Chapter 4 - Tours

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Eloise's POV 

I woke up to my phone ringing and I didn't recognise the number. 

" Hello" I tried to sound as awake as possible. 

"Hi Miss Taylor, this is Justin Bieber from Bieber Enterprises" 

"Hello Mr Bieber. how are you?" I didn't know what else to say. 

"I'm well thank you, How are you?" 

"I'm good thank you" 

"well I was just calling to say we would like to offer you the job as my personal assistant. I was wondering if you could come to the office today to sign the contract and some other paperwork and also have a tour of the office before you start on Monday"

"Yes of course. what time would you like me to come to the office?"

"Is just after lunch okay with you?"

"yes of course, thank you so much Mr Bieber" 

"Your welcome, see you later" 

Then he hung up. I can't believe I got the job.  How did I even get the job. In that moment I messaged Lucy and told her that I got the job and that I was going to see my brother after I had gone to the office. I asked her if she had seen my locket necklace.  I had lost it just after the interview yesterday and I thought that she might have seen it somewhere in the apartment but she hadn't. 


I had driven to the office building and walked to the receptionist and Mr Bieber was talking to her. I waited until they're conversation was over and then smiled at them. 

"Hey Miss Taylor, here's your ID badge for the day. I will get you your official on Monday but this should be okay for the day. Oh and by the way I'm Mandy" She smiled. 

"Thank you Mandy and please call me Eloise." I grabbed the ID badge. 

Right on time Mr Bieber appeared to escort me to his office and go through the paperwork. 

"Right here you go Mandy and please find the owner of this necklace" he handed Mandy and locket that looked just like mine. "Now Miss Taylor shall we begin the tour and sign some paperwork". Justin looked confused. 

"Yeah sorry can I just have a look at that locket please" Mandy handed it over to me. I opened it and saw the picture of me and my dad and me and my brother. " sorry this is mine, I lost it yesterday." 

"Oh I didn't realise it was yours" Mr Bieber said. 

"Well thank you I'm so glad that I got this back. Anyway shall we start the tour".

" Yeah come on." I then followed Mr Bieber

The office was huge and at the top floor was Mr Bieber's office and next to his was mine. It was already being furnished and not going to lie I loved it. 

"You can change anything in here that you would like and obviously feel free to add what you need as well." 

"Thank you, it's perfect". 

"My office is just next door and all the paperwork is ready to sign."


We move into his office and there are 3 different documents on the desk. 

"Here's the contract for the work as a PA. This one is an NDA so anything said in meeting etc shouldn't be repeated outside of the workplace and to people who don't work here. But also not everyone needs to know about certain things. And this is a document permission for a background check." 

"Might be a silly question but will you see the information of the background check?" 

"Why are you hiding something?" he said with a smirk. "sorry not appropriate. Yes I will see it but anything on their won't be seen by anyone but me and I may ask you questions about some issues or queries. Also you should be aware that there is a 30 day trials of which you will be paid but it's to ensure that you do the job correctly and we get to know whether you would like to continue. It can be hard working here". 

"okay thank you. I'm not hiding anything but I've had a bit of a rough past and I didn't want that to defy me because I not anything like you would expect me to be in that and they're might be stuff on their that even I didn't know. I'm sorry I rambling." 

He just looked at me like he was trying to figure out what to say. 

"Listen, I won't ever question your personal life. Well I will want to get to know you because we will be working together a lot but the background check will never be discussed again if you don't want it to be but it is company policy. Anything you say to me will never be judged. I'm not like that and don't hesitate to ask for anything." He said with a smile. 

"you nothing like the tabloids say you are" He looked confused. "well the tabloids say your this hard ass that everyone seems to hate and that your impossible to work with"I then realised what I had just said to my boss. "oh my god. No I didn't mean it like that." He just chuckled. 

"It's fine Eloise. I don't mind. I try not to read the tabloids. But I'm glad you were honest about what you've read. That itself tells me you will be a good PA. Great way of knowing what it will be like to work here. One of your jobs will be to work with public relations and sort out any issues within the media." 

I nodded. I didn't know what to say and to be honest I need a drink right now. Trying to fill the awkwardness...

"So I'll sign these and then will I start on Monday."

"yep and you get a 30 day period to decide if you want to change your mind or want to change something in your contract" 

"Okay thank you" 

I signed all three documents and handed them to Mr Bieber. I can't believe how today turned out and I still can't believe what I said and that fact that he was so chill over it. I really need to watch what I say next time. 

"Thank you and see you on Monday Eloise."

"see you on Monday Mr Bieber" 

"please call me Justin."

"Thank you Justin and thank you for finding my necklace" 

"I'm glad you got it back" 

Justin walked me down to the car park and I drove off to see my brother. He should be home by now. 

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