Chapter 67 - "Pregnant?"

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Eloise's POV 

Me and Justin got back from Paris about 2 weeks ago and we went straight to the office after Lunch. We spent the night before together wide awake most of the night. I couldn't get enough of him and he couldn't get enough of me. I sometimes stay the night at his or he will stay the night at mine. 

I had just finished work and was heading to my brother's house since I hadn't seen him for a very long time. The last time I saw him was my birthday but I didn't get the chance for a proper catch up. They got back from their honeymoon and I was so busy with work that I couldn't get time to go and see them. 

I knocked on the door and Marcus answered the door. 

"Eww no I thought it was the pizza" he joked. 

"Ha ha, you need to work on your jokes."

"That was a good one" he opened the door wide to let in. "How are you Eloise?"

"I'm good. How are you?"

"I'm great" 

"When do you go back to work?"

"In a few weeks. Speaking of work. How is yours?"

"It's great, a bit busy but it's good"

"How is your boyfriend treating you?"

"He is treating me like a queen" 

"As he should" Allison said coming down the stairs "How are you?"

"I'm good. How are you?"

"Im fine but look at you, aren't you glowing" 

"I don't want to hear this next bit" Marcus had his fingers in his ears as he walked off into the kitchen. Me and Allison headed into the lounge and sat on the sofa. 

"Well I want to know everything. How was Paris?"

"Oh Allison it was perfect. He had planned everything. I don't think there was anything that we didn't do" 

"That's good. Now where is Lucy, I thought you were going to pick her up and bring her here"

"I was going to but she rang me earlier and said she is preparing for a trial next week so they have to get a lot of work done. Apparently opposing council are trying to drown them in paperwork. She hasn't been home in about a week and a half. I'm a bit worried about her. She's been staying with Ryan and he said some nights he has to force her to get some sleep" 

"Work has been putting a lot of pressure on her. She came here when you were away to visit and she said that they may offer her a promotion but only if she stays on top of the game" 

"I've been meaning to talk to her" 


"Well I was going to tell the both of you. I thought we could do a girls night but I can't hold it back any longer" 

"Okay tell me and then you can fill Lucy in" 

"Well in Paris, I told Justin that I love him" 

"Oh my god"

"I know and he said it back" 

"Oh my god that's amazing" she came over and gave me a hug. "I'm so happy for you" 

"I know it's soon but I love him" 

"you know with me and Marcus, I knew that I loved him in the 4th month of our relationship but I never told him. I waited for him and it took him a year to say it first"

"He was hopeless sometimes. I'm sure he loved you a lot sooner than when he told you" 

"He did. He told me that afterwards. Now what else happened in Paris. You're holding back" 

"Okay, well we sort of..." her eyes went wide. 

"You had sex" she pretty much screamed. 

"Okay shhhh. I don't want my brother to know any more about my sex life but yes we did and he was amazing." 

"I may want the details but I will wait for Lucy to save you the embarrassment of having to through it twice" 

"thank you" 

"Did I just hear that right?" Marcus walked in. 

"Hear what?" 

"That you and Justin had sex" he was getting overprotective. 

"No... I said that I ate a lot of crepes" 

"Uh huh" he said. He definitely didn't believe me but I think he got the hint that I didn't want to talk about it. 

"Go make me some dinner please" I said trying to get him out of here to save myself from anymore embarrassment. 

"Actually, Marcus can you grab my bag" he walked out of the room "And the box next to it" Allison shouted. 

Marcus came in with the bag on his shoulder and the box in his hands. 

"Suits you" I joked 

"Funny" he said as he was taking it off nearly hitting me in the process. 

"Marcus come sit down" Allison said as she handed me the box that Marcus got. 

"What is this?"

"Open it to find out" 

I opened the box and there was tissue paper on the top so I took it off and saw a baby scan with a baby grow and a pregnant test. I picked up the sonogram and the baby grow. It said 'my favourite auntie'

"Pregnant?" I looked up "You're pregnant?"

Allison had tears in her eyes and Marcus was filming me. Allison nodded her head. I moved the box off my lap and gave her a hug. 

"Oh my God. This is amazing. Congratulations" 

"Just promise not to tell anyone yet. I went for the scan this morning and you're the first person we have told." Allison said 

I looked back at the box and back at Allison and I had tears in my eyes. 

"How many weeks are you?"

"8 today" 

"Woah two months already" 

"Yep" Marcus said. "Do I not get a hug too?"

I got up off the sofa and over to Marcus and sat next to him and gave him a hug. 

"Congratulations Marky" 

"Thank you Ellie." he said kissing the top of my head. 

Allison got up and went towards the kitchen. 



"Don't die" he looked down at me "When you go back to work, don't die" 

"I'll try not to" 

"I'm serious. Allison needs you, the baby needs you and I need you so be careful when you get deployed" 

"Don't worry. I will come home and whilst I'm away, you can look after Allie and the baby for me" 

"Always, I'll come over when I can" 

"Now shall we have some fake champagne" Allison held up glasses and a bottle of fake champagne. 

"Yeah let's do it" 

Marcus got up and popped it open and Allison handed him the glasses. 

"Cheers to Baby Taylor" Marcus said. 

"To Baby Taylor" we all said in unison. 

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