Chapter 37 - "It's him"

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Eloise's POV

I greeted a lot of people and it got to the point where I needed a drink, so I headed to the bar.


"Hello Justin, so I guess you're my date"

"Yeah Ryan told me on our way here."

"I can't believe that her and Ryan and together."

"He told me who he was dating on the way here"

"So, we were both pretty blind about this?"

"Yeah. Well I had a bit of an idea since you mentioned having a blind date."

"But wait you didn't put this in the calendar?"

"Ryan told me not too and now I know why"

"They both set us up"

"Yep they did."

"Sorry Miss Taylor, the venue manager is requesting to see you."

"Excuse me Justin. I will see you later" he smiled and then walked back to Ryan and Lucy.

"What's wrong?" I said to the staff member.

"I'm not sure but he said to find you. He's in there" he pointed towards the reception venue.

I headed in and saw the venue manager with the venue security.

"Is everything okay?"

"Ma'am, there is someone here requesting to see you and they are refusing to leave until they have spoken to you. Here's a picture" I looked at the tablet an it was Aaron. How did he know about the wedding?

"Give me a second. wait here" I walked out of the reception area which was ready. I looked around and found Lucy stood with Ryan and Justin. I went over.

"Hi nice to see you Ryan"

"Nice to see you too Taylor"

"Sorry but I need you, now" I said to Lucy and she looked at me concerned.

Lucy followed me to where the venue manager was.

"He's here"


"I don't know but please tell me there is something that you can do to get rid of him?"

"Yeah where is security?"

"Here" the venue security came over to Lucy.

"So, this guy is out on bail and needs to be kept away from all of the guests. Don't let him anywhere near the wedding party. Eloise has a restraining order against him which I can email over to you if you need it. Once he's gone, you let me know. If he comes back again, you call the police. I'm a lawyer and I represent her."

"Okay thank you ma'am. I will make sure that all of the security on the grounds know."

"Make sure that the guests don't find out." I said. "And the bride and groom"


"No not today. he doesn't get to ruin today. End of. Now if you'll excuse me, we need to get the guests seated."

I walked away. Spoke to one the staff members and made sure that they knew to open the reception curtains and get the guests seated. I grabbed a scotch from the bar and headed outside for some air. I had to keep it together.

Justin's POV

Lucy came back looking concerned and typing on her phone.

"Everything okay?" Ryan said

"Nope, I need to send an email to a colleague and make sure that he gets something filed now."

"What's going on?" I said as I watched Eloise walking outside.

"How much do you know about the court case?" she asked me.

"I know that she is pressing charges against someone she used to work with. That's about it"

"I thought you had a background check done."

"I did, I skim read the bits that were necessary, and I left it up to Eloise if she wanted to tell me anything else."

"Well that person is her ex that attacked her. He got bail by using his Grandmother's health. He's here but security is getting rid of him. I need you to do something?"

"Yeah anything."

"Stay with her. even if she pushes you away, stay with her. If I'm seen checking up on her Marcus will know but you're her date so he won't question it"

"Of course, I'll see you later"

I headed out of the marque... 

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