Chapter 25 - business deals and lunch

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Justin's POV

It wasn't too much of a long ride to the hotel. At hotel we were greeted by an employee of the hotel.

"Mr Bieber. It's a pleasure to meet you. This way please"

I followed the guy inside the hotel and the lobby was quite full which surprised me especially with the figure that I saw this morning. Something didn't seem right. 

We were escorted into a conference room and I noticed that the hotel had quite a few conference rooms which would be good for business especially with the location of the hotel.

"Welcome Mr Bieber. Can we get you something to drink or eat sir?"

"Just a water for me thank you" I sat down at my seat.

"And what about for you ma'am" he asked Eloise.

"Water too please" she smiled and sat next to me at the conference table with her laptop and documents ready.

Our lawyer was already here, and he was sat on the other side of me. On the opposite side of the table was Mr Jenkins who was the hotel owner.

"How are you finding New York Mr Bieber?"

"Very well thank you. I have always enjoyed coming here."

"Now shall we get to business"

"Yes, we shall. There were actually a few things that I would like to discuss with you first if that's alright. Miss Taylor?"

Eloise handed me the files.

"Now I have always been happy to expand and to help other businesses with expanding. But it seems to be difficult to do that here Mr Jenkins. I wasn't too pleased to find out that the accurate copies of the figures for the hotel was never given to me. In fact, I found out this morning and it all seems to be evidence of bad faith wouldn't you say?"

He stayed quiet for a moment.

"That wasn't the case Mr Bieber. It was important for us to get you to invest and have a stake in the company. We would be grateful for your guidance especially with the experience you and the company have."

"Well unfortunately Mr Jenkins I cannot do that. The best that I can offer you is this..." I slid the contract across the table, and he passed it to his lawyer.

"Mr Bieber, that isn't fair..." I interrupted him

"Mr Jenkins isn't it ironic that you say that. You told me a couple of days ago that unless I turned up to the meeting today, that we wouldn't be having a deal so as a favour and as an act of good-faith I changed my schedule to make sure that I could get here on time. The least that I expected from you was the truth. I simply cannot go into business with someone who thinks it's okay to lie about the figures of a hotel. The best I can offer you is what is in that contract and I'm not increasing that figure. Now you have two hours decide with your lawyers whether you would like to be in some form of business with Bieber Enterprise".

I took a sip of the water and stood up and left the meeting and Eloise followed behind me. The Lawyer soon followed.

"Thank you, Mr Bieber. I believe that they would take that offer and I will ring you once I have a response."

"Thank you for coming here so last minute. It's very much appreciated. Now we will be heading off"

I shook his hand and me and Eloise headed back to the car.

"Back to the hotel?" the driver said.

"No actually can we go to Joseph Leonard's on Waverly please"

Eloise looked at me confused.

"What do you say to a bit of Brunch?"

"Sounds good"


We arrived pretty quickly to the restaurant and we headed inside to get a table.

"Table for two" the waiter asked.

"Yes, thank you"

"Oh, I'm so sorry Mr Bieber. I didn't recognise you. We have your usual table if that's okay?"

"Yes, that perfect"

We followed the waiter and sat down for some brunch.

"So, everyone knows you then?" she said with a smirk.

"some people do, and some people do. I come here quite often so they are used to me being here. Have you been to New York before?"

"No, I haven't. I've always wanted to come"

"Well since we have the rest of today and tomorrow free, we can go sight-seeing"

"What do you mean we have the rest of today and tomorrow free?"

"The contract is quite basic, and the lawyer just needs my signature so as soon as that is done, we are free. But I have to request one rule..." she looked at me unsure. "no work talks. Just wonder around New York as friends"

"But I cannot just not...."

"Nope, you worked yesterday on your day off and part of today which is also your day off. So, to make up for it no more work for the next two days. End of." She was about to say something, but we were then interrupted by the waiter.

"Are you ready to order?"

"Are you Eloise?"

"Yes Mr Bieber"

"I will have the Omelette with watercress and goats' cheese. And could I have the Garibaldi please."

"And for you ma'am?"

"Could I have the Avocado Toast and French 75 please."

"Of course. I will be back with your drinks" he then walked away.

"Eloise please call me Justin when we are together"

"but what happened to staying professional?" She joked

"You know what I mean, and I hate to say it, but I would consider you my friend."

"Oh dear, a friend not a just a colleague anymore. Making my job more difficult."

We both laughed at her comment. Soon the waiter was back with our drinks and I knew I had to make the usual joke.

"don't drink that too fast. We still need you to be able to walk in a straight line" I grinned. she gave me the normal look of really.

"Not that joke again" we both laughed.

No one has ever made me laugh this much recently so it felt good. 

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