Chapter 24 - "you work too much"

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Justin's POV

Yesterday on the plane it was a surprise when Eloise asked me to unzip address. I'm also not a morning person at all but she managed to get me up and put me in a better mood than normal.

A lot of my previous personal assistants left because they didn't like my attitude in the morning. A lot of them only applied for the job because of my reputation of being a womaniser and this meant that they weren't suitable for the job. They wanted it for the wrong reasons and a lot of them were not even qualified. 

They gave me another reputation of the fact that no one wanted to work for me, and it made everything worse. 

My name in the tabloids doesn't tend to be positive most of the time unless it's work-related. But the charity gala had put a spin on that, people actually realised who I truly am since I followed Eloise's advice to say what I want to say and not be afraid.

It feels like she understands me even though we haven't had a similar upbringing. A lot of mine was in the public eye and over the years of my life people have used me for my name and for my money. But she was different. Eloise actually want to the job because she enjoys the job not because of who I am. 

She is honest with me which makes working with her easier and it doesn't feel awkward or forced. I'm glad that me and Eloise are friends as well as colleagues. 

Well she works for me so employee and boss relationship.

I was feeling excited to be in New York since I hadn't been in a while and I was excited to close this deal and return to London again. Every time I have been away, I have always missed home because it's always felt so lonely.

The flight wasn't too bad, and it went pretty quick but that was probably because I was asleep. We got off the aeroplane and headed to the car that was waiting. There was quite a bit of press already at the airport despite the time. We had it in to the hotel and Eloise checked us in.

"Okay so our rooms are next to each other with conjoining doors to make it easier to work."

"Sounds perfect. What time do I have to be up to leave?"

"We need to leave at 9am, so the very latest that you can wake up is at 8:30am"

We started to head to the elevator and make our way to the hotel room.

"See you later then" She said whilst heading to her room.

"Eloise"...she stopped "take it easy. It's a Sunday and you work too much. I can assure you that everything is already prepared for this meeting" she smiled and nodded her head and walked into her hotel room and I headed into mine.

Today we had a meeting for two hours and the meeting was followed by lunch. That should be it for the day and then we could do what we wanted. On Monday, the deal was meant to finalised and the contracts signed. We also had a lawyer fly out for this deal and we would be meeting him at the meeting and on Monday for when we sign the contract. Then we head back home on Tuesday morning and back into the office on Wednesday.

This was a good deal for us to make some new connections in the US. We already had the ones that my dad set up, but it also seemed like the perfect time to expand the business by partnering up with this hotel. It had a lot of potential.

I headed to the bed and decided to have a nap. It was going to be a long couple of days and with the time zone difference, it made it difficult too. I left the conjoining door lock open in case I needed Eloise to wake me up again, but I had set my alarm.


'beep beep beep beep beep'

There it was. The annoying sound of my alarm. I had to get up and get ready, but I also had to make sure that Eloise knows that I was awake.

I knocked on the conjoining door and heard some footsteps in her room but there were not coming in my direction. I waited for a bit and then she opened the door already for the day.

"Hey just thought I'd tell you that I am awake and is there any notices for me"

"Yes actually, your dad sent an email for you regarding this deal and I think that you should read it. It seems urgent."

"Can you read it to me whilst I get ready so that were not late?"

"Sure" She came into my room with her laptop and she sat at the table to read the email. I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.

"Eloise please pass this message on urgently to Justin. We had some information come in this morning that this deal could be disastrous for the company. Make sure that the contract is airtight, and that Bieber Enterprise has majority control over the final decisions. The owner of the hotel has a reputation to hide some details about the hotel and how successful it actually is. Based on the last discussion me and Justin had, it seems that it's not worth as much as initially told. I have informed the lawyer and he is aware of the contract that we are representing. It's clear that the owner wanted to rush the deal to try and hide some of the information regarding how many customers they have per year..."

"Hold on, so we're here for a meeting without all the facts. Do we have all of the correct figures now for the hotel?"

"Yes, I have a printed copy here for you and I have highlighted anything that has changed." She handed me a document. There weren't too many changes other than the amount of people that actually book which in the end affects the revenue and profit. It was bad faith.

"I'm guessing that they were hoping to get you to invest to help the hotel to actually do well in the states and the expand. I've already spoken to the lawyer and he said that he also had a similar email form Jeremy, so he checked everything and changed the contract to just invest in the company for a few years to help them do well. That's only going to go through if you're okay with it."

"I will offer them a sum of money as an investment and have a small share but nothing other than that. Make sure that the lawyer draws up a shareholder contract."

"On it, I will make the phone call in my room and leave you to get ready."

"Thank You Eloise."

I nodded and headed back into the bathroom to shower.


Once I was ready, I headed into Eloise's room. The door was open, and she was sat at her table on her laptop typing away.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yes, sorry. I was just getting some emails done" She smiled and closed her laptop and put it away into her bag and headed towards the door and held it open for me.

"After you" She said, and I walked out and headed towards the elevator. Eloise locked her room and followed behind me.

There was a car waiting for us outside the hotel and we got in and headed to the other hotel for the meeting. 

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