Chapter 13 - Dinner

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Justin's POV

I had a call from the caterers, and they suggested to test the food to finalise the menu and have it sent to the chefs. Since this event needs to be organised by me and my PA, I decided to invite Eloise for dinner to decide the menu.

I can't believe that she rang me last night. Surprised was just one word to describe it. I felt bad about teasing her that she was hungover, but it was the highlight of my day yesterday.

Dinner was being served and I couldn't help but smile getting to know her. I hadn't been this happy in a long time. I was starting to enjoy work and not seeing it as a burden anymore.

Choosing the menu was getting difficult. there was a large selection to choose from and this event had to go perfectly especially since it was the first one that I would be hosting for the company.

The charity that I had chosen for this year was a charity to support children in care and moving into adulthood where they provide for themselves. It was important to me because I had my parents around me when I grew up and I couldn't imagine what it would be like if they weren't in my life. They made me who I am.


Once we had finished deciding the menu, we headed into the lounge with our glasses of wine. It was a good evening and it was nice to get out of the work environment. It was surprising that it had only been 2 days since she had started working with me.

"So please tell me why you chose this charity?" She said curiously with a smile.

"Umm to be honest I chose the charity for some weird reasons to be honest. Well I grew up with my parents around me and supporting me. My parents were some of the best parents I could have possibly ever had. I chose the charity because I don't know what I would have done with my life if my parents weren't around. I have a lot to thank them for. The charity funds for young adults to have a good start in life and not have to worry too much. I've seen some flats that they live in and some of them violate the laws. I got those people into better accommodation and then I found this charity that helps young people in these situations." Eloise was looking at me in admiration.

"You should show this side more often."

"What do you mean?"

"You truly care about people. You're not cold hearted like the PR department allow people to think. Your speech at the gala should reflect that and the one they gave you is generic, and media would see that. Write and say what you would like and be honest about the charity choice."

"Thank You Eloise. It means a lot and I will start editing that speech tomorrow, but I have to make sure it passes the PR department"

"Well yeah there is that"

We sat in silence for a moment.

"So... tell me a little more about you and your family" Earlier she was telling me about her brother and fiancé and her best friend that was practically her sister.

"Well what do you want to know?"

"Anything. Whatever you want to tell me" I didn't want her to feel like I was prying.

"Well I grew up with me and my dad and brother. We had a happy family home. I honestly don't know where I would be without my dad today. My dad was in the army and when I was sixteen when he went missing abroad whilst working. They never found him, and they have just presumed that he passed away. After that my brother took care of me, he is all that I have left. Well in saying that, I have my best friend who is my sister and my brother's fiancé who took care of me whilst my brother was on tours with the army". She strong. It's amazing how much she's gone through and she still keeps going.

She wasn't looking at me after she spoke. I grabbed her hand to get her attention.

"Listen, you should be proud of where you are today. It's amazing and admirable to see where you have come today." She smiled at me before we were interrupted.

"Sorry Mr Bieber but Esther has been dropped off" My maid had entered the room.

"thank you, she'll be fine to come in. Are you allergic to dogs Eloise?"

"No, I'm not"

"Okay, I'll see her then"

A few moments later my maid came in with my puppy. Esther jumped straight onto the table and then onto they sofa.

"Hey buddy" I rubbed Esther and she ran away straight to Eloise. It was really strange because she never takes to people straight away, but she loved Eloise.

"Wow, she normally never like anyone. She doesn't even like Ryan. She peed on him last time."

We both laughed.

"OMG. well I hope that she doesn't pee on me."

"No, she won't, she definately likes you"

Esther was sat on Eloise and was starting to doze off.

Eloise's phone buzzed and she grabbed it.

"Sorry Justin but I'm going to have to go."

"no, I understand, thank you for dinner."

"No thank you Justin, everything was perfect"

"and you were amazing company. Here let me call the driver to make sure you get home safe."

"No, it's okay. I'll get an Uber."

"Please let me, it won't be a problem"


She gave in and I called the driver to meet at the front of the property. Once I got confirmation, I out my phone in my pocket.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yes, thank you"

"See you say thank you too much" We both laughed.

We headed to the car and I dropped her off to her apartment building.

"Well this is me" she said

"see you in the morning Eloise"

"See you in the morning Justin" We both smiled before she headed out and once she got into the building, I told the driver to go and drop me to my apartment.

Once I got back, I headed to my room and went to have a shower before I headed to bed. 

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