Chapter 72 - Christmas Eve!

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Eloise's POV 

Me and Justin have been going strong. We were still trying to figure out who had released the information about us. Luke was looking at the list that we gave him and looking at the people who could have possibly done it. He also looked at some external staff and some of the clients but we haven't found anything yet. To be honest, since the situation wasn't too serious, we didn't really think much into it.

We have been off of work for a week for Christmas and we didn't have to go back until after New Years. It was nice preparing for Christmas with Justin. We had agreed to spend tonight at my brother's house for dinner and then we were spending Christmas with his family. I was really nervous but I had met his family a few times now but I was still nervous about spending Christmas with them. 

Me and Justin just about set up the Christmas tree. Turns out Justin has never put up a tree in his place for a very long time. He always used to just help put up the ones at his parents but never one here. Apparently Natalie used to put one up at her place but not here so trying to find the perfect tree was hard but we did it just about. 

I've also struggled to get Justin a Christmas present. Even after dating for 9 months now, I don't know what to get him but I just about found him a present the other day. 

It was nice having the time off with Justin and we made the most of it. He took me ice-skating and I forced him to come to Winter Wonderland and it was fun. 

I also went Christmas shopping with Pattie as well which was fun. She treated me like I was her own daughter too. She was the mother that I never had. 

"Babe I'm back" Justin shouted. He had spent the entire day doing last minute Christmas shopping with Ryan. It turns out that he is not that great at getting presents for people. He hadn't brought anyone anything until today so thank god he was able too. Lucy was going back to her parents for Christmas and so was Ryan and then Ryan was joining her on Boxing Day. 

"I'm upstairs babe" I was on my laptop going through some emails before we went out today since a lot of people wanted to get the work done before the year was out and so that they didn't have to look at any work for the next week and a half. 

Justin walked in and he still had his jacket on and he was shaking. 

"I told you to wear a proper coat and hat and scarf"

"Okay mum" he said making me laugh. 

He gave me a kiss and his lips were freezing. 

"Go have a warm bath or shower to warm up and then we have to get going" 

"Okay, what are you wearing for dinner?"

"We have a rule of Christmas jumpers" 

"I don't have one" 

"I thought you wouldn't so I got you one. Its on your dresser" 

"thanks babe" he said getting into the shower. 

I turned off my computer and grabbed my jumper dress off of the chair and put it on with my tights and I was planning to wear my heeled boots. 

I had already straightened my hair so I brushed out the knots and topped up my make-up. 

I was ready so I packed up the Christmas present from under the tree and popped them in a bag for Marcus and Allison. 

"I'm ready babe...Woah you look gorgeous"

"Thank you" I said giving him a quick kiss. 


We had just finished dinner and were set talking in the lounge. 

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