Chapter 44 - Court Day 2

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Author's note - this chapter is the most graphic and violent. If you are not comfortable with it then you can skip it. You won't be missing much. 

Eloise's POV

Justin dropped me home last night after we had finished work. I got ready for today and Lucy was taking me again. She was worried that if I got nervous that I wouldn't be able to drive.

I was nervous since today I was going up on the stand and I don't think that I was prepared at all. We had done a mock trial to get me prepared for the line of questioning that they had predicted.

"Don't be nervous. I'm here if you need me" Lucy said in the car.

I nodded and we made our way in. There was press there because Aaron used to work with his dad and the company got shut down and then Aaron went to prison so it drew a lot of attention.

I ignored any questions and kept my head down.

Once we got to the main building, we went to a side room next to the court room until we had to go to in.

I was staring at the wall and Lucy had to grab my shoulder to get me out of my daydream. I was going to be asked questions and forced to relive that day.

"We have to go in. You will need to sit with me and then for the rest of the trial you can sit in the public seats with Marcus"

"Okay, I'm ready"


"Can we have the victim sworn on the stand" the judge said.

I got up and made my way to the Stand and step onto the podium.

"I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."

Lucy then got up and walked towards me. I knew what questions she was going to ask me, so I was ready.

"We've presented the evidence including the statement you made to the police, but we want to get some things on the record in the courtroom. Can you tell the court why you were in Aaron James' house?"

"I went to his house because he had invited me over. I had planned to ask to come over, but he had beaten me to it. We had a few arguments over those previous months, and it was becoming a toxic relationship and I had decided that I wanted to break up with him"

"What did he say when you said that you wanted to break up with him?"

"He wasn't happy. He wanted to give it another got but I had said no. I wasn't happy in the relationship. He had started to shout at me, and things had gotten heated. Aaron said that he wouldn't let me leave until I had agreed that I would give him another chance."

"What happened then?"

"he grabbed me and pushed me onto the sofa and had his knee on top of me stopping me from leaving. I tried to push him off, but I couldn't"

"Take your time, what happened after that?" Lucy said giving me a small smile as reassurance.

"He ripped of my top and jeans. He dragged me to his bedroom and put me on the bed. Every time I tried to get up, he pushed me back down. He punched me a few times as well." I started to get teared up. I didn't want him to see me cry. "He then ripped off my underwear and forced himself on me. I told him to stop and I tried to push him off, but he didn't. He first forced me with my mouth and then forced me to have sex" I couldn't look anyone in the eye. I hadn't noticed that I had started crying until the tears fell in my lap.

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