Chapter 22 - Flight

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Eloise's POV

"Eloise" I felt someone slightly shaking me. "Eloise" I hate being woken up.

I opened my eyes and noticed that I was asleep on someone. I lifted my head and noticed that I was in Justin's car.

"I'm so sorry" Yet another embarrassing moment.

Justin smiled, "it's okay. we're at the airport"

"I've been asleep that long?"

"Yeah but that's fine. You've had a long day and you need some sleep. Come on."

Justin got out of the car first and then held the door open for me. We were not outside an airport; we were outside the plane and it was bigger than I thought it would be.


"You can get changed on the plane if you want, I think the toilets here are not that big"

"Yeah that's cool"

I went to the back of the car to get to the boot and get my suitcase.

"Surprisingly small suitcase."

"We are coming back on Tuesday, right?" I asked to make sure.

"Yes, we are. and here I thought you were the PA" We both laughed.

"Sorry but I had to double check. I didn't think I would need too much. It's two meetings and a dinner right and then we leave on the Tuesday morning. I brought spare clothes too. Oh, and shoes".

"So, you are prepared?"


"Mr Bieber Miss Taylor, the plane is ready for you whenever you are".

"shall we?" I said to Justin. I was excited for the plane journey. I had always travelled economy and now I'm going on a private jet.

"After you?"

I walked towards the private jet and walked up the stairs and there was a lot of room. I followed the steward and they took me to my seat and Justin sat in his next to me.

"We'll be taking off in half an hour. You can turn your devices to airplane mode and connect to the Wi-Fi if you wish. any drinks in the meantime?"

"I'll take a water bottle please" Justin said.

"Anything for you ma'am?"

"No thank you."

"Well let me know if you need anything. You are free to get changed in the bedroom. The luggage is already in there on the racks for you"

"Thank you. Eloise do you want to go first. I need to you the toilet"

"Yeah sure".

We both got up and Justin followed me into the bedroom. turns out there's a toilet in here too. I put my suitcase on the bed and unzipped it. the first thing I did was take all of the pins out of my hair and put take it out. I had a pretty tight bun and it was starting to give me a headache. I'm going to leave it out so that my hair isn't being pulled. Then I took my heels off and put them away. I then grabbed my jumper and my leggings to get into since it was the early hours of the morning and I needed something comfy to sleep in.

As I was getting my stuff out, Justin came out of the bathroom with part of his shirt undone and with a face towel. He must have washed his face. I grabbed my clothes and headed to the bathroom to get changed so that Justin could have the bedroom.

I stopped and then realised that I won't be able to reach my zipper of my dress since Allison had done it for me and I couldn't reach it. Oh god as if this trip couldn't get any more embarrassing.

"Sorry I'll go" Justin looked uncomfortable whilst heading out.

"Actually" he stopped before he opened the door. "I don't want to be a pain, but you could help me with my zip. I only need it taken down some of the way and then I can do the rest."

"of course," he smiled and headed towards me and I turned around and moved my hair out of the way. I had shivers going down my spine as he slowly started to make his way to the zip and bring it down. I had to control my breathing for a second. Justin was so close to my neck as well and it was making me nervous and a bit giddy. His fingers touched me and went down slowly across the middle of my back.

"Is that far enough?" he had stopped just before the end of the zipper near my underwear.

"yeah that's perfect, thank you"

I turned around and headed back into the bathroom and locked the door. I let out a deep breath that I didn't even realise that I was holding. My heart was racing, and my skin was burning from his touch. I could hear some movement in the bedroom. I guess Justin was getting changed.

I quickly got out of my dress and put on my Melrose avenue jumper with my black leggings and boots. I then realised that I had left my washbag in my suitcase in the bedroom. I built up the courage to go into the bedroom.

"S-sorry I forgot my wash-bag" He was stood shirtless. I swear there was drool going down my chin. I quickly realised what I was doing and grabbed my washbag from the suitcase.

I noticed Justin had a big grin on his face when I was going back into the bathroom. What is going on with me. I was feeling hot and flushed. I must have had too much to drink at the gala.

I took off my makeup and washed my face. I grabbed my moisturiser putting it on my face and neck. I then grabbed a hair bobble to loosely tie up my hair to sleep for a bit. With the time zone difference, we would arrive during the some of the early hours and we would head to the hotel suite.

Once I was done and looked semi-presentable, I headed out the bathroom and Justin was already in bed, asleep so I packed up my suitcase quietly and sneaked out the room to get back to my seat to sleep for a bit.

"You know I can hear you right?" Justin said making me jump.

"I'm so sorry. I woke you up. I'm just going to go" I was about to walk out when he stopped me again.

"I wasn't asleep, but I was going to sleep so you have nothing to say sorry for" I nodded.

"Is there anything that you need?"

"Ummm maybe a wakeup calls please. I'm so tired that I'm worried I won't wake up with my phone alarm."

"Of course," I then headed out of the room and headed to my seat and got comfortable to sleep.

"Ma'am would you like me to recline the seat?"

"Oh yes please" I smiled awkwardly. I feel silly that I didn't know.

"is there a time that you would like to be woken up?"

"Yes please, 40 minutes before we land please."

"Of course, Ma'am. we are about to take off" It was 3am by this point and the flight was 6 hours.

I curled up into myself and soon fell asleep. I fell asleep before the plane took off. I was really tired especially since it had been a long day. I was excited for New York and to see this new side of the job that I had never done before.

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