Chapter 27 - Home Time

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Eloise's POV

It was early Tuesday morning when my alarm woke me up. We were going to head back to London today and I was excited to see Lucy but also sad to leave New York. I had an amazing few days here and I would definitely love to come again.

I got showered and ready and ordered myself some breakfast. I heard some movement in Justin's room which gave me the indication that he was awake, so I don't have to wake him up. I got the hint that he wasn't a morning person.

After about 30 minutes I knocked on Justin's door because our flight was due to depart in 1 hour is, we had to leave soon.

He opened the door and he was wearing a t-shirt and jeans and I was wearing some casual clothes but was still slightly smarter. I was wearing some smart jeans and a sweatshirt. It was a warm day, but I knew the weather wasn't bound to be good in the UK. I was also wearing some heeled boots with my outfit. It all seemed autumnal even though it was spring. I love these boots since they are comfy, and they give me a height boost which is needed. I'm 5ft 3.

"Are you all packed?"

"Yes, do you need a hand with anything?"

"Actually yes, could you pack my clothes into my suitcase? I brought more than you and I still need to finish getting ready."

"Of course," I walked in the direction of his suitcase and Justin walked into the bathroom. The majority of his clothes were on the bed, so I picked the clothes off of the bed and folded them into his suitcase.

I then noticed that there were some clothes on the sofa, so I picked them up and folded them too.

"All done."

He walked out of the bathroom whilst still doing his hair. "How have you done that so fast?"

"There weren't that many clothes. Anything else?"

"Nope that's all done. but have you spoken to the pilot today?"

"He sent me an email with the flight details and that was it."

"Okay perfect. What time was the flight again?" how he kept himself organised before I will never know.

"The flight is at 10:30am so we land in the UK at 3:30pm UK time. You have your car waiting at the airport and my friend is picking me up. Oh, and we need to leave in 20 minutes to make it on time for the flight and check-out"

"Right well I'm done now" he said whilst he glided his hands through his hair.

"Okay, let me pack up your bathroom stuff then"

"Thank you" he said with a smile and I shook my head.

I headed into the bathroom and put all of his stuff back into his washbag and put it into his suitcase.

"How did you work without me?" I joked.

"Well Mandy used to help from time to time in the office and when I had to travel my mum used to ring me. It's actually embarrassing when I think about it. Most of the things get done for me at home. I have a cleaner and a cook and sometimes I then get bored because I don't do it myself but I'm the one to blame for that"

"Well the one day maybe you can cook for me. that might keep you busy at home and then I'll do the washing up. Best of both worlds"

He laughed at me

"What I'm serious. you called me your friend the other day. Isn't that what friends do? Hand out with each other?"

"True. and yes, I'm just messing with you"

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