He then grabbed the remote and pressed play and we sat to watch it for the next half an hour. They cut out bits of me talking. In one part they muted me when I was in Justin's office. It was a really great edit and I'm sure that it would do really well.

"What do you think?" Justin asked me once it was done.

"It was amazing, and the interview is amazing too. I'm kind of glad that they kept the bit where you walked out. It shows that your human. How do you feel?" He had no expression on his face so I couldn't tell how he was feeling.

"I'm nervous for it to come out. I can get them to cut out the bit where you hug me if you want?"

"No, its okay, you can't see my face, so people won't know that it was me. You know you don't need to be nervous. This is you telling the truth. hat have the lawyers said. I'm sure they saw this before us."

"Yeah, my lawyer said that there is nothing here that she can sue us for, and I told him that you were in a court case so I made sure that anything in the documentary shouldn't affect your case. I know I shouldn't have told him, but he won't tell anyone under attorney client privilege."

"Justin don't worry about it. He works at the same law firm as Lucy so I'm sure he knew something about my case anyway. And I don't mind you telling him because you did it to help me"

"Thank you" he said with a smile. "also, this is for you" he handed me a memory stick.

"What is it?"

"It's this documentary and it also has the one without the cuts. Turns out there was a camera in the kitchen, and I didn't know when I was speaking to you. Our conversation is on there and I thought you might want a copy"

"Thank you. I will watch the uncut one too."

"Please just skip the bit when I trip"

"Wait when did that happen?"

"It happened when I walked out of my room. I tripped a bit on air, and they caught it" I started to laugh. "It's not funny" I continued to laugh which made Justin break out of his serious character and laugh. "Okay maybe it's a little funny"

We eventually stopped laughing after I nearly pulled a stitch.

"Well I should go"

"Of course," he then walked me out towards the elevator and grabbed my jacket for me. "See you in the morning Eloise."

"See you tomorrow Justin. have a good evening" I got into the elevator and pressed to go to the ground floor.

The door closed and Justin was out of view. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. He was giving me butterflies.

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